Li Wan is the woman who was once hurt by Zhao Daqing.

After she wanted to commit suicide and was saved by Zhao Guoqing, she divorced her man and was left by Zhao Xiahe as a salesperson in a specialty store.

However, Zhao Guoqing has seen Li Wan several times, and every time she has a trace of sadness on her brows, the whole person is always listless, and she doesn’t like to talk when she sees people.

“Remember, what’s wrong with Li Wan?”

“Sister Li Wan wants to go to Tianfu Kingdom, his ex-husband has been pestering her, she wants to leave Jiangcheng, but I’m embarrassed to tell

you, she said that she always causes you to make trouble, she has a guilty question…” Zhao Yuan said that Li Wan always looked depressed, and recently entangled by her ex-husband, she thought about leaving Jiangcheng, but did not dare to talk to Zhao Guoqing, which made Zhao Yuan anxious, seeing that Zhao

Guoqing called himself alone today, he said Li Wan’s affairs.

“Ah, his ex-husband pestered? Then I’ll turn around and ask him, do things on my side, I’ll let Zhao Er help solve this matter, let her don’t worry, I know about this…”

Zhao Guoqing thought of Li Wan.

She has a good personality and good temperament, but her heart has never been opened, and she is not very willing to communicate with people as a salesperson here.

In fact, the position of salesperson is not very suitable for her.

Her character is to go to Tianfu City, but it is actually not very suitable.

But it’s not that Li Wan is not serious about doing things, she is just not suitable for the job of a salesperson, and it is estimated that it will be better to do something else.

Zhao Guoqing lowered his head, and suddenly he thought of something, he had never found a suitable person in the welfare home over there in Yingshan City.

In addition to feeding and warming them, Zhao Guoqing also wanted to find them a truly responsible dean, who was willing to love them with his heart and understand them, and who had some insight and ability, otherwise the orphanage would not go far.

Now that I think about it, Li Wan seems to be a good fit.

She has been in Jiangcheng for many years, has read books and experienced many things, and is much more knowledgeable than ordinary women.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guoqing quickly found Li Wan.

Tell her that if her ex-husband pesters her, he can help solve it, but in addition to going to Tianfu Kingdom to work as a salesman, he actually has a job that is more suitable for her.

It was in Yingshan, he set up a welfare home, the conditions were relatively poor, now there are only eight orphans, the oldest is thirteen years old, the youngest is only four or five years old, and his idea is to give some homeless orphans a home, this family may become very large.

Maybe hundreds, even thousands, of people are possible.

And to manage such a welfare home, he needs a reliable person, ask Li Wan can help him?

“Me, can I? Can I help you? Boss, I’ve always been sheltered by you, I, I don’t know if I can do it…”

“You can try, I think the orphanage to take care of those children is more suitable for you than you going to Tianfu Kingdom to be a salesman!”

Zhao Guoqing’s words made Li Wan raise her head all of a sudden, and she was a little moved.

Her personality is very quiet, and the job of sales clerk is actually not suitable for her, but this is a job that Zhao Guoqing gave her when he saved her in order to help her.

Li Wan was very grateful in her heart.

And Zhao Guoqing said that the orphanage took care of a few children, which made her feel that this job was good, and soon, Li Wan said that she was willing to go to Yingshan City.

Hearing Li Wan’s words, Zhao Guoqing was very happy.

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Immediately arranged for Li Wan to go to Yingshan, and also wrote a letter for her to bring, which explained to Zhou Yong, and in the future, the affairs of the orphanage would be handed over to Li Wan to do, and also told Li Wan that if she encountered anything over there, she could find Zhou Yong, find Zhao Quan, etc.

If you can’t solve it, call Jiangcheng directly.

He would solve it immediately, and Li Wan could see that Zhao Guoqing was extremely concerned about the affairs of the orphanage.

Even more attentive than the new store in Tianfu City.

After Zhao Guoqing sent Zhao Wan away, he also took time to go to a garment factory.

The business of this garment factory is particularly good, the work can not be finished, even if at this time the factory has become an assembly line, the efficiency is several times higher than in the past, but it still cannot be done.

You can only recruit and continue to recruit.

Recruiting workers every day, the area in the factory is not enough, originally some of the employees living in the factory, this will also move out, vacate the dormitory as a workshop, open a few more assembly lines.

Looking at this, the factory will soon be unable to stuff.

The new factory building must be built quickly, otherwise the workers will have nowhere to work.

Zhao Guang is still hiring, all the masters who enter the factory have to be assessed, test the technology, although the lack of people is great, but he did not lower the requirements.

Because the boss said, quality first, excellent technology.

After optimizing the assembly line in the factory, the master can be less, and the general work also needs people.

When Zhao Guoqing went, he found that someone at the door was holding a cane and not looking inside the factory, not knowing what was waiting?

He was a little strange, so he slowly leaned over and asked what people were doing?

The man glanced at Zhao Guoqing, and didn’t think much about it, thinking that he came to look for a job like himself?

“I heard that this factory does not dislike the disabled, I want to try it, try my luck, or else, at home is a waste, although my feet are not good, but my hands can still do things, there are wives and children at home, I work more, they will be easier…” The

man looked like thirty or forty, and there were a lot of white spots between his sideburns.

One foot should be lame, supported by crutches.

When Zhao Guoqing chatted with him, he knew that he was in a car accident, the original factory disliked him for being disabled, did not want him, there were children at home, and his wife wanted to divorce him, so he wanted to come out to find some work without income.

He had heard that this garment factory had recruited a few disabled people last time, and no, he also came to try his luck.

In fact, there are many people who have the same idea as him, Zhao Guoqing took a look at it, there are many people at the door of this factory, but there are more disabled people.

Many people have some disabilities in their hands and feet, some even have crooked mouths, and many have deformed eyes or noses and ears.

But all of them looked at the factory with earnest and hopeful eyes.

“I heard that today I have to recruit workers, handymen, this factory has good benefits, high wages, even if I am a handyman, if I have a job, I am not a person who eats idle meals at home, and I can also be a decent person!”

“I’ve been here for a week, I really hope to be chosen, this is not to find some work to do, the family can’t open the pot, my wife is still sick in bed without food…”

“Now it’s so hard to find a job, people with healthy hands and feet can’t find a job, hey, what can we people do, how can we live!”


Similar to this voice, filled Zhao Guoqing’s ears, for the first time he found that there were so many disabled people in this city?

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