“What to do? Team leader, this agreement is tomorrow, we have been transferred…”

“Let’s act according to the agreement, the arrow has to be sent on the string, moreover, we have a place to go, it’s a big deal to be fired, the same someone will collect us, the salary will be higher!”

The group leader’s eyes were gloomy.

He was actually the main planner of the strike, and the rest of the old employees were eventually the ones who revolved around him.

“Okay, let’s contact the others, let those who haven’t been transferred yet, strike tomorrow, and make the noise a little bigger!”

The team leader arranged for other old employees to contact those who were still in the factory, saying that they would strike together tomorrow, and even agreed that their people would take action at that time to turn off all the electricity in the factory, so that the whole factory would fall into chaos, and then take advantage of this time to encourage others to strike.

Originally, everything was planned well, but they didn’t expect that Zhao Guoqing had already made people stare at these transferred people, as long as they saw who they were in contact with.

Immediately found the employee, said that he asked to go to the new factory to help, and directly transferred the person.

And all this, those who planned the strike, were kept in the dark.

The next day, they waited for the news of a power outage in the factory, but waited left and right, did not see the power outage in the factory, but saw the door continue to recruit workers.

This is not all, everything in the factory is operating normally, but some team leaders complain, they are busy rushing goods, but some very important workers are transferred to the new factory, this factory building has just been built, why get the workers over?

The production line is busy, and the efficiency is obviously low.

Even when it was time to eat at noon, they straightened out the assembly line.

The vast majority of workers are kept in the dark, not knowing what is going on.

Only those who were originally going to strike, who would be terrified like headless flies, do not know who to turn to?

This was originally said for so long, today on strike, why is there no movement in the factory at all?

What the hell?

Wang Quan’s side was excitedly waiting for the news from Zhao Guoqing Garment Factory, sitting and waiting to see Zhao Guoqing’s jokes, but after a morning passed, he found that he did not receive any news without saying, and even saw Zhao Guoqing take a big beauty Song Siyuan to the Chamber of Commerce?

It looked as if nothing had happened.

This, let Wang Quan, who was angry and corrupted, quickly find someone to find out what happened?

The agreed things, the money was paid, why didn’t it move?

Said that there was a strike, said that there was a big movement, and even he notified the reporter, letting people squat outside Zhao Guoqing’s garment factory, saying that there was very exciting news today.

They did see very good news.

That is, this garment factory, actually recruits disabled people, but also equal pay for equal work, which is still particularly rare, really a very eye-catching news, so those attracted journalists, began to pay attention to this news.

Some began to interview the personnel in the factory, knowing that the disabled were recruited because the boss Zhao Guoqing ordered that a certain proportion of the new workers recruited should be disabled, and that the disabled would also work hard to provide work if they were physically disabled and willing to work.

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Zhao Guang was also interviewed, he said that the factory pays attention to quality, even the disabled have to undergo a long time of training, and only after passing the training will they be allowed to work.

It will not be because of the disabled people, the quality requirements have been reduced, and the real equal pay for equal work will be fair and just.

Fair treatment for these people with disabilities.

There are also reporters who interviewed those disabled people, only to know why this factory recruits disabled people again and again, all because of Zhao Guoqing.

At the beginning, Zhao Guoqing was just pitying and recruited disabled people once or twice, and later gave these disabled people hope and respect, making them feel that they had a head in life, could be accepted by this society, and could have the courage to live.

These interviews made these reporters excited at once, felt that they had captured the essence of the news, and began to report on this garment factory, the key is that they also carried out a series of reports on Zhao Guoqing.

Let Zhao Guoqing’s name, as well as two clothing brands Yuanqing and Nanyuan, appeared in the public’s field of vision for the first time through newspapers and magazines, and the newspapers and magazines of this era, the spread is very amazing, it didn’t take long for almost the entire Jiangcheng people to know this garment factory.

Zhao Yuan was surprised to find that the business of those shops suddenly increased the flow of crowds, and when someone tried on clothes, he specially asked, is their boss Zhao Guoqing?

Are their clothes produced and sold by themselves, and many disabled people are invited to do things?

At first, Zhao Yuan was still a little confused, but when he heard a customer say that he had seen an introduction to their boss in the newspaper, Zhao Yuan suddenly realized and began to talk about the hardships of the boss starting to build factories and open shops.

Speaking of the boss himself, every time he comes to eat a working meal with them, he will also help employees solve some problems in life and work, saying how good the boss is, how approachable, etc., because Zhao Yuan found that the guests who came liked to listen to her gossip.

After listening to the gossip, I will buy a few more clothes generously.

At the same time, the sales volume in this store has risen sharply, not only this one store and two stores, but also the specialty stores of everyone in Jiangcheng, the business has become better, more than double the sales of the original business.

That’s a scary number.

Because their specialty stores follow the price, the sales volume has not been particularly high, because they do not go volume.

Once the volume is taken, the profit is quite amazing.

There is a lot of cash flow every day, and these stores can receive a lot of money in a day.

In order to prevent the experience of collecting money like Zhao Xiahe of Tianfu City, Zhao Guoqing asked Zhao Er to drive with the money seal to collect money, so that it was safe.

Every night the money is printed, the black shoulder bag is inexhaustible, and you have to carry an extra cross-body bag.

In addition to the business on the side of the store, orders from the garment factory side have also surged, and some customers who originally cooperated have added a lot of orders, and also said that they can arrange orders at the back, and they can wait.

The unit price was also very favorable, which surprised and delighted Wu Di.

And there are many people who take the initiative to cooperate with Zhao Guoqing, and directly queue orders until the end of the second half of the year.

If the new factory does not hurry into production, relying on this small factory alone, the order will not be completed by next year.

This is an incredible thing for a garment factory that pays attention to the rapid replacement of styles, but everything is true.

This did not make Zhao Guoqing float, and he quickly thought of the reason for all the changes.

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