It turned out that Liu Zhenfang told Li Ping.

This is a full moon red envelope for the child, and in the future, if his family marries his daughter-in-law, they will also return the gift as an uncle and aunt.

If you don’t accept gifts, after this son marries his daughter-in-law, is this to let himself not inform them?

As soon as Li Ping heard this, it was serious, and naturally he did not dare to promise that Zhao Guoqing would get married in the future, and he didn’t need to ask his uncle, so he accepted this money, and at a glance, it was amazing, a thousand yuan.

At this, she had no idea, and quickly talked to Huang Xiulian, saying that the eldest sister gave her a thousand yuan.

This is also too much.

“This is a gift money, you will have to exchange favors in the future, you receive this money, the National Day is so big, Xia He is not small, the two of them said that they will get married, you have to keep two thousand yuan in your hand at any time, otherwise when they get married, what are you going to take to raise this money?” And people give you a thousand, and buy so many things, you who are elders, don’t give more to others? Huang

Xiulian’s words can make Li Ping remember it in her heart.

This money can not be saved, if Liu Zhendian spends money like this, maybe it won’t be long before all the money is spent.

Looking back is really like the mother-in-law said, people get married and they don’t have money to give gifts, then it’s too serious, how humiliating is this for uncles and uncles?

So this time Li Ping also said this to Liu Zhendian.

Liu Zhendian was also moved in his heart, saying that his eldest sister and National Day were really good to him, and when they got married in the future, they must add some money.

Just give one thousand two, Xia He and Guoqing naturally can’t favor one over the other, and get at least 2,400 yuan.

This money cannot be moved at any time, and must be kept for his nephew and niece to marry.

With this idea, Liu Zhendian and Li Ping can save money, which is a later story.

When Zhao Guoqing came, the family home knew about him.

Because his jeep is parked on the side of the family home, and then people coming and going will look twice, or ask if this is the leader’s car, why is it parked here?

Some people will say that Liu Zhendian’s nephew is coming.

We all know that his nephew is powerful, very capable and rich, very capable and very capable, has hundreds of people in the factory, and is also the vice president of the Jiangcheng Chamber of Commerce.

Some people even took the opportunity to ask Huang Xiulian under the pretext of visiting Li Ping, did Zhao Guoqing have words such as marriage?

I want to introduce my relatives to Zhao Guoqing.

This can make Huang Xiulian happy, but she is also very happy to say that her grandson already has a fiancée, the girl is in college, and she will get married after graduating from college and so on.

When someone heard this, they were envious again.

The girls who went to college this year are still very few, which is very enviable.

After Zhao Guoqing and Liu Zhenfang came, Liu Zhendian said that he took advantage of his vacation to put the child’s full moon wine.

And when chatting with Zhao Guoqing, he also talked about the last confrontation match, and the three battalions he led won a big victory and won the first place in the entire Tianfu District.

It’s very long face for their station.

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So this time there were only a few days off, but I didn’t expect Zhao Guoqing to come over with his eldest sister, if not, he didn’t have time to accompany him, and he was busy training.

“Well, I can’t delay too long this time, the main thing is to see the children and you, turn around and take advantage of the May Day to send the eldest sister and mother back, waiting until the younger brothers and sisters of May Day have a holiday, and take them to Jiangcheng, it’s really not a coincidence this time, otherwise you can bring my aunt and little cousin back to play…” Li

Ping is still a little short of the full moon, although she is in good health, but there are children on the road too bumpy.

Huang Xiulian will also be here, and naturally does not approve of them going back.

It’s just that it’s the same when the child is older and when Liu Zhendian is free to go back after the holiday.

“I just miss my parents a little, go back to my eldest sister, bring me a letter, bring something back, when the baby is older, I’m taking the baby back to see them!”

Li Ping can’t help it at this time, the child is a little small.

This will not be able to leave the person at all, one moment to eat and drink, the next to pee.

Children are not over one and a half years old, and it is really not easy to come up with a trip back once.

However, this mother-in-law will come to the door to serve her confinement, and when her body recovers, she can bring the baby well, and she was always worried that she had no money to spend.

Because although Liu Zhendian’s salary allowance is quite large, he has a good heart, and he can’t see some of his comrades-in-arms in difficulty, so he always borrows money out.

So much so that I always leave myself empty-handed and embarrassed.

But now it’s different, Zhao Guoqing came over twice and brought a lot of belongings to his family, and this money was also stuffed into her hands, although she didn’t dare to spend it indiscriminately to save it, but she always had some confidence in her heart.

Liu Zhendian said that while he put a full moon wine in the courtyard in the past two days, everyone agreed with both hands, after all, the army has few holidays, who knows what Liu Zhendian will be busy with after a while?

So this will all agree, Zhao Guoqing and Zhao Er are also busy, specially helping the brother-in-law to put out the wine.

This time he planned to invite a courtyard and some comrades.

Originally, Liu Zhendian planned to set up three or four tables tomorrow.

But what surprised him was that many soldiers secretly sent gifts, although Liu Zhendian did not want to live or die, but people forced it over, and said that they wanted to drink the baby’s full moon wine.

In the end, let alone four tables, even eight tables can’t sit down.

This can make Liu Zhendian anxious, he doesn’t want to make a big deal, but this other person is uninvited, this can’t ignore the meal.

In the end, there was no way, or Liu Zhendian went to the leader and let ten tables be set up in an original canteen, and the soldiers had some friends and relatives drinking.

As for so many people, it is necessary to buy vegetables, Liu Zhendian is also very generous, specially ran to the farmer’s side, and actually found him a family with pigs to sell, which made Liu Zhendian happy, and simply bought people’s pigs for more than 200 yuan.

A big fat pig, asked a few soldiers to kill.

There were many of them, and in the end, he specially asked the help of the cooking class, saying that he invited everyone to dinner, but all the money given by those soldiers made Liu Zhendian quietly return it.

He plans to forget about his own subsidy, anyway, how can he ask for the money of the soldiers?

Although life in the army is okay, the conditions in this era are relatively difficult, and it is really not an easy thing to do without a festival, which is already the best way Liu Zhendian can think of.

Who knew that after this matter was known by the leaders above, they scolded him for making a fool, so in the name of the logistics department, they gave Liu Zhendian the money for buying pigs, saying that this time the third battalion of the military region confrontation competition won a big victory and gave the whole district a long face, so this is a treat to everyone.

And, during the meal, the leader also announced a very important thing.

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