“No, even if this is a few fewer bricks, this will not suddenly appear a hole with less than 500,000 bricks…”

Zhao Shun pulled his hair anxiously.

went to interrogate that Zhou Xiaoliu, scared him not lightly, and immediately knelt on the ground, saying that he liked to be greedy and cheap and collect some cigarettes.

A pack of cigarettes gives people two or three hundred bricks, but they definitely dare not make the number bigger.

At most, he has 10,000 or 20,000 bricks in his hands, and if he has less than 50,000 bricks in the sky, there will definitely be no hole in 500,000 bricks.

It’s really not his fault.

Zhou Xiaoliu did not admit it, he was fired, the salary was naturally gone, this is not counted, Zhao Shun also asked him to compensate three hundred yuan, otherwise he would send people to the police station.

Zhou Xiaoliu regretted it at this time, and knelt down for Zhao Guoqing, saying that he was a ghost fan and confused for a while, hoping that he would raise his noble hand and spare himself.

Zhao Guoqing didn’t look at Zhou Xiaoliu, and without rules, he wouldn’t be a square circle.

If in the future, all the people who make mistakes let themselves raise their noble hands, and he nods and agrees, then this brick factory is not far from bankruptcy.

Even if he wants to seek some welfare for the villagers, he will definitely not follow up in the end.

Because it simply won’t hold up.

“Check, we all live in the brick factory these days, be vigilant at night, see if there is a situation, this amount is so large, it should have been stolen…” Because

the area of the brick factory is too large, it is relatively empty all around, and the expensive things are placed in the good house.

But like those finished bricks and tiles, there is no need to stop anything, after all, this thing is too much space, and there are people in the brick factory day and night, and everyone does not care much. After

Zhao Guoqing said this, he suggested that he get some dogs in the village.

He also took Xiao Bai to the brick factory.

Xiaobai is actually a black dog, but at the beginning the dog Yu liked to call him Xiaobai, then Xiaobai.

This will Xiaobai has grown into a big black dog, followed Zhao Guoqing to the brick factory, happily running around, it lives well in the Zhao family, the fur eats is oily and slippery, plus he is not old, lively and active, comes to the new environment, runs around and is excited.

Zhao Guoqing planned to live in the brick factory at night, so he looked for a big circle and took a fancy to the house where Qian Yin lived.

There used to be a lot of greens next to this house.

This will be a trampled mess in the vegetable field.

Qian Yin’s room was opened, a layer of dust fell on the bed, Zhao Guoqing cleaned up, got a mat and clean sheets and pillows, intending to make do with it here at night.

Zhao Shun came to him at night and said that there were many paths next to the brick factory, many of which were newly stepped on.

It should be that someone came to steal the brick at night, which is fortunately checked, otherwise they would not know if the brick was lost.

After all, the brick factory is too big, and there are many bricks produced and sold every day, so many that if you don’t specifically check it, who would have thought that there were hundreds of thousands of bricks that could not be paid off?

“Be vigilant at night, let the dogs out, and take people to chase when you hear the movement…” Zhao

Guoqing felt that someone should be stealing bricks.

After all, this finished brick is also worth money, if someone steals bricks, even if they steal a little a day, they will soon be able to make enough bricks for the house.

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I’m afraid, some people steal bricks to sell.

Then the matter is much more serious.

It soon got dark, and the workers of the entire brick factory went back, and everywhere was quiet, only a few people on duty in the brick factory had nothing to do around here.

The brick factory factory is large, and after those people wander around, they quickly can’t stay up, some go back to rest, and some continue to be on duty.

Under normal circumstances, there are two people on patrol duty.

But people always have inertia, even if the person on duty is on patrol, he will find a comfortable place to squint for a while while walking, after all, he will feel very uncomfortable if he does not sleep at night.

The moon is not coming out tonight, and it is dark everywhere.

Where there is a light, there is a man standing smoking a cigarette, yawning and stamping his foot.

In the darkness, there was a sound of Suo Suo, and then I saw several black shadows, slowly touching the side of the brick factory, and those black shadows were carrying a basket-like thing on their shoulders.

They crouched down, put the finished bricks and tiles into baskets, picked them up and walked down the path, where they soon disappeared into the darkness.

Although they lowered their footsteps and lowered their voices, they still made a movement and were heard by the dogs in the brick factory.

Especially Xiaobai, at this time, the watery bark, with its call, a group of dogs all barked.

Those black shadows were a little caught off guard, but they didn’t expect that there were so many more dogs in the brick factory at once, they picked up the bricks and hurriedly wanted to run, but there was the light of a flashlight behind, the sound of dogs barking, and the sound of people talking.

Hearing those voices, these black shadows suddenly panicked.

Just want to run desperately.

But where do people in the dark run over dogs?

It didn’t take long to hear a ghost crying wolf howl, as well as endless pleas for mercy, and the sound of shouting for help, and the excited barking of dogs.

This sound spread far away, so that many people in the village who had already slept were suddenly awakened.

are saying, it seems to be a shout from the brick factory, I don’t know what happened over there, or else, go and see?

After dawn, several people were tied up on the empty ground of the brick factory.

Those people were crying and almost kneeling on the ground, and the tools used to steal bricks were placed in front of them, and this time Zhang Jun was also there, and he was angry, because there were actually several people from their own village who stole bricks, and there were also people from other villages.

“Look at your appearance, there are young and strong hands and feet, now they have divided the fields, eat and drink without worrying about leisure, and can also work as short-term workers, even if you come to the brick factory to do short-term work, you can earn a few dollars a day, you can use it to steal bricks, with this strength and spirit, why not?”

Zhang Jun scolded the villagers in his village.

Those who scolded lowered their heads one by one, and none of them dared to raise their heads, and no one dared to say a word.

Zhang Jun’s prestige is still there, he rarely gets angry, and once he gets angry, those villagers are even more afraid.

He is no better than Zhao Shun, Zhao Shun is looking fierce, scolding is also fierce, but fierce is fierce, but the real thing is the mercy of his subordinates.

Zhang Jun is different, usually looking at a person who has no temper, seeing everyone smiles, but once the fire starts, it is more ruthless than anyone.

So after Zhang Jun finished scolding this group of people, he waved his hand.

“I’ve already called the police, you all wait to eat in prison, steal, just for these worthless bricks, think for yourselves, whether it’s worth it…”

As soon as Zhang Jun’s words fell, someone was already crying out of wow.

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