“Please, save my son!”

Kneeling was a man of fifty or sixty years old, kneeling straight on the ground, and kept kowtowing to Zhao Guoqing, saying that his son had a car accident, and the person who crashed the car fled at this time, but his son’s condition was very bad and he needed to be sent to the hospital.

They also don’t know how to find an ambulance, and it’s too late.

I thought about stopping a car on the road and helping to get it to the hospital.

Soon Zhao Guoqing saw that the man’s son had a leg with blurred flesh and blood, and the whole person had fainted, and he didn’t know whether he was dead or alive?

In this case, the delay can really be fatal.

“Let’s go, get in the car, by the way, Mu Qingwan, are you waiting for the car here, or are you coming with me?”

Zhao Guoqing intends to save people, and Mu Qingwan also said that he will delay a bus at most, and if this person delays time, he is likely to die.

So he helped the man carry the injured man to the car, not caring that his car was covered in blood.

The man and his son sat in the back of the car, Mu Qingwan sat in the passenger seat, and then looked at the people behind him a little nervously, and glanced at Zhao Guoqing with some hesitation, and some wanted to say and stop.

She decided to follow Zhao Guoqing to the hospital.

Mu Qingwan once heard people say that someone had wrongly framed some well-wishers like Zhao Guoqing.

Follow him herself, in case this person has bad intentions, saying that it is the person who was hit by Zhao Guoqing’s car, it is good that she can also be a witness if she follows, or she is wronged, then it will be worth the loss and make people angry.

Zhao Guoqing has been to Tianfu City several times, and he also has some impressions of the hospitals in Tianfu City.

On the way, they stopped twice to ask for directions, but they drove the car into the hospital and took the patient to the emergency room.

It’s just that when this man pays the money, he has a little trouble.

All the cash on him was clear, and there was not enough money for the operation.

This can make the man cry anxiously, the person almost fainted, took off the watch, wanted to mortgage it in the hospital, said to go back to raise money, and finally Zhao Guoqing took a thousand yuan from his body and paid the man a deposit for the operation.

Only then did the hospital start arranging the operation.

In the end, the man knelt down at Zhao Guoqing again, and he couldn’t stop kowtowing, and the sound of knocking made Zhao Guoqing feel uncomfortable in his heart, and quickly helped him up.

But he refused to leave his contact information, and then left the hospital with Mu Qingwan.

On the road, Mu Qingwan said with a complicated expression, originally she was worried that Zhao Guoqing was blackmailed, who knew that he took the initiative to pay for the treatment of her leg injury, which was completely unexpected to her.

“My pattern is still too small, Boss Zhao is really generous…” Mu

Qingwan sighed from the bottom of her heart, she only felt that Zhao Guoqing was really too generous, so willing to give a thousand yuan at once for a stranger?

You know, two thousand yuan, that’s a lot of money.

Is she unimaginable to take out a thousand pieces to a stranger?

“A thousand yuan will not make me eat one less dish for the next meal, nor will it make me feel particularly uncomfortable, but it can save a fresh life, so many people, since they stopped my car, it means that they have a fate with me, I can’t see death and not save it, save him, give money, make me feel comfortable and comfortable, I think it’s worth it!”

Zhao Guoqing did not feel sorry for this money.

On the contrary, at this time, I felt that my mind was clear and very spiritual.

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It’s just that they will rush to the station, they can’t catch the train, and if they want to buy a new ticket, they will have until tomorrow at the earliest.

Mu Qingwan also had nowhere to go, so she simply went back with Zhao Guoqing.

said that he happened to be returning to Jiangcheng in the past two days, and if Mu Qingwan was not busy, he could take her back at that time.

Mu Qingwan naturally agreed with her mouth.

She hadn’t been in a long-distance jeep yet, and she thought it would be more comfortable and faster than a train.

Back home, Mu Qingwan saw the situation in Zhao Guoqing’s home, and gasped for air, no wonder Zhao Guoqing only bought a thousand yuan to buy a peace of mind.

People are really rich.

Such a good house is located in the most central position of Tianfu City, the house that has entered a few times, the railing, and the pillar, the Yuchi rockery, and the house, even if she is a layman, she knows that this is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Boss Zhao is really capable, but he is so young?

Mu Qingwan had a trace of surprise and admiration in her heart, she was idle in this house and had nothing to do, so she helped clean up and clean, busy non-stop, always thinking that she could help Zhao Guoqing do something, or how embarrassed it was to live in someone else’s house?

Over there, Zhao Guoqing didn’t care about Mu Qingwan’s attitude, and he took time to rest.

When I woke up, I smelled the aroma of food.

When he got up, he saw Mu Qingwan busy in the kitchen and actually made a few good dishes, which was really impressive.

A girl’s family like Mu Qingwan is actually so good at cooking?

A bit of a surprise.

In the evening, Zhao Xiahe was about to pack up and leave the store, she was carrying a satchel with some money in it, it was the cash in the store every day, she planned to take it back to settle the account, and give him this cash while Zhao Guoqing was still in Tianfu City.

The business in Tianfu City is good, Zhao Xiahe calculated in his heart, Jiangcheng’s side is already very stable, turn around and let Zhao Guoqing go back, and then let himself stay in Tianfu City for a while.

At the very least, make the business smooth here, and see if there is a suitable place to open a store.

It is initially estimated that there is still a market here in Tianfu City, and several shops should be opened.

She can also help find a new store location or buy some more houses.

Because Zhao Guoqing has always adhered to the principle that the house that opens the store must be his own.

In this way, there is no need to worry that after the business is done, the landlord will increase the price or the house will not rent to them, and the house is also a good investment, in the current situation that they have sufficient cash flow, buy more houses in the core area.

Zhao Guoqing insisted on doing this, and Zhao Xiahe also felt that it was feasible.

So their specialty stores are slowly developing like this, and the façade of Tianfu City has to be bought.

When Zhao Xiahe was thinking about this, she didn’t notice at all that someone was following behind her and following her all the time.

Moreover, there seemed to be more than one person behind her, and when she saw the door of the house and saw that the gate yard was concealed, she was just about to push the door open and enter, and suddenly a shadow appeared out of nowhere.

Then snatched the satchel in Zhao Xiahe’s arms violently, and suddenly it happened, so that Zhao Xiahe was caught off guard, and while desperately shouting for help, he fought with the person, tightly protecting the bag in his hand.

At this time, someone heard the news and rushed to punch the bag snatcher in the face.

Zhao Guoqing in the house also heard Zhao Xiahe’s shout, and immediately ran out.

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