Returning from the Chamber of Commerce, Zhao Guoqing made a call.

The call was answered by Song Siyuan.

She was very surprised, surprised, and almost laughed on the phone.

“Jiangcheng here China Merchants Bureau led a development zone, individuals can contract for seventy years, in which you can build a factory or something, about 10,000 pieces of one acre of land, I have analyzed, you can engage, I don’t have much money, I plan to contract fifty acres, if your family takes out money, also contract a little, I remember that your family also opened a factory, this will not be a loss…”

On the phone, Zhao Guoqing did not say much to Song Siyuan.

I just said that I have analyzed the policy, and at present, because many people dare not be sure, they are vacillating and do not dare to contract.

Therefore, the location of the first batch is the best, and the price is also the best, if Song Siyuan has money in his hands, it is recommended to contract a batch at that time.

You can take care of it with him.

“Ah, well, thank you, I’ll discuss.”

Song Siyuan was stunned for a moment, but he was very moved in his heart, feeling that he had been good to Zhao Guoqing, and it was finally not in vain, and he remembered to remind himself.

She immediately called back to ask her family.

It was my father who answered the phone, and he thought for a moment that there was such a thing, but they did not plan to contract the investment.

Because his family has discussed, he feels that so much money is taken out, not insurance, afraid of any change in the policy, this will say what contract for seventy years, this money is a lot, when the time comes, if there is any change, the money taken out will definitely not be returned.

So the family is reluctant to take risks.

What land to contract.

But Song Siyuan had great trust in Zhao Guoqing at this time, and she called and felt that it was not clear, so she simply packed up and returned to Jiangcheng with a sum of money.

When she went home, she mortgaged all the money she could mobilize, even the dowry that her parents had prepared for her, and all the houses and cars she had, and borrowed a circle from relatives and friends, and finally went to find Zhao Guoqing.

She said that she would also contract 50 acres of land like him.

When he saw Song Siyuan returning, Zhao Guoqing was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, she actually came back from Shangjing?

When asked, she came back specifically for this matter, saying that the family did not agree very much, but she felt that Zhao Guoqing specially called over, so she had to follow the contract.

“I originally wanted to contract a hundred acres of land, but at home, my father was a little worried, he felt that it was too risky, so this land was contracted by me, and my brother also lent me some money!”

Song Siyuan took out this 500,000 yuan, which was actually a little difficult at this time.

But at this time, he did not hesitate, and even told Zhao Guoqing that he still had to go back to Shangjing, and after a period of time, after the business arrangement over there, he would return to Jiangcheng.

Song Siyuan was also very busy during this time, she opened up some of the delivery problems of goods, and spread the goods from this side of Jiangcheng to the north side, and the sales were quite large.

“Well, when the time comes, the land you contract will be next to mine, and there will be a care for any changes in the future!”

“Okay, I’ll put the money here, you will do the rest, I don’t worry!”

Song Siyuan also agreed, and directly asked Zhao Guoqing to help him contract fifty acres of land, and the rest was left to him.

She didn’t worry about anything, she just felt that Zhao Guoqing’s character was fine.

Zhao Guoqing in order to choose a good land, and specially ran a few times, he fancy a piece of land by the lake, such a location place, the environment is good, there will be any changes in the future demolition compensation, there will be advantages.

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As for Song Siyuan’s land, he chose the side of the road next to his own land, because Zhao Guoqing took almost a hundred acres of land, which is the one with the most contracted land in Jiangcheng this time, so the planned road is directly placed next to this land.

In this way, the transportation problem was solved after they built the factory in the future.

In addition, they were the first people to respond to the call and policy and contract the factory buildings in the development zone, so when measuring, it was said that it was fifty acres of land, but in fact, a lot of water was released.

In particular, Zhao Guoqing said that his family’s land is close to the lake, and the lake water rises every year, and when he measured it, he was given nearly 10 acres of land.

But at this time, it is June, almost the rainy season in Jiangcheng, at this time the lake is rising, and when the lake falls, Zhao Guoqing’s side is larger, and the contract says that it is along the lake, which is equivalent to tacitly allowing his family to build some buildings by the lake.

This is difficult to imagine in the next few decades, but at the time, no one felt that there was anything wrong.

Therefore, Zhao Guoqing bought fifty acres of land, but got nearly sixty or seventy acres of land with beautiful lake views, and then he vacated the lakeside and designed and built a two-story warehouse and factory building near the roadside.

There are also staff canteens and dormitories.

Because the area is too large, at present, we can only plan first, and build a little bit of factory dormitories, and most of the land is temporarily vacated.

Zhao Guoqing left all this to professional people to do.

He didn’t care too much, just wanted to pay, but fortunately he was mentally prepared and took half a million on the side.

After Song Siyuan got the land, there was a small problem, that is, she found that she had no money to build a factory, and finally temporarily left the land empty, which made his family feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts and felt that she was a little messy.

The money is spent, and you can’t see a return for the time being?

But Song Siyuan didn’t pay attention to it, only felt that this was good, she liked that position.

At the same time, the shop on the side of Tianfu City has been decorated and is about to open.

Zhao Guoqing planned to go, but before leaving, he called the store manager over to Sanchakou.

Which round-faced Zhao Yuan over there is in charge.

“You have a small task here, that is, pay attention to observe the children’s clothing store opposite, whether there is a man, an older one, appear, and then record the time, etc…”

Zhao Guoqing told Zhao Yuan about Chen Furong’s adulterer.

I hope Zhao Yuan will pay attention, because he is very busy now, and it is unrealistic to expect him to keep an eye on him.

So it’s better to let Zhao Yuan help him see.

Once discovered, with the time recorded, it can basically lock people up after confirming the results of tracking on Yingshan City.

That way the adulterer could be found.

The things that make him lingering can also be satisfactorily resolved.

“Okay, boss, don’t worry, it’s wrapped up on me…”

Zhao Yuan assured with a smile, she was the first batch of salespeople recruited by Zhao Guoqing to do things, step by step to become the current store manager, can be in the position of alone.

Zhao Guoqing was also more at ease with her.

“By the way, boss, there is something I want to tell you here, Li Wan, do you remember?”

Zhao Yuan suddenly mentioned Li Wan.

Zhao Guoqing’s eyes narrowed, which reminded him of something bad.

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