Chapter 4: Luthors

After our strange yet unforgettable introductions, the four of us began to eat dinner, chatted, then went to sleep.

There was still an extra room in their house so I just settled there in the meantime.

As I watched the starry sky through the window, I couldn’t help but be excited as I opened my status.

There, I can see my Synchronization rate with Superman had unexpectedly soared to 70%!

This means I can already use 70% of Superman’s powers! This is already strong enough!

I haven’t exactly tested how much is 70% in terms of his other powers like the X-ray, laser eyes, or flight though. I should find some time to explore these powers later.

It could be said that I have already accomplished my initial goal.

What’s next would be to enjoy the field trip I guess.

I smiled and slept.

By the time it was morning, I had woken up already and found that the Kents had begun their morning work on the farm.

“You're awake? Hold on a moment, I’ll make you breakfast.”

“Thank you, aunt.”

Since there was no reason for me to refuse, I nodded and watched Jonathan work on the farm from the window.

It seems Clark is also helping him out.

While waiting for Martha to cook breakfast, I head out and walked towards them.

“You know, I can buy you some better farming tools. Tractors and all that. Also, help you hire a bunch of farmers. By then, you wouldn't be too tired from working.”

“It’s alright. I like hard work.”

“Uncle, you’re already getting older. You should let others work instead. I don’t mean any disrespect, but I really have a lot of money. I just thought that instead of letting it sit in some vault, you could put it to good use.”

Jonathan fell into deep thought.

He knew that more money wouldn’t hurt, but was also afraid of the change in their life.

“You don’t need to be afraid uncle. If you want to work, you can still work. I just think it’s better to have more hands with you. By then, you can accompany aunt more and Clark can also focus on studying. Maybe move into Metropolis and work there or something.”

“Ah? I-I’m fine! Lucas, really, I’ll continue my dad’s work here. No need to move into Metropolis.”

Clark hurriedly waved his hands, afraid that his father might think he’s going to leave them.

Jonathan saw that and sighed.

“Sigh, you're right. I do feel a bit hard on my back these days. Very well, you can arrange it as you see fit.”

“Un! Then I will go ahead and invest 1 billion dollars. Clark would receive 50% of the shares, uncle and aunt would have 24% each, totaling to 98%. As for the remaining 2%, I shall shamelessly split it between me and my big brother.”

With a grin, I began to walk back to the house while leaving the two with dumbfounded looks.

By the time they snapped out of it, I was already inside the house.


Clark stood still as he watched Lucas’ back disappear from their vision.

He can’t help but recall how the two of them met just yesterday.

That time, he was walking back to his house when suddenly, he saw a truck about to hit a young boy!

There was no time to think about it. Unconsciously, he had used his super-speed and saved the boy.

At first, he thought that the boy would start asking him a lot of questions or panic but the boy was calm.

As if he had already seen such a power before. He was indeed weird.

When Clark led him to his house, the boy spoke unlike any kid of his age. There was a certain wisdom to his words.

Especially that line. With great power comes great responsibility…

This one line had been repeated in Clark’s head over a hundred times. And it has been ingrained in him deeply.

When he first found his powers, he confronted his parents. He found that he was actually not human! An alien who came from space!

He was quite lost when he learned the truth, but he calmed down when he remembered the care and kindness his parents showed him ever since he was born.

He thought that it doesn’t matter if he’s alien or human. He can still live as himself. Nothing had changed.

Yet...there was this feeling inside him. The feeling of wishing to be something more than just a farmer boy.

This time, when Lucas had said that line, that feeling became greater, and an idea had formed in his mind.

He grinned as he remembered that Lucas had called him Superboy before.

Maybe he wouldn't be a Superboy...instead, he could be…

Just then, Jonathan patted his hand on his shoulder and spoke.

“You found a good friend.”

“...Yeah. Now I’m curious about that big brother of his that he’s so proud of.”

“Haha, well son. You heard the little guy. Money is no longer an’s time you pursue your own dreams.”

Clark looked up, into the vast blue sky.

In his mind, he is already envisioning the future. His future.

“...I will…”


After we ate, I took a quick bath and borrowed some smaller clothes from Clark when he was younger. A white undershirt, red checkered shirt on top, and blue jeans. I look like a farmer boy.

When I went back to the cabins, there were quite a lot of looks on my way but none dared to speak up.

I didn’t care about them, these are Superman’s childhood clothes! If I can I would ask him to sign it! 

While thinking of such thoughts, I found Barbara and Pamela who seemed to have just finished breakfast.

“L-Lucas! Uhh, what’s with those clothes? Also, where did you sleep?”

“Hm? Oh, my luggage kinda went kaboom from a truck exploding. Ah, I’m fine though, I’m living with a friend I made yesterday. They own a large farm and there’s plenty of room in their house.”

Hearing me say all that, both Barbara and Pamela were shocked.


“Wait, you said a truck went kaboom!? We heard a large explosion yesterday! That was you!?”

“Hey! I didn’t cause the explosion! I was nearly hit by it but I have nothing to do with the explosion itself!”

What the hell, why are they suddenly accusing me of bombing trucks!?

But it seems they didn’t hear what I said and scrutinized me in detail.

“Ah, hey! Stop it! I said I’m fine! Really! No scratch!”

“You…! From now on, you stay in our cabin! It’s dangerous outside!”

Barbara demanded.

“Uhh, it’s not like trucks would keep hitting me every day right? Stop exaggerating. I’m fine.”

“We’re not asking. It’s an order!”

“We don’t care what everyone else thinks! So don’t leave again!”

Eh? Pamela? Why are you copying Barbara being aggressive!? Where’s the cute and shy Pamela!?

Feeling as if it would be bad to keep refusing, I can only sigh and nod.

...Hm? Wait, am I really going to sleep in the same room as these two girls?

I shook my head. Forget it. I’ll see if I can sneak out later.

After that, we were led by our teacher to look around the power plant.

This field trip of ours isn’t simply a trip to the power plants. There are also trekking, camping, and other activities involved.

As expected, visiting the power plant was boring. Lex Luthor wasn’t there too so I felt that the entire thing was pointless.

Afterward, we were asked to pack again and start trekking.

My things are now gone so I had bought a small bag and stuffed some clothes there which I also bought.

Hmm, I think this is a good time to test out my strength.

I thought and took both Barbara and Pamela’s luggage.

Holding 2 bags on my hands and my bag on my back, I can’t help but feel...light…

“Ah!? Lucas!? Put it down! We can lift it up ourselves!”

“Quickly put it down! You're gonna hurt yourself!”

It’s indeed touching to see them care about me so much but it’s alright. These are really really light…

“I’m okay. I can even carry you both if you want!”

When I showed them that I can move just fine and with ease, they were confused.



I laughed and moved to the back of Barbara. Without caring for her opinion, I lifted her up!

“Aaah!? P-put me down!”

“See? So light. You should eat more.”

“You're the one who should eat more you pervert! Put me down!”


I was insulted again…

Still, they seemed to be convinced that I can lift their bags now as they didn’t bother about it anymore as we moved up.

On the way, Pamela would stop here and there to have a look at the different plants in excitement.

Barbara just smiled as she watched her and silently took photos of her.

As we reached the peak of the mountain, we ate then set camp. The tents were provided per cabin so now, the three of us were once again faced with the same situation as before.

But before I could manage to sneak out, Barbara had already pulled me in the tent.

Pamela’s face was red but followed along as well.

I can feel the gazes of the other people and was quite embarrassed but couldn’t do anything about it.

We were all wearing sleeping bags so there really isn’t anything that would happen but I was still restless! I can’t sleep!

Barbara and Pamela didn’t seem to care about me though, they are both sleeping peacefully now!


The day passed. Without noticing it, I had already fallen asleep at some point and woke up the next day.

We all ate breakfast, packed up, and trekked back down.

By the time we got back to Smallville, there seemed to be something going on in the high school area where Bruce is.

Since I was worried something may have happened to him, I immediately went there as well.

Barbara and Pamela looked at each other then followed me from behind.

When I reached where my brother is, I saw him with his arms folded while staring at a bald guy of similar age.

Huh, is this Lex Luthor?

The two of them seemed to be arguing?

"Big brother, who's the baldy?"

I can see Lex's eye twitch in frustration but kept silent in an attempt to show how mature and superior he is.

"Ah, Lucas. This is Lex Luthor. Just some brat from Metropolis."

"Oh...looking at his face, it's quite average. He probably shaved his head just to make himself stand out huh?"

Lex's face twitched again but was no longer able to tolerate it.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, a soft giggle could be heard from behind.

When we all looked, we saw a young girl with shoulder-length black hair and green eyes. Kinda like Lex's.

"Lena, do you think it's funny to make fun with your older brother?"

"Hehe, forgive me, brother."

Lex glared at her again when he saw her not apologizing seriously. Lena? Wait, is it Lena Luthor!?

"Lucas, this is Lena Luthor. Lex's step-sister."

Bruce introduced her to me seeing as Lex was about to start spouting nonsense again.

Step sister? I thought it was half-sister? Or is it that her origins here are that of an adopted child of the Luthors?

"Stepsister? I see, Lex must be adopted huh? No wonder such a normal looking guy was a Luthor."

Lena giggled again and Lex became even angrier.

At the side, Bruce was clutching his stomach trying to hold back his laughter.

"Now listen here you little punk! I am the real Luthor! Lena is the adopted one!"

"Really? Then I guess there's something wrong with the Luthor genes. Looking at your face, I have this urge to give it a few slaps and punches."

I said so with disdain. In truth, I am really annoyed by this Lex Luthor.

Even back then. In the comics or series or the movies. He just had this face that's asking to be punched!

Bruce laughed even more at my statement while Lex's face became ugly...well, uglier.

Suddenly, I saw a familiar figure in the distance. He seemed to be running an errand judging from the bags he was carrying.

"Oh, hey big bro Clark!"

With his super hearing, I didn't have to yell loudly at all. Very convenient.

Clark noticed me as well and went over with a smile.

"Oh hey, Lucas! We didn't see you last night, everything okay?"

"Ah yeah, we went trekking yesterday and camped out."

"I see, and these are…?"

Oh, I forgot to introduce them.

"This is my brother, Bruce Wayne. These are Barbara and Pamela. And this girl is Lena Luthor."

Clark politely greeted them as I introduced them.

In the end, he was a bit confused as he looked at Lex whose face was now dark.

"Oh, and this is the all-mighty, all-powerful, all rich and bald- ehem, I mean all rich and bold. The one and only Lex Luthor!"

Bruce and the rest nearly rolled on the ground laughing while Clark was dumbfounded. He didn't know how to react!

Of course, Lex's expression was obvious.

Bruce, seeing as Lex was about to snap, changed topics immediately.

"Well, I am indeed Lucas' brother, it's good to meet you. But umm, how did you two meet, exactly?"

"Oh, you know how a truck had exploded the other day?"

At my words, both Bruce and Lex frowned, finally showing a serious expression.

"Yeah, it was a good thing that no one was hurt. Though, there seemed to have been some luggage that was destroyed?"

"That was Luthor Corp's truck, upon investigation, someone had tampered with the breaks."

Huh, so is that why Lex came here?

"Well, actually, I was nearly hit with said truck. And said luggage is also mine."

"What!? Why didn't you tell me!? Are you hurt!?"

Bruce started inspecting my body frantically.

"I'm fine. Let me finish. Before I was hit, big bro Clark here was able to push me away and saved me. Then, before the truck exploded, he pulled the driver out and we all ran to the distance for safety."

Hearing me say that, they couldn't help but look at Clark in a new light. Even Lex nodded to him.

"I see, the driver did mention that someone pulled him out but didn't get a good look. Since you saved the life of one of our employees, we will make sure you are properly rewarded."

"Us too, I will personally reward you with anything for saving my brother!"

Both Lex and Bruce said, making Clark fluster and didn't know what to say.

"Un, I already arranged for that brother. During my stay in their place, I noticed they didn't have any workers for their farm so I suggested investing 1 billion to them. 50% of the shares would be for big bro Clark, 24% would go to his parents, totaling 98%. Then the two of us would have 1%. Is that okay?"

Clark flustered even more when I said that.

"Ah, I don't really need 50%! It's enough I have 1%"

"How can that be? If you keep refusing then I will give you 51%!"

Clark was speechless!

He heard about bargaining for a lower price but he hasn't heard about asking for a higher price!

Bruce laughed and nodded.

"That's good then. I will make Alfred write up a draft. When it's time, just sign it and you will get 1 billion."

"...Thank you."

Clark sighed and knew he couldn't keep refusing so he could only give up.

At the side, Lex frowned. He couldn't understand such a transaction that would only result in a loss.

It was just a reward, they didn't need to be so over-exaggerated.

"Well, since the Waynes are so generous already, I will simply donate a tractor for your family to use. That should be enough for your trouble."

"Ah? There's no need, really!"

"I'm not asking. The tractor will be delivered to you by the end of the week."

"Uhh, then, thank you…"

Lex no longer dilly-dallied and left with a puff.

"Hmph! Remember this Waynes. Without your parents, the Wayne name means nothing! You might as well just enjoy the farm life here."

"It doesn't have to mean anything. It's enough that people know what name to trust, Luthor."

Lex paused in his steps, then continued walking away.

With my super hearing, I could hear him ask Lena beside him.

"How old is that brat again?"

"Should be 10. Same as me."

"...Tsk, what a troublesome brat."

We watched the two leave before looking at each other and laughed.

Bruce patted me on the shoulder when he calmed down.

"Wow, you're getting better at this bullying thing huh?"

"Hey, I'm not bullying him! That was a uhh...debate! Right, a very sophisticated and proper debate between a very sophisticated and proper young people."

Bruce laughed again.

"Haha, and what did you call that flirting with Lena?"

"Hehe, of course that's called…"

Before I could even finish my sentence, I felt someone staring at my back and Barbara's cold voice rang in my ears.

"Go on, finish your sentence."

"...Uhh, that's called...not flirting! Ha...haha, I was not flirting!"

However, Barbara and Pamela don't seem convinced.

"Uhuh, I'll tell you what it's called. It's called multitasking. The way you bullied the brother, flirted with the sister, and not care about us is really amazing."

"Umm, I wasn't really…"

"Hmph! Just wait for your punishment tonight."

...Why does she sound like she just found her husband cheating!? We aren't even a thing!"

While the two of them walked away, Bruce and Clark looked at me oddly.

"So...which one are you going for?"

"What do you mean which one!?"

"Oh god, are you going for both!?"

"I'm not! Sigh, I'm just gonna go and await for the verdict…"

Before I left, I can see Bruce and Clark looked at each other and laugh.

Well, at least it's good the two meet and hit it off.

At this time, they still have no idea who they will become…

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