“Zhendian, Li Ping, where did you go?”

Huang Xiulian was anxious, and the sweat on her head came out.

She held the child in her hand, and kept looking around, hoping to see her son and daughter-in-law, which was obviously still around just now, how could this disappear?

And there are people everywhere, and watching it makes her despair in her heart!

There were more and more people, and the sound of gongs and drums did not make the anxious Huang Xiulian happy, she held the child tightly, for fear of losing the child.

What happens when she doesn’t know where she’s being squeezed?

At this time, Liu Zhendian and Li Ping were also extremely anxious, and they kept shuttling through the crowd looking for their mother and child.

Liu Zhendian was wet with sweat at this time, and his mother and child were lost, which could not be done, he couldn’t wait to jump up and look for it, but at this time he still remembered holding his daughter-in-law’s hand tightly, even if Li Ping was a little shy, he refused to let go.

The two most important people have disappeared, and they can’t lose their daughter-in-law anymore.

Li Ping’s horror of losing the child at this time has exceeded the surprise of her husband taking the initiative to hold his hand.

The two kept looking in the crowd, but there were more and more people, and they couldn’t hear Huang Xiulian’s and the child’s voices at all, even if Liu Zhendian shouted loudly, there was no response.

Some people kindly asked them, what happened?

“My mother-in-law and baby are gone!”

Li Ping was about to cry, and couldn’t stop gesturing to others, talking about some characteristics of her mother-in-law and children, at this time, there was a flower convoy slowly driving by, and a group of people who changed their faces, following the back of the flower convoy slowly while walking, while performing.

And behind them, there are brightly dressed men and women, looking really good-looking.

Almost everyone in the crowd was attracted by the flower convoy, and at this time someone in the crowd shouted: “Look, isn’t there an old lady in a white shirt holding a child in the middle of the flower convoy?” Someone

pointed to the middle of the flower convoy, and at this time Huang Xiulian was holding the child and looking into the crowd.

Zhao Guoqing and Zhao Xiahe were sitting next to her, also looking around for her brother-in-law and aunt.

“Mom, National Day, we are here, here…” The

surprise in Liu Zhendian’s head at this time is simply impossible to describe in words, he can’t figure out why the mother and child sat on the float?

But at this time, nothing compares to the joy of seeing mother and child again.

Soon the flower convoy stopped, and Zhao Guoqing stretched out his hand towards his brother-in-law and aunt and pulled them onto the float.

Li Ping sat in the open-top car, and found that it was really comfortable to sit on it, and looking at the dense crowd below, it was countless times stronger than the experience he had just had.

And everywhere she looked, there were envious smiling faces, which made her really happy, and the whole person was dizzy.

In my memory, I have never enjoyed this kind of unimaginable treatment since I was a child, which is really fantastic.

She stretched out her hand to take the child, like a queen holding a princess, and a sense of happiness made her feel extremely lucky.

Liu Zhendian over there was also surprised to find that this team was actually made by his nephew, originally he just thought that his nephew had a little money and some skills, but he didn’t expect that his nephew was actually so good?

At this time, I am afraid that tens of thousands of people are surrounding this float and model team.

This kind of grand situation, even if Liu Zhendian is also a person who has seen the big scene, he feels extremely surprised and shocked, his nephew has skills, much stronger than him.

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Liu Zhendian tightly grabbed Zhao Guoqing’s hand, and the smile on his face could not be hidden.

“Good boy, it’s really yours, it’s really hilarious, this, how much does it cost…”

Anyway, Liu Zhendian really didn’t dare to think about it.

Such a big scene, such a large scale, so many people, so much excitement, how much does it cost?

Zhao Guoqing smiled, only to see his brother-in-law’s surprised and shocked expression, this little money was really worth it.

The float procession is a circular parade that lasts for a day, with a few hours of rest in between, changing the models and adjusting the performers.

Zhao Guoqing took his grandmother and uncle to rest in the house, and the affairs in the store were busy by Zhao Xiahe.

Huang Xiulian also insisted on looking at Zhao Guoqing’s shop, and when they got off the bus, they saw the lively crowd, almost crowding this store, Zhao Guoqing could only smile and say, this, tomorrow, or come back at night.

He didn’t expect today’s effect to be so good?

Walking around the back of this shop, entering through the front door and opening the big wooden door, you will see a courtyard, as well as beautiful shadow walls and rockeries, fish ponds with swimming goldfish, and my brother-in-law’s daughter, named Jun Lian, at this time still opened a pair of ignorant eyes, refused to sleep, and waved his hand to see the goldfish.

She was so excited today that she wouldn’t sleep at all.

It is estimated that it is also the first time to see such a lively thing.

Huang Xiulian followed Zhao Guoqing around the house, and at a glance, there were stones everywhere, and she saw that this was a lot of money.

And this house looks like a good house for large families, there are two or three yards, the middle is closed and separated, the front yard enters from the front, which is where Zhao Guoqing plans to live now, and the back yard has a yard and some remodeled houses.

The backyard opens the door to the bustling street, and it is a very good storefront to renovate and renovate.

Very distinctive and attention-grabbing.

At this time, Zhao Guoqing and the place where they lived, there were seven or eight rooms, two large courtyards, as well as a living room for drinking tea, and two kitchens for cooking, which was quite convenient.

Whether it was Huang Xiulian, her brother-in-law and Li Ping, when they saw this house, they were amazed.

This location is just right, there is quiet in the noise, it is prosperous when you go out, and when the door is closed, it is quiet inside.

There are rockeries inside, as well as fish ponds, each of which looks particularly beautiful and makes people look particularly comfortable.

“National Day really has skills, such a house, we dare not think, you are much stronger than me, this house is very expensive…”

Liu Zhendian sighed.

This house gave him the feeling that the houses where the rich people of the big landowners lived in the past, and the key was still in the best location in Tianfu City.

Ordinary people may not be able to afford a room here, but the National Day got a large set, not to mention living in his family, this dozen people do not dislike crowding, because the area is too large.

“This, I forgot how much money I bought, it seems, it doesn’t seem to be very expensive…” Zhao

Guoqing hesitated, he didn’t tell a lie, he really couldn’t remember.

His words made Liu Zhendian speechless for a while, this, what did he say?

“Okay, then I’ll ask you another question…”

Liu Zhendian hesitated, intending to change the topic, but the words he wanted to ask were a little sensitive!

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