“You, does this have this number? No, you must have…” Liu

Zhendian gestured his finger to Zhao Guoqing.

That meant that I was going to ask him if he had 100,000 yuan, but when I thought about it, no, how could he only have 100,000 yuan?

But Zhao Guoqing misunderstood what he meant, and thought about it.

“I just scraped together a million, bought a fifty-acre development zone, and plan to build another garment factory!”


Liu Zhendian was already confused at this time, a million, what is the concept?

He, dare not think about it, has already figured it out, and finally knows that his nephew Zhao Guoqing is developed and completely developed.

However, Liu Zhendian soon found that Zhao Guoqing was rich, but his personality remained unchanged.

He was also busy cooking for them, making special dishes here, making hairy belly, cold beef and beef offal, and steaming a plate of chicken, and a few light side dishes, saying that he was afraid that Li Ping’s children could not eat chili.

“Come, let’s taste this hairy belly, it still tastes very good when it is hot!”

Zhao Guoqing helped his uncle and grandmother to pick dishes, talking about today’s business, looking at a lot of people, very lively, popularity should be good, but how much business can be done, I don’t know yet.

However, taking the first step in Tianfu City is good.

“Don’t worry about you now, when will you marry Ruolan, I hope I can still drink your happy wine, and then there will be no regrets!”

Huang Xiulian is really happy today.

It’s just that when she said about Xia Ruolan, Zhao Guoqing’s heart hurt, but she quickly cheered up and agreed with a smile.

“Well, I’ll get married when Ruolan finishes reading, and I will definitely toast you by then!”

Xia Ruolan’s affairs, Zhao Guoqing hid from everyone, like grandmother and brother-in-law, they didn’t know at all.

So there is nothing wrong with this.

A group of people laughed and ate and talked, not knowing how happy they were.

In the afternoon, Zhao Guoqing asked his grandmother and them to take a rest, and after three or four o’clock in the afternoon, he took everyone to stroll around, entered the surrounding ancient buildings and temples, looked at them, and walked around.

Tianfu City has a long history and has always been relatively rich, and the Wuhou Temple here is very famous.

Taking advantage of the time, Zhao Guoqing took his grandmother and them to walk around, but unfortunately, for these ancient buildings, grandma and Li Ping were not interested.

They are curious about the lively shops.

After all, they had never been to the provincial capital before, and the prosperity here was another scenery compared to Chaoyang Village, which made them feel very curious.

So, Zhao Guoqing decided to buy something for his grandmother and brother-in-law.

“Your shop is so busy today, don’t worry about my old woman!”

Huang Xiulian is a little uneasy, how busy this business person is, today Zhao Guoqing’s shop opened, how can he keep circling around him?

How much time is lost?

“Grandma, the store is open, what is important to you? You are my relatives, the store is open, I don’t know how many stores to open this year, these are arranged, if I am still busy by this time, then there will be a big problem!

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Zhao Guoqing laughed.

He was telling the truth, in his mind, opening a shop and doing business is just a means, and accompanying his grandmother and brother-in-law is life, that is interesting.

Zhao Guoqing has always regarded relatives as more important than money and career.

This is his habit.

Liu Zhendian also persuaded Zhao Guoqing, but he really didn’t pay attention to it, but happily accompanied everyone around, and everyone saw that he was happy, and did not persuade again.

When everyone gathered to eat together in the evening, Zhao Xiahe also came.

Her face was full of red light at this time, and the whole person looked particularly happy.

“Today is really amazing, this Tianfu City is not worse than Jiangcheng’s consumption power, today’s business is open, I have brought all the accounts, tomorrow I have to arrange delivery, fortunately we are well prepared, otherwise we will sell out of stock today…” Zhao

Xiahe took a long breath and talked about today’s business.

It is said that today’s street parade activities are particularly good, attracting a lot of lively residents.

In the end, many people stayed in the store to look at the clothes, although these clothes were not cheap, but when they traveled the streets, those people also saw that the clothes were really good-looking and the quality was very good.

More expensive, just expensive, and not buy every day?

There are many people who have this idea, so today’s business is particularly good, and it can be regarded as a hit to the store’s reputation.

Zhao Guoqing took a look at today’s bill, there were a lot of clothes sold, and there were tens of thousands of yuan in cash, so there was a lot of profit in such a day.

Although it is the first day of business, it also indirectly shows that opening a store here in Tianfu City is a very correct choice.

“Okay, second sister, you collect the money first, I’ll drive my grandmother out tomorrow, go to the streets and alleys to eat some authentic specialties, eating and drinking here is more comfortable than at home…”

Zhao Xiahe instructed with some envy, but was called by Zhao Guoqing to go together, saying that it was nothing to rest for a day tomorrow, and the people below let them adapt to themselves, and they had to learn to deal with things when they encountered things, and they couldn’t always count on them.

“I can’t let go of my heart, I still won’t go…” Zhao

Xiahe hesitated, still didn’t want to go, but was called by Zhao Guoqing.

said how good it is for everyone to go out and play together, the money is inexhaustible, her own boss has spoken, she should not work too hard and go out to play.

In the end, Zhao Xiahe hesitated for a long time, so he had to agree to go out with Zhao Guoqing and play together, and on the road, Huang Xiulian took Zhao Xiahe’s hand and kept persuading her.

“Xia He, you see that you are only in your twenties this year, what a good age, why did you make yourself like an old woman? At this point, you have to listen to your brother’s words, be lively, meet more people, make more friends, your life is still very long, you will find that a person is very lonely, find a companion when you meet the right one…” Huang

Xiulian held Zhao Xiahe’s hand and kept instructing.

“I don’t want to get married, I’m fine like this, grandma, you see if I’m doing well, how happy I am now, every day is very satisfied!”

Zhao Xiahe smiled, she really didn’t want to get married, how good it was to live alone.

Why get married?

Doesn’t a woman have any other way out than to get married?

“You child, you, you were happy when you were young, what to do when you are old, you are careless about the tail…”

“When I was young, I was happy, and when I was older, I deserved it, and if I was not married, I would live forever, then I would definitely get married!”

Zhao Xiahe smiled and gossiped with her grandmother, but made Huang Xiulian shake her head, thinking that this child has changed?

It’s just that when the two were talking, a man suddenly bumped into Zhao Xiahe’s body.

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