“Sanwazi, shrunken turtle, coward…” This

voice was still very small at first, and the voice behind became louder and louder, shouting so that Zhao Guoqing heard it.

Sanwazi pulled the food in two bites, and then shouted, and the group of children ran out with him.

Later, Zhao Quan stomped his foot and said that the group of troublesome children came again.

Every time I come, I fight with Sanwazi and them.

“I’ll take a look!”

Seeing that the third uncle was about to touch the bamboo pole again, Zhao Guoqing called out to him.

When Zhao Guoqing went out, he saw Sanwazi with that group of children, surrounded by another group of children, that is, the group of children who threw stones towards Zhao Guoqing today.

There were obviously more children in that group, and then, they were older than the three children.

This will look like it’s going to fight.

Seeing Zhao Guoqing come out, he was not afraid, saying that the three children scolded and beat people, which would make them come to take revenge and so on.

Hearing the words of these children, Zhao Guoqing asked, only to know that it was all fighting spirit between boys.

Sanwazi they play here, sometimes they run into them, and then no one is convinced by anyone, they all want to be big brothers, so they quarrel and even fight.

At the end of the fight, each of them is looking for help.

Sanwazi they just came here, there are not many people they know, but the victory is in the same heart, and one individual looks young, but the fight is a good hand, tricky and eccentric.

That group of children are all native babies in this nearby area, and they know a lot of people, even if there are few people at the beginning, but as soon as they shout, they will call a large group of children, and they will beat up three children, thinking that they are foreign.

Zhao Guoqing understood this situation as soon as he heard this.

“You are not much different in age, don’t fight, you can play together, tomorrow we will make dumplings here, if you are willing to become good friends, tomorrow you will come over to eat dumplings together, if you still want to fight, then the dumplings will definitely not have a share…”

This is a good thing, half a child eats a poor old man, this group of children are the most able to eat, this will hear eating dumplings, one by one how can it stand?

Naturally, he patted his chest to say that they were just playing, and playing naturally became good friends.

The person who took the lead over there hooked up with Sanwazi, and when he left, he didn’t forget to ask Zhao Guoqing, can they come to eat dumplings tomorrow?

“Yes, come early, wash your hands, help make dumplings and have dumplings to eat…” Zhao

Guoqing wanted to laugh when he watched the child leave, and greeted Sanwazi with a fawning greeting.

However, for the sake of the children’s face, he held back, and just told a few of them to wash their hands tomorrow.

Sanwazi is very worried, so many people, this, make dumplings for them to eat, this, can’t do it!

“It’s okay, I’ll tell you a story, in the past, the sun and the wind bet that it was necessary to see who could take off a person’s clothes, the wind would blow hard, and wanted to blow people’s clothes, but because the wind was cold, people would wrap their clothes tightly, for fear that their clothes would be blown away, and they would not wear more than a few clothes, and the sun was shining on people, warm and comfortable, the sun was too hot, people took off their clothes, understand?”

Zhao Guoqing touched Sanwazi’s head and asked him.

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But Sanwazi shook his head, he really didn’t understand.

“Look, my third uncle always takes a bamboo pole to help you fight, but it’s useless, there are more and more of those people, and they are making more and more noise, but I invite them to eat dumplings, they are willing to be friends with you, now understand?”

Zhao Guoqing said this, the three children did not nod, over there Zhao Quan said distressedly: “You spend money blindly, everyone likes you like this, and those who have food and drink will definitely be willing to be friends with you!”

Zhao Guoqing laughed, in fact, these orphans of the three children, it is easy to solve the problem of feeding for them, but it is not an easy thing to make them mentally happy and happy.

It’s just a meal of dumplings, let them have more friends, which is also good.

What’s more, those children, in fact, are also hungry, maybe in the years after they grow up, the best thing to remember is this dumpling from the orphanage?

He just spent a little money, which is a dime a dozen for him, but those children may have good memories for a lifetime.

Because Zhao Guoqing did not have it when he was a child, he thought that these children would have such happy memories.

Early the next morning, Zhao Guoqing went to buy pork, bought 20 pounds of pork, people sent him some bones, and by the way, bought a few bags of radishes, and white noodles.

Not only did he go by himself, but he also called his mother and younger siblings.

Because today is a Sunday holiday, the dumpling filling is made by Liu Zhenfang, who cut the radishes, marinate them in salted water, and then stir them with the meat.

When Liu Zhenfang stirred the minced meat, the children watched from afar, because they did not dare to stand too close, too close for fear that the saliva would fall into the basin.

Gluttony, since I was a child, no one has ever eaten dumpling filling with one or twenty pounds of meat, nor has they eaten dumpling filling with more meat than radish.

Those children are looking forward to this dumpling, this will obediently wash their hands on the side, Sanwazi and another child and noodles, two people roll out noodles and roll dumpling skin, occasionally white noodles fall on the nose and face, the two look at each other and smile.

In the temptation of food, what knot can the teenager not untie?

Zhao Guoqing opened his head and beckoned children over the age of ten to make dumplings, the main thing was that everyone did it, and also let many children who were originally making trouble sit together.

This will make the children extremely excited, and the words are naturally a lot closer.

Zhao Youqing and Zhao Dongxue have been circling around Zhao Guoqing.

They like this brother, especially Zhao Youqing, I haven’t seen my eldest brother for a long time, I still miss it very much, he said that he learned to grasp it so tightly on Yingshan City’s side, and he didn’t have the freedom and happiness he used to have.

Actually, I didn’t feel very happy.

“Your current unhappiness is to give you the ability to do something you like happy in the future, don’t you always say that you like me, want to help me, study hard, I really lack people there, beat the tiger brother…”

Zhao Youqing was originally not very angry, because his poor foundation and grades were not very good.

But being encouraged by Zhao Guoqing, his eyes lit up and he nodded heavily in the face of Zhao Guoqing.

Zhao Dongxue on the side saw that the eldest brother and the second brother were chatting very happily, pouting and a little unhappy, they only cared about talking, which was forgetting themselves.

Hmph, the second brother is really bad, and he directly occupied the eldest brother.

“Big brother, you come over here, I’ll tell you something, something very important, you can’t tell others, especially the second brother, otherwise he will beat me…”

Zhao Dongxue finally found an opportunity, took advantage of Zhao Youqing to go to the toilet, pulled Zhao Guoqing aside to bite his ears.

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