That is, whether it is people who do business or those consumer groups, they learn about themselves through newspapers and magazines, and then begin to like their personality.

Perhaps, they can’t become such people, but they still like people like him in their hearts.

And many people subconsciously, with people like themselves, there is an inexplicable trust, doing business is not afraid of being deceived, buying his family’s things is not afraid of being deceived, in this way, let his family’s business suddenly prosper.

When I really lie at home and rest, the money is like a wave, and it all pours into the house.

Looking at Qian Yin sending a box of money to his home every few days, he knows how good his family’s business is.

That money, Zhao Guoqing began to put in the cardboard box under the bed at home, all the stacks of money below, above are books, all kinds of books, under his bed is full, so he stuffed it into Xia Ruolan’s room.

In the end, the bottom of her bed was also stuffed.

No way, Zhao Guoqing finally found a bank to deposit, directly a large customer, the bank provides door-to-door service.

Several bank employees came to the door to count, and by the way, they also brought a few security personnel with real guns and live ammunition.

In the end, he took all the money with him and left him some checks and other proofs.

This is not much time, Zhao Guoqing’s cash in his hand has doubled again, originally worried that the funds to build the factory are not enough, now there is no need to worry at all, even Zhao Guoqing can also consider, Song Siyuan’s fifty acres of land, he can also develop something together.

Money seems to come particularly easily.

This shows that the first pot of gold at the beginning has been dug up, and if it is used well, it will not be difficult to make money later.

It’s rare to figure out how to spend this money.

Zhao Guoqing took Song Siyuan to the new factory again, and added a lot of funds to let them speed up, this plant has begun to take shape, looking very magnificent.

This side is rushing day and night, the speed is very fast, and it is estimated that it will be put into production in another month.

Here Zhao Guoqing plans to hand over the management to Song Siyuan, Zhao Guang and Wu Di, both in charge of production and design, but if they want to manage a large factory with thousands of people, their ability is still a little worse.

And as his shop opens more and more, there are more and more workers in the factory, and he really needs someone he believes in to sit in.

The second sister patrolled and opened a store outside, constantly buying industries and opening new stores, Song Siyuan managed this garment factory well in Jiangcheng, and then added workshops, opened the second factory and the third factory, and when the follow-up was stable, the income came continuously, and the money had to consider how to spend it.

Zhao Guoqing felt that the first pot of gold should be used to make a transformation.

Do something meaningful, develop in the long term, and at least something that will be particularly prosperous for decades to come.

“In the future, follow me, I will give you a little shares, I can’t let you work in vain, or when there is any project that can make money, I will talk to you, even your fifty acres of land, if you want to sell, don’t sell it to others, I will buy, others will give you 800,900,000, I will give one million, others will give one million, and you can also give 1.1 million!”

Seeing Song Siyuan’s empty land, Zhao Guoqing laughed.

At the beginning, he still had a little money, and only dared to take fifty acres of land, but Song Siyuan was bold, and he also took fifty acres of land, just this land.

It can make her have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime, and there is no problem in lying down and winning.

“Okay, okay, that’s it, if I can, I actually don’t want to sell that land, I can use that land to buy shares, you just look at giving some shares, hahaha, anyway, it’s also stained with your light!”

Song Siyuan was in a really good mood during this time.

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Originally, when she bought this land, her family was not optimistic, and no one supported it, so she finally gritted her teeth and borrowed money to buy fifty acres of land.

Up to now, look at all the relatives in the family, they just make money from business, and they don’t make much money by buying this land themselves.

Now she goes out and doubles.

How long does it take to double?

The key is that Song Siyuan feels that in the face of his family, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and proved himself with strength, so that the family did not dare to underestimate himself and point fingers at her, which was particularly cool.

All this is because of Zhao Guoqing, so she is convinced of Zhao Guoqing.

You can really make a lot of money by following him, which is many times stronger than tossing blindly by yourself.

With a big tree to lean on, why should she work her own?

Just lie down.

The two happily said that no matter what good project Zhao Guoqing found in the future, when the time comes, you can use this land to give Song Siyuan a little dividend, if you are willing to let her manage, she can’t ask for it, saying that she can take double income, which is really good.

Zhao Guoqing sorted out Jiangcheng’s business again and met with Qian Yin, Wu Di and Zhao Guang.

The last time the people in the factory were transferred away, they finally let Zhao Guang fire under various names, or forced him to leave.

There is money to print and manage the account, Song Siyuan manages the factory, Zhao Yuan manages the store, Zhao Guang and Wu Di also assist Song Siyuan, Zhao Guoqing feels very relieved, so he plans to go back to Yingshan.

I haven’t gone back for a long time, especially the welfare home doesn’t know what the situation is?

There is also a brick factory, although he does not make money from the brick factory now, but at the beginning the brick factory made him a lot of cash, and in the next few years, the brick factory will enter an upward trend.

It should be more and more profitable.

However, the brick factory is not a long-term solution, and it is still necessary to transform later, and as for what to do in the transformation, this has to be carefully considered.

There is a jeep, no longer have to wait for the shuttle bus from Jiangcheng to Yingshan, and if you want to go, you can leave at any time.

Zhao Guoqing ate lunch, asked Zhao Er to clean up, and left immediately.

But before leaving, Zhao Guoqing called her second sister and asked her about the situation in Tianfu City.

Knowing that the development of the store is okay, and the rat is already looking for the address of the second store, everything is going relatively smoothly, saying that he can let go and come back soon, but Zhao Xiahe has some complaints.

Said that Zhou Youming was a little shameless, obviously the injury was already healed, but he still relied on his family.

Hearing this, Zhao Guoqing smiled and said that it was actually quite good to have a man over there, at least he was relieved.

“Oh, by the way, the person introduced by my brother-in-law is here, I asked him to go to Jiangcheng to find you first, called Chen Xiao, it looks quite powerful, you will take it with you to observe the character at that time…”

Zhao Xiahe said this quickly on the phone, and he did not introduce it in detail.

It’s just that the person introduced by my brother-in-law should pass soon.

Zhao Guoqing was afraid that this Chen Xiao would run empty at that time, so he simply explained to the people on Jiangcheng’s side, saying that Chen Xiao was coming, in case he was still in Yingshan, let him go to Yingshan to find him.

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