I caught two chickens and sent them to the family where I caught Xiaobai last time, and took away all the local dogs that had just reached the full moon, a total of six.

These six dogs were sent to the brick factory, so that Zhao Shunhe and his uncle were raised, except for a few of them, no outsiders were allowed to contact them.

And the food is also very good, feed them and eat bone broth.

Dogs raised in this way are not gluttonous.

This group of dogs is raised, plus Xiaobai, this brick factory does not have to worry at night.

In Yingshan City, Zhao Guoqing found Ji Xiaosi, asked him to dig deep, continued to dig deep and stared at Zhou Taishan and Ye Hongtao, wrote down all their affairs, and called himself whenever there was a situation.

And now that the two sides are on the phone, as long as he sees that person in Jiangcheng, even if there is only a back, he will immediately call back to let Ji Xiaosi confirm who is not in Jiangcheng?

He had to find out Chen Furong’s adulterer.

It is absolutely necessary to make it clear that the person who almost made him the takeover man, he will not give up like this, and he will definitely take revenge to the end.

If the heart is not happy, it will definitely not give up.

Ji Xiaosi didn’t understand why Zhao Guoqing valued this matter so much, and even asked him to call directly if he had news, but this did not prevent him from nodding cautiously.

He said that he would do his best to get this thing done.

“When I turn back, I will transfer the rat back from Tianfu City to help you, this is a big thing, it is very important to me, you two can’t be careless…”

Zhao Guoqing said, Ji Xiaosi’s head nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

I almost swore to the sky.

Rats and Ji Xiaosi are both people from Yingshan City, they are watching and investigating people here, and they will not be noticed if they are a little careful.

And this day is hot, the school is also on holiday, Zhao Guoqing decided to drive his younger siblings to Jiangcheng.

Zhao Youqing and Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei are so old that they have never been to Jiangcheng, let alone taken a car.

So the night before I went, several people all had insomnia and couldn’t sleep with excitement.

Especially Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei, who slept in a bed, two cardamom young girls, were in the bed all night, chattering about Jiangcheng heard by hearsay.

“I’ve heard people since I was a child that Jiangcheng is particularly big, and everything is sold there, there is nothing you can’t buy, only good things that you can’t think of…”

“I heard, there are big color TVs over there, and refrigerators and washing machines, I haven’t seen refrigerators, the washing machine has heard people say, you can wash clothes, dirty clothes put in and clean clothes out, you said how to clean clothes, it’s really strange, I’m most afraid of washing clothes, Winter is so cold that my hands get frostbite every time I wash my clothes…”

The two little girls have been chatting and are very excited.

Jiangcheng is really too far away for them, and they never dreamed that they would be able to go to Jiangcheng one day.

This hehe, I still went by car.

Therefore, when Zhao Guoqing left the next day, he called these two little girls, only to find that the two children were wearing dark circles, one by one, they were in high spirits, their eyes were wide, just a tired face, and they yawned one after another.

But as soon as he got into the car, as soon as the jeep drove up, Zhao Youqing’s waist plate was straight, his body was tense and tight, and the tip of his nose was sweating, and he looked very nervous.

Looking at Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei, the two girls, this will touch here and there, look at everything feel particularly curious, obviously sleepy to death, but a few pairs of eyes are reluctant to blink, all the way greedily looking at the scenery outside the car window.

I just think it’s a special novelty to watch.

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Along the way, they saw many small villages and many houses built on the side of the road, and they felt particularly curious.

Many house styles, they have never seen, but they only find it particularly interesting, and they think it is particularly beautiful and beautiful.

After arriving in Jiangcheng, they saw the obviously multi-story house, covered their mouths at once, and looked envious and excited.

“Wow, look, that big bell, and that Yangtze River bridge, it’s really long and wide, it turns out that this is the Yangtze River…”

Zhao Dongxue muttered, and Zhao Dongmei on the side just wanted to poke her head out of the carriage, but was stopped by Zhao Guoqing, saying that this was particularly dangerous.

Frightened, Zhao Dongmei suddenly shrunk her head into the car, but she couldn’t help but let out a silver bell-like laugh.

They are really too happy at this time, it turns out that the river city is so beautiful, so the Yangtze River is like this?

When they were sent to the East Lake villa by Zhao Guoqing, they stood in front of the house and felt at a loss.

I didn’t dare to go in.

It was still Zhao Guoqing who called them two or three times, and after these three people repeatedly confirmed, they followed Zhao Guoqing into the house.

This villa is beautiful with any house they have seen before, especially Zhao Youqing, the whole person feels chaotic, he just heard that the eldest brother has a house in Jiangcheng, and at that time he only felt that the eldest brother was a waste.

My hometown has just built such a good big tile house, which is spacious and big, and there is simply no better house.

They all have new houses, why is the eldest brother still buying a house?

It’s simply incomprehensible.

But when he saw the house that his eldest brother bought, he immediately understood why his eldest brother would still buy a house.

These two houses are completely different styles, this villa, let’s say, the gate is carved in stone, after walking in, even a grass planted in the yard, it looks particularly pleasing to the eye.

Because that grass must have been deliberately selected, and then planted in the most suitable position.

The whole house and the whole yard, a grass and a tree with a rockery fish pond, Zhao Youqing was dazzled, it simply subverted his life experience and vision for more than ten years.

It turns out that the rich people’s families live in such houses.

His eldest brother should be the richest person he has ever met, and he has never met anyone richer than his eldest brother, so he is really proud of him.

And this feeling was even worse when Zhao Youqing was arranged to live in this house.

He thought that many of the furnishings in this house he had never seen.

TV, refrigerator and washing machine, here, actually have it?

You must know that in the Chaoyang Brigade, it has not been fully electrified so far, and only the town of Hongxing has been electrified, and the people in the village are saying that it is estimated that the village will be electrified at the end of this year or next spring.

The county was electrified, so he felt very happy.

This will look at the eldest brother’s house in Jiangcheng, Zhao Youqing feels, oh my God, how can the eldest brother live in such a good house, and can still return to his hometown with great calmness?

It’s not arrogant or irritable, it’s as plain as water, so that people can’t see the place of pride at all?

If you change yourself, you don’t know anything about your surname.

“Youqing, go, I’ll take you to a place…” Zhao

Guoqing shouted the stunned Zhao Youqing in the room!

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