He saw a man, about thirty years old, with bare arms, his hands dangling all the time, and there was no slap?

This, how could such a person appear here?

Zhao Youqing’s eyes widened and he looked at the person curiously, and the person smiled at him kindly.

Zhao Youqing lowered his head, and saw a dwarf man who was less than one meter tall, with hands and feet, he was still very well-proportioned and good-looking, but he was also too short.

That face is full of vicissitudes at first glance, but the height and shape look like a five or six-year-old child.

This, obviously, is not normal.

Zhao Youqing was stunned, he searched everywhere with a pair of eyes, looked everywhere, and soon, he found that there was actually a person without feet and a pair of crutches in his hand who was also cooking?

And, and, there’s a broken arm, oh my God, this, this….

“What do you see, still in a daze here?”

Zhao Guoqing’s voice sounded, making Zhao Youqing hurriedly shake his head and quickly follow behind his eldest brother, which would make him go to the workshop to take a look.

The workshop here is relatively small and there are more people, but there are fans everywhere, blowing a cool breeze, which makes people feel very comfortable and not so uncomfortable.

The workshop is now an assembly line, Zhao Guoqing randomly checks to see those finished products, or just stands outside the workshop to look at it, Zhao Youqing does not dare to ask the eldest brother, just curiously follows him.

Over there, Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei followed Song Siyuan, and they didn’t know where to run.

“Big brother, how can I see a lot of disabled people, is it difficult to recruit people in this factory?”

“Good recruitment, there are many workers, but some disabled people need a chance to work, our side does not discriminate against any disabled person, try to provide them with a chance to work, let them live with dignity…” Zhao

Guoqing took his younger brother and told him, follow himself, see more, listen and think more, and ask him questions.

Zhao Youqing was very curious about everything.

Whether he met those disabled people or saw his eldest brother inspecting the workshop, he even saw that the eldest brother saw that there was something wrong in the workshop, and actually did not say anything, but turned around and found the person in charge and asked him to deal with it.

“Brother, why didn’t you deal with those things on the spot just now, but called someone to deal with them?”

Zhao Youqing didn’t understand, obviously the eldest brother said that the passage in the workshop could not be stacked with goods, and there was enough space to be left, but he did not directly ask the workers to say, but let the person in charge deal with it.

“I am the boss, play the role of supervision and management, if everything has to be done by yourself, you will find that you will be entangled in some small things and trivial things, there is no time to think about some very important things, people’s energy is limited, destined to have trade-offs, understand?”

Zhao Guoqing has always been particularly loving and caring for this younger brother.

He wants him to live a happy life, but whether a person has a good life or not, the most important thing is character, and the habit of dealing with things.

After all, he was born again, and some good experiences were summed up in his previous life, which also avoided detours.

The younger brother’s character was formed when he was not old, thinking can not be changed, as for the habit of dealing with things, the relative pattern is very small, after all, he has no insight at all, how do you let him have a pattern and insight?

Therefore, after thinking about it, the best way is to bring it with him and teach it subtly.

In this way, he has a sound personality, has a vision pattern, and can also think independently and deal with things when he really encounters things.

“Ah, I don’t quite understand!”

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“Then I’ll take you with me when I have time, you see more, listen and think more, ask more why, slowly you will understand, you can help me deal with some things in the future, I have more important things to do…” Zhao

Guoqing patted his brother’s shoulder.

In fact, when the money is earned to a certain extent, you can spend it as you like, and you will not worry about food and clothing, and more confusion will follow.

That is, why do people live and why do they make money?

How can we make this life meaningful and not live this time in vain?

Zhao Guoqing himself feels that eating and wearing flowers does not mean much to him, he personally can’t spend it at all, even if he adds his family, he can’t spend it all, and it’s not interesting.

What he had to do was to find Xia Ruolan and let her return to him.

Find Chen Furong’s adulterer, let your heart knot in the past life and this life make a break, and let your thoughts be clear.

There is also to do something meaningful, change the fate of the people around you, poor or alone, reach the rule and benefit the world, just strive towards this goal, life will be more meaningful, otherwise, this life will be lived in vain.

Zhao Guoqing spent the longest time on Wu Di’s side.

He has to look at some drawings, the design drawings of autumn and winter clothes in the second half of the year, these have to go ahead, and the clothes styles designed by their family can always be unexpected and soon form a trend.

Guiding the fashion trend for a while, Wu Di has always admired Zhao Guoqing.

What he didn’t know was that Zhao Guoqing had some memories of his previous life, and he didn’t remember anything else, and occasionally remembered what was the most popular on the street, and it was not surprising that it was designed a few years in advance, after all, anything that is widely popular must have a certain reason.

For these Zhao Youqing can’t understand, he feels a little bored, sees Liu Han, and wants to talk to him.

But found that Liu Han had been beside him, listening attentively, that kind of concentration and intention did not match his age at all, which made Zhao Guoqing a little embarrassed to disturb, so he had to tiptoe away secretly.

Thinking about it, it’s really not possible, so go find Zhao Dongxue and Zhao Dongmei.

However, he walked half a circle in this factory, and the whole person was a little confused, as if he was lost.

Zhao Youqing felt that his brain was a little insufficient today, from the time he arrived in this factory, his brain was confused, and he had some unclear feelings, no, he actually couldn’t find a way out, and he didn’t know what to do by mistake, and ran to the side of the workshop, just when he was spinning around urgently.

Someone was calling him.

“You came with the boss, you are still so young, are you here to work? You tell the boss, others are very good, maybe they can let you do a temporary job, and when you turn back, you can still study…” Zhao

Youqing looked around, only to find that it was a child-like dwarf who was talking to him with his head up.

This person himself has seen, when following the eldest brother.

I didn’t expect to see this again, Zhao Youqing also felt not bored, he half squatted down, very seriously said that he was not here to work, he came to find a place to eat during the summer vacation.

Zhao Youqing was a little curious, it was the first time he had seen such a short person.

And this person is working in his brother’s factory?

“What do you do in the factory? Tired or not?

“Come, you come with me, I’ll show you!”

The dwarf reached out and pulled Zhao Youqing, signaling him to follow him.

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