“Second brother, I have a girl I like, I am about to have a second sister-in-law…” Zhao

Dongxue quietly snitched with Zhao Guoqing.

“A girl from his school?”

There was no rage, only Zhao Guoqing’s slightly smiling rhetorical question.

“Well, I saw that the second brother gave that girl food, stationery or something, that girl has a pair of long braids and is quite handsome…” Zhao

Dongxue saw that the eldest brother was not angry, this will be gossipy.

But I saw Zhao Guoqing doting and grabbed the girl’s hair with her hand, and said with a smile that she was a ghostly and clever.

He also said that he should not tell his mother in advance, and that he had time to talk to his brother and see what he said?

In his previous life, his second brother Zhao Youqing had a miserable life, and he had been running for food and clothing all his life, and he did not have a warm home, let alone marry a favorite daughter-in-law.

In this life, he just hopes that his brother will be happy and have a good life.

Live the life he desires and has the ability to make himself happy.

So when Zhao Guoqing took time, he went to see his second brother, and he found that the second brother was teaching Sanwazi how to make things, as well as the group of children who always had conflicts with Sanwazi.

This will also sit honestly on the side, sticking his head and curiously watching Zhao Youqing weave something with wire, watching, a bit like a bicycle.

A large group of children surrounded Zhao Youqing, their eyes were full of surprise, and they sighed one after another, how could Zhao Youqing’s hands be so skillful?

It is unimaginable that even the thin wire in his hand can be turned into a beautiful ornament.

This reminded Zhao Guoqing of his second brother, when he used to be at home, the bamboo cages or other things he made casually were very useful.

Zhao Youqing has always been a person with particularly dexterous hands, which can be seen from this.

Zhao Guoqing looked at his brother’s elated appearance on the side, smiled, and didn’t say anything, as long as he was happy.

People live a lifetime, isn’t it just to be happy?

It’s actually good to have his own backing, just make him happy like this, and if he wants to do what he likes one day, he will support it.

Today, this group of children was invited to eat dumplings together, and Zhao Guoqing also quickly learned about their situation.

These children, most of them are the children of nearby residents, there will be many children, and parents are busy doing things to earn money, and there is no time to take care of these children.

They do nothing all day, and then they will get together to make trouble, and there are more and more such children, and as soon as there are more people, they will get together to fight and make trouble.

These children are all sizes, their courage is getting bigger and bigger, and there are people who steal and make trouble, most of them are unattended, and some don’t even read books.

Even eating is a problem, hungry and full, they are envious that the children in the orphanage have food, have a place to live and play, because jealousy will take the initiative to make trouble and even fight.

Speaking of which, it is also a group of children without parental control, without life goals, living chaotically, and it is not clear whether it is good or bad.

Zhao Guoqing suggested that when the orphanage could ask teachers to teach them lessons in the future, none of these children were willing.

But Zhao Guoqing said that if the children who attend classes in the orphanage can have dinner at that time, these children will shine golden light with their eyes and make a huge cheering sound.

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Many of these children at home eat porridge at night because of poor conditions, and they can’t eat enough at all, and they all have the experience of hunger.

For children, what they like the most is to eat, especially if they are full, eat with a round stomach, that is a very happy thing

, as for what to learn to read, it is still much happier than working hungry.

So these children are looking forward to it and are very happy

, and it is Li Wan who is worried, she said that she brought about ten children and urged them to study okay.

But taking dozens of children to study at once, she has a weak heart and really can’t discipline her.

“You don’t have to worry about this, you just need to care about the children’s health, and their psychological learning, I will go to find a new teacher, these children have a poor foundation, you have to think of other ways…”

Zhao Guoqing comforted Li Wan.

These children in the orphanage, as well as these children who often come to fight, even if they can feed them

, but if they want to change their fate, they still have to study.

In this era, reading more books can really change their lives.

Zhao Guoqing planned to go to the first middle school where his younger brother was studying to find those old teachers who were retired.

Those teachers with rich experience, one person can manage dozens of students, and they all have rich experience, only by inviting these people can we give these children the best education.

On the way back, Zhao Guoqing and his younger siblings said these things.

His younger brother Zhao Youqing was a little worried, saying that he was a teacher of No. 1 Middle School and it was difficult to invite, but he knew some of the old teachers who lived near the school, some were not old, and some were withdrawn because of their health.

Maybe you can try it.

Soon, the two brothers locked on a teacher surnamed Ye, in Zhao Youqing’s words, he felt that Teacher Ye was very good, but he had a bad life, because he was not in good health and retired early to see a doctor.

But medical treatment is very expensive, plus his family is his own salary, raised two daughters and a son, daughter-in-law has no place to work, the family has a very hard life, he said, once after school, saw Mr. Ye’s daughter-in-law picking up vegetable leaves.

But he pretended not to see it and sneaked away.

Teacher Ye lives in the family building of the first middle school.

It is said that it is a family building, but in fact, the house is very narrow, his family of five, squeezed into a house, the children do not even have a serious bed.

This is not bitter, the key is that Teacher Ye is a teacher who retires internally, the salary is lower than that of ordinary teachers, his daughter-in-law has no culture, and there is no household registration in the city, and people are very diligent and hard-working.

But it is difficult to find a job, after all, there are too many people who have nothing to do in the city, the whole family relies on Teacher Ye’s salary, he still has to take medicine to treat diseases, and the family is living an abnormal hardship.

When Zhao Guoqing came, he saw a woman busy chopping half-rotten cabbage gangs, saying that they were used to feed chickens.

Zhao Guoqing’s eyes looked around, and he didn’t see a chicken, he asked where Teacher Ye went?

The woman said that Teacher Ye had gone out to run an errand, and asked him what he could tell him, she was Teacher Ye’s daughter-in-law.

“I heard that Teacher Ye has withdrawn, I have a few children who are very naughty at home, I want to ask

Teacher Ye to help discipline it…” Zhao Guoqing was thinking that there were some things that he had to see Teacher Ye himself, especially it was best to check Teacher Ye’s body, because he always felt that Teacher Ye was caused by too much work in the early days.

When the two were talking, they saw Teacher Ye carrying something in his hand and came back dejected.

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