Zhao Guoqing had only been back for a few hours, and he was surrounded by people to ask for advice.

In the countryside, once they think you’re powerful, people like to ask you to help with an idea, or want to hear your opinion.

Zhang Jun is not surprised.

“Wa is in the auto city, has been converted into a regular worker, although it is in the unit, but this is only a few hundred yuan a year, although there are some benefits, but I always feel that it is too low, my family is also a child, we earn it is also for him, if it was in the unit before, it would definitely be good, but now I always want to find a better way out for him…” In

his previous life, Zhang Guoqing’s family was in Auto City, It’s pretty good to settle down over there.

That’s good, it’s relative to the countryside at that time.

But Zhang Jun became the village chief in Chaoyang Village, and his family had shares in the brick factory, which was calculated in tens of thousands of dividends every year, and the business of the brick and tile factory was getting better and better.

The money earned here in a month, Zhang Guoqing can only earn it in a few years in the Motor City.

His family has money, and those who have a lot of money can buy a house in the provincial capital to do business, or they can go to the brick factory to do something, so that they can rest assured that they are close to home.

But Zhang Guoqing has become a regular worker in Auto City.

This was also a very face-saving thing at that time, because there was a job, it was the big brother of the workers, and it was an iron rice bowl.

If he really didn’t want this iron rice bowl, Zhang Jun was still a little undecided, so he found Zhao Guoqing, who was familiar with his family’s situation, hoping that he would come to give him some ideas for reference.

“Why don’t you ask Zhang Guoqing’s opinion? You don’t always treat him as a child, in fact, in addition to liking to play, he has many advantages, and he simply handles things decisively and sharply, not much worse than you…” Zhao

Guoqing remembered the fire that Zhang Guoqing lit immediately after knowing about Chen Furong.

With his calmness and judgment at the time, this man was also quite intelligent and decisive.

In the future, his development will not be worse than Zhang Jun.

“This, okay, I listen to the child’s opinion, after all, this concerns him for a lifetime, and he has to make his own decision…” Zhang

Jun pondered carefully, Zhao Guoqing said reasonably, this matter has to listen to the child’s opinion, he is willing to be in the motor city by him, anyway, the money earned by the family is enough for him to live comfortably there.

If you don’t like to stay there, whether you go home or do something else, you can live a very good life.

A few people ate and drank together, mainly to talk about the situation of the brick and tile factory during this time, Zhao Shun said that this year’s business is really good, especially after they bought a few tractors, the business is better, better than the brick factory in the town, people are anxious, and they also plan to buy tractors.

It’s just that a tractor costs a lot of money, and the owner of the brick factory in the town has many disagreements, and he has not yet come up with a method.

They just made money during this time.

“There are two more caves here, the villagers of Chaoyang Village and Bayi Village, there are 1200 people working in this brick factory, the business is very good, our brick and tile factory is sold to the county next door…”

Zhao Shun took a sip of wine, smiling and excited.

It turned out that their brick and tile factory had a tractor, and the road was particularly easy to walk, plus there were many workers and large sites, and the daily brick output was very large, unlike other brick and tile factories, the quality was unstable and there was no inventory.

So their business is particularly good, even if it is the county next door, it can be delivered to the door with a tractor.

As long as money is given, there are no bricks and tiles that cannot be sent.

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“Yes, you have vision for National Day, there are many people building new houses this year, I see that people with money and a little surplus food in their hands are all building new houses, and our business will be prosperous for many years…”

Zhang Jun also had a smile in the corners of his eyes.

Because of this brick factory, the surplus labor force in the village all went to the brick factory to work to earn money, and the money earned went back to buy bricks and tiles to build houses.

And there is work, and this brick factory makes their village much richer than the surrounding villages.

No, many girls in other villages are willing to marry into Chaoyang Village, and many families have been talking about relatives recently, and it is estimated that the families who get married in the second half of the year to the end of the year will be special.

“Quality, quality first, don’t all think about money, money is inexhaustible, it’s not easy for farmers to build houses, it’s all years of hard work, the quality of the bricks and tiles must be good, it’s all villagers, don’t get people to build a house, but also scold us for the poor quality of things, less money is okay, don’t make things that are not good quality and shame, wait for more brick and tile factories, good quality can win…”

It is also not often guarded in the brick factory.

But the soul of this brick factory still lies in him.

He said that he wanted quality first, and neither of the two dared to say a word, and the quality of the brick factory was his uncle, who was honest, but also the most deadly.

How many times the adobe has to be beaten, not one less, not a little more brick, a little wider, not a little less.

“Tomorrow I will go to the brick and tile factory again, here you two bother, last time I said about the house, I let people see, back you have time, go to Jiangcheng to choose a house, just near my house, if there is anything in the future, you can take care of one or two!”

Zhao Guoqing remembered the last time they said they had some money in their hands.

Zhao Guoqing let them buy a house in Jiangcheng, this will be repeated again.

The two said that they both listened to Zhao Guoqing, anyway, follow him, this day is not the better, did not see that the people in the village are envious to death?

Now we all know that whoever is closer to Zhao Guoqing’s family will get a lot of benefits.

And the benefits are obvious, who is not happy with this kind of good thing?

Zhao Guoqing drank a little wine, Zhao Shun and Zhang Jun had to send him back, fortunately in a village is not much big, a few people walked back, but halfway there, it was dark outside, and a cursing sound was heard far away in the night.

So much so that several people heard it clearly.

Mixed with cursing, there were women’s cries, men’s roars, and the barking of dogs in the village.

“Who is doing this, such a big movement? Zhang Jun, how are you the village chief?

Zhao Shun rubbed his eyes, they just thought of sending Zhao Guoqing home in the evening.

What time is it, and those who are still crying and screaming like this, and the people in half the village who are making trouble are not allowed to live in peace.

“I’m not a jack of all trades as a village chief, I don’t have smooth ears and clairvoyance, how do I know what’s going on here, go, today we are all going to see, what is going on?”

Zhang Jun was also a little helpless.

In fact, there are many people in the village who quarrel at two ends for three days, and it is normal to quarrel over a small matter.

After all, there are fewer resources, and if you compete for more, there will be fewer others.

Who doesn’t want to live better than someone else’s?

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