Zhao Guoqing listened to this quarrel and crying and walked over quickly.

Soon, he saw the house where the crying was heard, and it was already past nine o’clock in the evening, and the village of Chaoyang had not yet had electricity, and all the kerosene lamps were lit.

Generally, when you go to bed early, someone shouts at the door, don’t cry, and let people not sleep.

More people ran out without sleeping to see the liveliness, and some people saw Zhao Guoqing and Zhang Jun, and they all hurried over to say hello, scatter cigarettes, and nod their heads.

After all, in this Chaoyang Village, Zhang Jun is the village head.

Zhao Guoqing is the uncrowned king, anyway, the people in the village will be particularly polite and stubborn when they see him, didn’t they see the two village chiefs in the village, all revolving around Zhao Guoqing?

“What’s going on, Gao Lin, what’s going on in your house?”

This family Zhao Guoqing has the impression that the Zhao family in Chaoyang Village is a big surname.

There are many people with the surname Zhao in the village, but there are other small surnames, such as Gao, who is one of them.

His family has few brothers in the village, and there are no clansmen, this Gao Lin is the only seedling of this Gao family, got married a few years ago, gave birth to a girl, a few days ago the daughter-in-law gave birth to another daughter, counting that the days should not be full moon, so this Zhang Jun asked Gao Lin what happened?

How did you hear the crying and roaring just now?

“Village chief, why are you here, my family, the child died, this, the daughter-in-law is crying uncomfortably, I still want to send it to the mountains to be buried…” Gao

Lin is a black thin and a little tall man, looking in his thirties, in fact, the countryside married early, he is only twenty-seven or eight years old now.

They were taken aback when they saw Zhang Jun, and when they saw Zhao Guoqing, they were busy saying hello that something had happened at home.

said that the child who did not have a full moon died, the daughter-in-law was sad, and the parents at home were scolding the daughter-in-law for not taking good care of the child, and she was still howling here, and the voice was a little louder, so she quarreled with everyone.

“Really? Then I’ll go see your daughter-in-law, I listen to the crying sound is quite miserable! ”

It’s in the house, the woman in confinement is angry, uncle, don’t go, if you feel that your heart is too careless, just let my aunt come and see it tomorrow…”

Gao Lin said, Zhang Jun and Zhao Guoqing They really couldn’t go in, because it was a little late after all.

Although they are frank, but the room of the confinement children, whether it is very obscure or not, is mainly for fear of affecting the women in the confinement, so that the family cannot be let go.

However, Zhang Jun is also a careful person, although he can’t go in, he stands in the courtyard through the door, and asks Gao Lin’s daughter-in-law in the tone of the village chief if there are any grievances at home, if there are, this will be a lot of people may as well say it.

If you think it’s going to be too late, you can go to the village office to find him.

Now that men and women are equal, men are not allowed to beat their daughters-in-law.

“Whatever, our Gao family is all particular about people, this little two mouthfuls are a common thing, yes, it is not possible to be beaten!”

Gao Lin’s mother laughed on the side, saying that it was really too much to argue with Zhang Jun.

There was crying in the house, it should be Gao Lin’s daughter-in-law, but someone was coughing, and Gao Lin’s daughter-in-law stopped crying the most, just saying thank you to the village chief uncle.

After they came out of this house, Zhao Guoqing pretended to inadvertently look for the next door and asked, what is the matter with the Gao family?

In the middle of the night?

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“Isn’t it that the Gao family dislikes their daughter-in-law and gave birth to a daughter-in-law? Their family wants a son, and they don’t know what’s going on today, usually Gao Lin’s daughter-in-law doesn’t say anything, today’s noise is indeed a little loud, it seems to say that the child is gone, and I don’t know if it’s sick or what, but I heard Gao Linniang say, the child was born with no sound, always refusing to eat for fear of not being able to feed…”

Such things are also common in rural areas, and it is not a matter of any one family or two, and many people want to have sons like this.

Because there is labor to give birth to a son, there are many people and everyone is tough.

There were also whispered beside them.

“Don’t give it to your daughter-in-law, how can there be milk to milk the child, the child is so small, he must not starve to death if he has not eaten?” Sin…”

After only half of saying this, he was touched by the elbow of the person next to him, signaling him not to talk nonsense, because Gao Lin’s mother came out behind and cursed on the side.

“Who doesn’t give it to his daughter-in-law? Who doesn’t give it to his daughter-in-law? Two days after eating an old pumpkin from my family, so the old pumpkin with so sweet powder was given to her, what do you want to do? The pigs didn’t have to eat and screamed hungry…” Gao

Lin Niang was a little fierce, and she cursed people very fiercely with one mouth, which caused those people next to her to be a little unspeakable.

It’s all a matter of people’s housework, and if you talk too much, you will quarrel, so why talk more.

“Gao Lin, your daughter-in-law gave you a baby, the confinement should be made up for well, do you want to have another son without a good body? It’s not me saying you, tomorrow go to my house to get a few crucian carp to cook soup, my family still has some lard, you give your daughter-in-law supplements…”

Zhang Jun instructed Gao Lin, maybe he was the village chief or had authority.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Gao Lin and his mother did not dare to say anything, and he couldn’t help but promise that he would treat his daughter-in-law well.

Seeing them say this, Zhang Jun was not good to entangle anymore.

Turned around and left with Zhao Guoqing, sighing on the way and saying, the village is like this, son preference does not say, because the family is poor, the cost of marrying a daughter-in-law is low, and I always feel that the daughter-in-law is an outsider and is very evil to the daughter-in-law.

“That’s because you are poor, you have little reading and no vision, by the way, Uncle Zhang, you look back, what happened to that child, is it really dead, or was someone moved?”

Seeing that he was about to arrive home, Zhao Guoqing stopped.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Gao Lin said that the child died, but this is too coincidental, the key is that the child is still faintly heard at the beginning, how to say that it is gone?

And Gao Lin’s daughter-in-law cried so badly, maybe there is really something difficult to hide.

It’s not good to come forward yourself, Zhang Jun is the village head, and there is nothing better than handling it himself, so he told Zhang Jun a word.

“I’ll go with me, deal with these trivial things in the village, I’m not bad!”

Zhao Shun, who has not said a word, can’t help but open his mouth.

He was the village chief compared to Zhang Jun, and he knew more deeply about those things in the countryside than Zhang Jun.

Zhao Guoqing returned home and his mother had not slept, and when he saw him come back and asked him to quickly wash and go to bed early, he promised while asking his mother what happened to Gao Lin and his daughter-in-law in the village?

“What can happen? It’s not all like this, the Gao family has a small surname, I want to have more sons, I have always disliked my daughter-in-law for not being able to give birth to a son, this boy and a girl are fate, what is the use of blaming the daughter-in-law?

Liu Zhenfang sighed and chatted with her son about some gossip in the village, yawning uncontrollably.

Zhao Guoqing hurriedly let his mother go to bed early, he lay on the bed after washing, and he couldn’t sleep soundly, and I don’t know how long it took, and he heard someone knocking on the door in a daze.

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