Many of these villagers who steal bricks are also married, with wives or parents.

At this time, many daughters-in-law are crying, or the old lady is crying, looking regretful.

“It’s all from one village, just take a few bricks, can’t we pay for it?” Why send you to jail?

“Yes, yes, what a big thing, just a few bricks, do you need to go to jail?” Uncle Zhang, this is not an outsider, can’t we admit the punishment? ”

Those who were caught, at this point, were frightened.

Originally, they thought that they were all people nearby, and they didn’t look up to see them, and many of them were close to each other.

It is a brick that is stolen, even if you catch hundreds of bricks, how much crime can be charged, and the compensation is also a small amount, and you will definitely not go to jail.

But I didn’t expect Zhao Shun to directly say that the brick and tile factory lost nearly 500,000 bricks, a huge amount, and definitely would not give up, naturally to call the police, this matter must be investigated to the end.

This time, if you don’t check the situation, severely punish and don’t lend, the next time the brick factory will be emptied.

The people in the village finally found something to do, and when the time came, they were all yellow, and everyone was shooting themselves in the foot.

This said, those who were arrested panicked, crying and shouting for intercession, and soon, the police really came from the side of Hongxing Town.

This is a serious matter, because it is really a huge number, and people are stolen.

It didn’t take long for not only Chaoyang Village, but also Bayi Village and other villages next door to know about this important event.

Many people came to watch, and the bound villagers were frightened, and at this time they also realized the importance of the problem, and some people kept begging for mercy and expressing their willingness to compensate for the damage.

But they really didn’t steal 500,000 bricks, but the brick factory also has conclusive evidence that they did disappear 500,000 bricks.

This led to the fact that if these people compensate 500,000 bricks, or go to jail, even so, Zhao Shun still did not agree, felt that he could not cheapen these people, he did not accept compensation, and asked them to go to prison.

Many people at the scene cried, some people were looking for Zhao Guoqing, wanting to intercede with him, in the impression, Zhao Guoqing was really a bodhisattva’s heart, it was very good to people, and he would definitely not watch the villagers be punished so severely.

Unfortunately, no one found Zhao Guoqing.

He didn’t see anyone directly, but just told Zhang Jun and Zhao Shun to handle this matter well, at least let all the villagers understand one thing.

Stealing bricks can’t be scratched, not at all.

A few bricks will make them several times or even ten times more compensation, not to mention, the point is that they will also go to jail.

The first time such a thing occurs, you have to hit hard and ruthlessly, otherwise, it will be difficult to manage in the future, and something big will happen.

This time, Zhao Guoqing did not come forward, just behind the scenes, all the black faces were handed over to Zhang Jun and Zhao Shun to deal with, and he only used remote control to command and indicate his purpose.

These people are all getting moving.

By the time Zhao Guoqing returned home for dinner, a large group of people had gathered at home, all anxiously waiting for him, some people were still crying, saying that it was a village, begging Zhao Guoqing for help, then Zhao Shun and Zhang Jun were really ruthless.

To send his son to prison, some people say, he will be sentenced to ten years in prison.

There were also people who turned around in a hurry, and saw that Zhao Guoqing directly knelt down, which was shouting with a handful of snot and tears.

“National Day, eldest nephew, you pity your aunt, your uncle is confused and did something wrong, please intercede with Zhao Shun, let him raise his noble hand, are we willing to compensate?”

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It turned out that these people should have begged for a circle, Zhang Jun refused to intercede, Zhao Shun did not enter, Liu Zhencai said that he didn’t care, and he couldn’t move Zhao Shun at all.

Looking at the whole village, the one who can say something in front of Zhao Shun is Zhao Guoqing.

Everyone has been waiting at Zhao Guoqing’s house for a day, no, it is not easy to wait for people to come back, and many people are crying anxiously.

In fact, Zhao Guoqing has long known about this.

To severely punish is also his order to Zhao Shun, but these people have already asked to come to the house, there must be a step down, and when he comes back, it is for these people who go down the step.

So this will be good, naturally it is up to him to do it.

He helped everyone up, first reprimanded the family members who stole things, saying that they did not help discipline them, and then said that Zhao Shun was also very stubborn, and the people were single, who had been the village chief and had insight.

This will, he is not sure, can only try.

Zhao Guoqing’s words gave those people infinite hope, and many people politely begged him, begging him to hurry up and go to Zhao Shun’s side, 500,000 bricks, they were willing to pool money to compensate.

Just ask people not to send them to jail.

Once this is imprisoned, it will be finished in the countryside, and the man who is not married must be a bachelor all his life, and if he is married, his daughter-in-law and children will be looked down upon, and even when he sees people in the village in the future, he will be three points shorter.

The point is that even if it is 500,000 bricks, there are many people, it is better to make up and borrow money, and it is better to get through the current difficulties first than to go to a prison cell for many years.

“You are all waiting at my house, I’ll take a look, you first pool the money, make up enough, I’ll try, I don’t dare to guarantee, I can only try…”

Zhao Guoqing said, these people are very grateful.

Over there, Zhao Guoqing went to Zhao Shun’s house, but saw Zhao Shun and Zhang Jun stewing chicken soup, waiting for him to go over to eat, and several people closed the door.

Zhao Shun couldn’t help but review, saying that he was still too careless to manage the factory himself.

If it weren’t for Zhao Guoqing, he would never have dreamed of it.

This brick factory has been stolen so many bricks?

These people are too damaged, some bricks are fancy, one by one is really not a thing.

“In the future, raise more dogs, turn back, my brother-in-law has some comrades-in-arms over, I will directly arrange to work the night shift here, they are much more professional than those villagers, and they are all strangers, and they can also pull their faces and grab people, the most important thing is that we have to take this opportunity to expand the matter and make a big deal, so that all the people who have crooked minds will take warning…” As

soon as Zhao Guoqing said this, Zhao Shun couldn’t help nodding, and shouted yes and yes vigorously.

Zhang Jun on the side is also embarrassed, this, he is also taking money in the factory, if this matter is not handled well, his own shares are embarrassed to take dividends.

So the two of them promised that they would get things done.

There is also the problem of eating in the cafeteria, and the two discussed what to do?

Zhao Guoqing on the side sighed.

“It’s easy to do it, that is, the rules have not been established, the meal ticket is on the line, the meal ticket is not given without the meal, the workers will issue meal tickets and food tickets every month, at that time, whether it is the canteen, or the workers’ eating problem, there are rules to check, and it can also prevent corruption in the canteen…”

Zhao Guoqing said this, Zhao Shun’s face blushed, indeed, they were careless and did not expect it.

And hearing Zhao Guoqing say this, he thought of another thing, and he was a little embarrassed.

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