Teacher Ye is very thin and tall, with his back hunched, and his face looks a little old, like a person in his sixties, but in fact, he is not yet fifty years old.

He was a little surprised when he heard that Zhao Guoqing had come to find him.

Because he saw that Zhao Guoqing was carrying a lot of things in his hands.

When those things were taken out, even Teacher Ye’s daughter-in-law’s eyes widened, looking incredulous.

Because Zhao Guoqing took out two chickens, as well as four or five catties of pork, a few catties of brown sugar and red dates, these are all good things, if you spend money to buy them, they are worth half a month’s salary of Teacher Ye’s family.

“What are you doing? Fruitless, hurry up and take it back…” Teacher

Ye was terrified, today he went out to ask a relative to help his daughter-in-law arrange a temporary handyman to do it.

Take the only chicken in the family when you leave.

But after weighing for a long time, the chicken did not dare to take it out, nor did he dare to enter the relative’s house, mainly for fear of being seen, it was not good for the relative’s work, and he was relatively timid.

But in the end, he didn’t dare to say this, just went home in ashes.

But when Zhao Guoqing sent him so many things, could Teacher Ye not be afraid?

He was worried that Zhao Guoqing would let him do something illegal and undisciplined, otherwise, why would he give such a heavy gift?

Finally, he learned that Zhao Guoqing wanted to invite himself to teach his child, he hesitated, and the school did not seem to have rules that did not allow him to do things outside.

However, he did not encourage this, he handled the internal withdrawal because his health has not been very good, plus he has a long working experience, once fainted on the school podium, although it was found to be anemia, but the school leaders still care about his body.

Let him handle the internal withdrawal.

Hey, he also wants to recuperate his body, but this family doesn’t have that condition.

“I can solve your daughter-in-law’s work problem, my side actually only uses two hours a day, mainly to teach the children on Saturdays and Sundays, discipline these children, and teach them the principles of life…” Zhao

Guoqing knew that although Teacher Ye was withdrawn, his health was not very good, and his courage was small, but he was a high school teacher and had rich teaching experience.

It was more than enough to teach those children, and if it weren’t for some special reason, he wouldn’t have had a chance to find such a good teacher.

Teacher Ye said that he had to think about it, even if Zhao Guoqing said that he would solve his daughter-in-law’s work, he was a little doubtful, and he always felt that such a good thing seemed to be his turn, afraid of traps.

When Zhao Guoqing left, Teacher Ye asked him to take things away, but Zhao Guoqing refused, and expressed his respect for Teacher Ye’s opinion.

When Mr. Ye’s daughter-in-law took out the few pounds of meat and sold it, and finally left a small piece of lean meat that others couldn’t look at, took it back to cook the radish, and the children all gobbled it up, Mr. Ye’s eyes were red.

“You are timid and afraid of things all your life, look at you, retreat, this monthly salary can’t support the family, our family hasn’t eaten pork for more than a year, I don’t find some work here, our family is starving to death?”

“I have secretly inquired about this Boss Zhao, it is a serious person, the most popular National Day department store over there in the lotus pond is from the people’s family, I heard that he also has a younger brother studying in No. 1 Middle School, we all know the child, Zhao Youqing, this person is reliable, will not harm us…” Listening to the daughter-in-law’s

chatter, and then seeing that the children were hungry one by one, Teacher Ye lowered his head.

“Otherwise, I’m going to find my cousin, just to arrange a temporary job for you…”

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muttered Teacher Ye.

“Forget it, you have mentioned this matter more than once or twice, people are pretending to be confused, your cousin is in charge, there are so many people under him, people are really willing to help, so they pout, but our family’s life is like this, why bother, I promised you to pay him back next month’s salary yesterday, but, next month’s salary is all given to others, the creditors still have a lot…”

Teacher Ye’s daughter-in-law suddenly cried when she said this, As soon as she cried, several children did not dare to speak.

Some children also sensibly said that they did not like to eat meat, so they asked their mothers not to cry.

Seeing his daughter-in-law and children like this, Teacher Ye’s heart was like a knife, and finally he gave some dishes to the children and daughter-in-law, and then looked at the four walls of the family, and the most valuable thing in the family was a chicken.

Take a long sigh.

“The pork sent by the people was sold, simply the brown sugar and red dates were also sold, and then the chickens were also sold, pay the bill…”

“Well, the chicken I keep the raw eggs to hatch the chicks, and I can exchange some money, there is a shortage of money everywhere in this house, or else, you go and see!”

Teacher Ye’s daughter-in-law has been persuading him.

Teacher Ye didn’t sleep this night, and after dawn, he thought about it or planned to go to see the situation.

The daughter-in-law had to go with him.

It is said that if what Zhao Guoqing said is true, even if he does not give Teacher Ye money at that time, and gives her twenty or thirty yuan a month, he can let their family get through the difficulties.

The place that Zhao Guoqing said is very inquiring about.

National Day Department Store is famous here, after all, the location and scale are here.

As soon as Mr. Ye and his wife looked at it and inquired, a big stone fell to the ground in their hearts.

This Zhao Guoqing didn’t seem to lie to himself, and they also went to a welfare home.

I saw Zhao Quan working in the orphanage, and Zhao Shun was also in the orphanage, busy making windows and exterior walls for this side.

Here looks a little desolate because of the wide field, but in the living room, it looks like it is clean and clean, the beds, tables and chairs inside are new, it looks unusually strong, and the materials are very solid.

Looking at Zhao Guoqing’s welfare home, he really paid attention.

When the group of children came back from school, a large group of children gathered together, twenty or thirty people, the younger one was okay, and the older one was mischievous.

Zhao Guoqing said that he invited Teacher Ye to come because he wanted him to discipline this group of naughty children, so that after school, they could learn something again and take care of them for dinner.

Seeing all this, Teacher Ye finally made up his mind and was willing to come over, but he still had a big concern.

That is he or the teacher who withdraws, this, what should he do if the school pursues him for working here?

After all, at this time, many regulations are not sound, as long as someone reports with red eyes, someone like Teacher Ye can be punished.

For an extremely timid person like Teacher Ye, it was a disaster, and it was also a hurdle that made him unable to step out.

“This is easy to do, leave it all to me, I have already thought of a way, keep it so that no one can find the slightest fault…”

After Zhao Guoqing knew Teacher Ye’s worry, he laughed.

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