“Dongxue and Dongmei, if you don’t take a break, stay in your Xia He sister’s room, and I’ll take Youqing to the factory to take a look!”

Zhao Guoqing saw that Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei were both about to become cross-eyed.

This will make the eyes red and can’t open them.

“No, big brother, I want to go to the factory with you and the second brother to take a look!”

Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei will still be in a state of excitement, let them rest, where they can sleep, shouting that they will also go to the factory to see.

Zhao Guoqing felt sorry for his younger brothers and sisters, and quickly took them over.

Say yes quickly, this will pass just in time for lunch at the factory.

When he said this, several people were full of expectations, they had never seen anything like a factory, let alone eat a meal in a factory.

At this age, that’s when you’re extra curious about everything.

So this will follow Zhao Guoqing and go to the garment factory.

When I went to the garment factory and saw the gate, it was not as tall as they thought, and I was a little disappointed in my heart, and then I saw that the factory was full of people and crowded everywhere.

When I went to the cafeteria, the cafeteria was originally quite large, but it couldn’t hold many people.

It was hot again, so many people huddled together to eat, and all kinds of sweat smells could not be concealed.

“Wu Di, and Liu Han…” Several

children looked around, and suddenly saw Wu Di and Zhao Han.

Just beckoned desperately to the two, and many people also saw Zhao Guoqing and these children, and the fellow villagers of Chaoyang Village also hurriedly greeted them, shouting Zhao Youqing in their native dialect, as well as Zhao Dongxue and the names of their brothers and sisters.

Zhao Youqing, who was originally a little nervous, would finally breathe a sigh of relief.

In the eldest brother’s factory, there are really many acquaintances.

“Go over there to cook, eat as much as you want, you can add more food if you don’t have enough to eat…”

Zhao Guoqing shouted, Wu Di over there had already cleaned up a table, called him to sit down together, many people in the factory were calling the boss, and Song Siyuan over there also heard the news and rushed over.

Seeing that the Zhao family brothers and sisters were there, they shouted in surprise, saying that they were treated, left, and went out to eat.

“No, no, my eldest brother let us eat in the factory…” Seeing

Song Siyuan, Zhao Dongxue pulled her affectionately and called her sister, compared to Wu Di, they felt more cordial to Song Siyuan, after all, Song Siyuan had lived in their house for a while, and he was a particularly familiar person.

“The big pot of rice in the factory is unpalatable, or else, if you are not used to eating, you have to tell me, I invite you to go to the restaurant!”

Song Siyuan pursed his lips and smiled, the meals with many people in the factory, the spatula for stir-frying was as big as a shovel.

No matter what the dish, stir-fried is like stew.

Stir-frying a chili pepper is like boiling a chili pepper, and in order to make dishes convenient, such as potatoes are never fried shredded, that is directly cut into pieces, all stewed into potato cubes.

Such a dish, the first time to eat may not be nothing, after all, there is a lot of oil and water, even if it is stewed vegetables, it is okay.

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But I can’t stand eating like this, the nutrition is enough, but it’s really hard to eat, Song Siyuan wants to vomit every time he eats.

“This potato is quite delicious, there is actually meat, how can it be unpalatable?”

Zhao Youqing didn’t understand a little, Zhao Guoqing looked at a few dishes in the factory at noon today, a potato stew pork, a vermicelli, a green vegetable, and a pumpkin, three vegetarian dishes and a meat dish, in fact, this food is already the best among all the surrounding factories.

In many factories, just one or two vegetarian dishes, and occasionally a meat dish, are considered to be in good conditions.

Zhao Guoqing suddenly attacked, came to the factory to eat, the dish is no problem, did not cut corners, oil and water are enough, there is not one dish missing, but the taste, really like Song Siyuan said, four dishes, seems to be one taste.

It’s all boiled dishes.

Zhao Guoqing saw his younger brothers and sisters eat this big pot of rice for the first time, and it is estimated that they were hungry again, and they were quite happy to eat.

After he finished eating, he approached the kitchen, Zhao Youqing originally planned to have another bowl, and when he saw his brother’s canteen, he unconsciously followed in.

Zhao Guoqing’s gaze fell on the kitchen, looked at whether the floor was dirty, how hygienic, and then looked at whether there was a pumpkin skin in the trash can.

Where his gaze looked, the person in charge of the canteen followed Zhao Guoqing the whole time, and this would be busy explaining that according to the boss’s request, the pumpkin seeds were taken out, the skin was processed, and the pot was clean.

Ensure that workers eat safely, clean and hygienic, etc.

In the past, the chef in charge of this cafeteria was also from Chaoyang Village, but later, as the number of people in the factory increased, the number of masters also increased.

“The dishes on your side, can you change the pattern, try to make as few stews as possible, pay attention to the taste when stir-frying, try to let everyone eat full and eat well, so that you have the strength to work…”

Zhao Guoqing opened his mouth, the person in charge complained for days, saying that their seven or eight masters were busy like a top, such a hot day, such a big pot stove, the master is also very hard every day, and there are people who suffer from heat stroke in the morning, and they have let the people who suffer from heat stroke go back to rest.

Some masters complained that working in other factories, people only have two vegetarian dishes a day, only here is it particularly troublesome, three or four dishes, and there must be meat and vegetarian, and being a chef in the canteen here is the most tiring and hard.

“Put more fans, you can make some cold dishes, take turns off, there are not enough people to recruit people, if you don’t change, you will settle the salary and dismiss if you dislike the hard work…”

When Zhao Guoqing said this, although he didn’t look at the master who complained just now, it scared people a lot, suddenly shrunk to the side like a quail, and even the sound of breathing was not too big, it was hard here, but the salary was also high.

Really fired, where to find such a good job?

As soon as Zhao Guoqing spoke, the person in charge quickly nodded, saying that it was four dishes in the afternoon, so he added a cold dish, and then tried to change the pattern, at least it couldn’t be a boiled dish.

Hearing this person’s promise, Zhao Guoqing said a few words casually, and the person in charge was afraid that he would not remember, and even took out a small book on his body to record it.

That look, looking at Zhao Youqing, who had been following Zhao Guoqing, was in a trance.

Originally, he thought that his eldest brother was his eldest brother.

But I didn’t expect my eldest brother to have such a majestic side? I didn’t see these people seeing the eldest brother, all of them were like mice seeing cats, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

His own eldest brother is really powerful.

“Meat dishes should also be changed frequently, get more fried oily food, it’s hot, boil an extra soup, so that the workers have to eat well…”

Zhao Guoqing said, many workers outside crowded at the back kitchen door to watch, suddenly let out a cheer, startled Zhao Youqing.

It turned out that many people did not speak, and they quietly followed.

It’s just that his gaze swept over those workers, and suddenly Zhao Youqing was dumbfounded.

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