“What kind of attitude do you have, you look at your family’s clothes, if it weren’t for the time when you bought it, you said how good the quality is, I wouldn’t have bought it at all, this is good, bought clothes and wore a white shirt for a day to turn into a yellow shirt, fading so badly, you still say it’s not your family’s quality problem, quibbles, it’s really quibbles…”

This man was a little angry.

I just felt that I was deceived.

This dress has really only been worn for a day, but after washing and drying, the white shirt will turn light yellow, change color and fade, can the quality of this dress not be bad?

This store is really deceptive, to put it nicely, clothes should be a matter of quality.

“Comrade, this is not fading, this is your clothes are not washed, really unwashed sweat stains fall on it, is this color, this way, I will wash you, if you can’t wash clean, can’t be as white as the original, then it’s really a quality problem, I pay you a piece of clothing…”

Zhao Xiahe was really speechless, and such an unreasonable person.

The clothes are obviously not washed, but it is not said that there is a problem with the quality of his own clothes, this man, really unreasonable.

Zhao Xiahe scolded this man a thousand times in his heart, but at this time, people said that the quality of the clothes was not good, naturally they wanted to deal with this matter well, so Zhao Xiahe went to get hot water, and then invited the man to sit in a small courtyard behind the store.

She first soaked in 30 or 40 degrees warm water with a little washing powder.

This man will suddenly come to the sentence.

“I hit you yesterday, I’m sorry, I was a little anxious yesterday, and I don’t know if I broke you?” No matter whether this dress is of good quality or not, I don’t need your family to compensate, consider it my bad luck, if you are free today, I can accompany you to the hospital for a check-up…” The

man seemed to remember yesterday’s collision.

While apologizing and saying that he could accompany Zhao Xiahe to the hospital, he still felt that the quality of this dress was not good.

Hearing his words, Zhao Xiahe really didn’t want to deal with her.

“Yesterday’s collision really hurts, but one yard to one yard, accompany me to the hospital but don’t need to, I’ll just take some medicine myself, but the quality of my clothes is really not bad, it’s that you haven’t washed it, you can talk to your daughter-in-law, like your sweaty clothes with warm water, moreover, you seem to be yellow sweat, it is recommended that you go to the hospital to check it, you are a little weak…”

When Zhao Xiahe spoke, he picked up the shirt and rubbed it directly with his hand.

After soaking in warm water and then scrubbing it by hand, soon the white shirt that was originally yellow and yellow soon became as white as new, and after a few lines of clear water, it was obviously completely different from what the guest had taken.

This made the guest open his mouth all of a sudden, looking at Zhao Xiahe with some surprise and embarrassment.

Finally, I couldn’t stop apologizing, saying yes, this, I really don’t know.

Later, Zhao Xiahe ironed the dress with an iron, and then took it to the store to compare with the new clothes, so that people could hardly see that this was an old dress, and this person was completely convinced.

With a look of shame, he couldn’t help apologizing, and bought another shirt when he left, but this time he didn’t dare to choose white and chose a light blue.

When he went back to eat at noon, Zhao Xiahe couldn’t help but complain on the table, saying that he met a strange guest today, obviously his clothes were not washed, and he actually blamed the poor quality of the clothes in the store to say that the clothes were fading, which is really strange in the world.

When these words were said, several people at the table couldn’t help but laugh, and they all felt strange, only Liu Zhendian came hehe.

“I guess, this male guest must not have a daughter-in-law, no one washes his clothes, and he doesn’t understand, where to wash white clothes clean, our barracks are all like this, it’s normal!”

Liu Zhendian’s words made people laugh and cry.

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At noon, when they ate, they thought about going back, and Zhao Guoqing wanted to send them back, but Liu Zhendian refused.

said that it was good to contact, let Zhao Guoqing send it to a place, and today there is a car from their station to go back, just enough to take them back, so as not to let Zhao Guoqing run.

Zhao Guoqing was afraid that his brother-in-law would be polite with him, so he kept waiting with them over there, until the car carrying the materials came over and really carried them, Zhao Guoqing was relieved to prepare to leave.

When he left, Zhao Guoqing saw his brother-in-law give him a thumbs up, and he was stunned.

Instantly, a warm current poured into my heart, and I also knew what my brother-in-law meant, that was to praise him!

It means that he is more powerful than his brother-in-law himself.

Thinking about the time when Zhao Guoqing had to rely on his brother-in-law to help his family support him and say a word, now he can get his approval, Zhao Guoqing himself feels very happy.

So when he drove back, he was in a particularly good mood.

On the way, he even hummed a song in a low voice.

Just when driving by a while, he saw that someone in front of him couldn’t stop beckoning, and his car slowly stopped to take a look, but found that the person waving was Mu Qingwan.

“Boss, it’s really your car! I thought I was blinded! Namu

Qingwan was about to jump up, twittering that he would want to go to the station, but the time was too late, this would think of trying his luck, stop a car on the road to try, who knows stopped Zhao Guoqing’s car, begging him to send himself to the station?

This will make the train go fast, and you won’t be able to get on the train a little later.

Zhao Guoqing knew that when the new store opened, he invited these modeling teams to come, including Mu Qingwan.

Then these people caught up for the holiday, and some felt that it was rare to come to Tianfu City, so some went back a little later, like Mu Qingwan should be the case.

“Okay, I’m just fine, give you a ride!”

Zhao Guoqing looked at the time, and he could get to the station in half an hour, and he could catch this train.

“Thank you so much, I kept waiting for the bus, I didn’t wait, the first car was too crowded, it was squeezed down, I was in a hurry, who knew that I happened to meet you, this is so thankful, I, you accept this gift, it can be regarded as the fare I paid, I can’t take advantage of you in vain…” This

Mu Qingwan gave Zhao Guoqing a package of things, looking at the packaging is quite exquisite, it should be a gift she bought here.

Is there such a particular person here?

It’s just a ride, and it’s an acquaintance, and you have to pay the fare?

Zhao Guoqing smiled and said that she really didn’t need it, and she would just keep the things herself.

As he was talking, some people on the road jumped to the middle of the road to stop the car, if it weren’t for Zhao Guoqing’s quick eyes, this would have directly hit people.

“What happened?”

Zhao Guoqing jumped out of the car, in fact, he was a little uncomfortable at this time, why didn’t the person who stopped the car pay attention to his own safety, so it was easy to have an accident.

Suddenly, the person who stopped the car suddenly knelt down at him.

Startled people!

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