Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 5: Crash Landing

Chapter 5: Crash Landing

The field trip passed by without a hitch.

The only significant thing was that Luthor Corp had found the supposed culprit for the truck incident before.

Turns out the reason was simple. The man hated Luthor Corp for firing him when he used to work in the powerplant.

Really ridiculous I must say. But I guess it was also thanks to this that I met Superman so it’s not so bad.

After that, there wasn’t much happening at all. Everything is still completely normal.

2 years flew by just like this. Bruce had already graduated and I am 12 years old, Grade 5 in school.

Just as I was thinking about how normal life has become and even wondered if everything will just stay normal...that day finally arrived.

The day after Bruce’s 20th birthday, he disappeared.

There was a letter on top of his desk addressed to me.

I knew what this meant. I knew what he wrote there...but I still read it to make sure.

[Dear Lucas,

When you read this letter, I am already long gone. I’m not dead or kidnapped so don’t worry. Over the past years, I had always blamed myself for our parents’ death. And it’s true. It’s because I’m I am taking some time to train my body and my that, hopefully, I can be something that Gotham needs. Lucas, you have already grown up. You are not like me. You are strong, kind, gentle, caring, and smart. I am sure that the Wayne Enterprise is better in your hands than mine. Do not misunderstand, it’s not that I am going away for good. I WILL be back. I promise.


Bruce Wayne.]

That time has really come.

I don’t know how or when...but it seems Ras Al Ghul has somehow contacted my brother.

Immediately, I closed my eyes and started to see if I can hear my brother’s heartbeat but...nothing. Maybe he’s too far. I’m not like Superman who can hear every heartbeat on the planet…

Should I ask Clark?...Sigh, forget it. I don’t think he memorized Bruce’s heartbeat just yet.

I held onto the letter and gritted my teeth.

Ras Al Ghul, you better return my brother in one piece, or I swear, I will deliver you to the gates of hell myself and incinerate you into ashes! No Lazarus Pit can save you!

From what I know, Bruce would be away for at most 5 years. In these 5 years, I shall lay the groundwork for the Justice League.

As I settled on a goal, I calmed down Alfred who was still worrying.

“Alfred, it’s okay. My brother’s safe. I’m sure he knows what he’s the meantime, I want you to drive me to Wayne Enterprise. We have work to do.”

“...Understood, young master Lucas.”

I am not exactly proficient in business but I can still try.

It took some time to convince the board of directors but I finally have them under my command.

As for school, I already stopped attending as I didn’t have the time at all. It was a bit disappointing that I couldn’t see and play around with Barbara and Pamela all day like before but they would still drop by the mansion every now and then.

Going to the company and managing it actually produced a lot of missions so I was safely able to gain experience points and level up. Currently, I am at Level 3 (145/300).

This meant I can store 2 more characters but I still don’t know who to get. It would be nice if I can meet the Flash and the Martian Manhunter. Their powers would greatly boost my own overall power.

And so, 2 more years passed. The hectic work life finally calmed down somewhat and I had the time to take a break.

Let’s take a look at my status first.

[Name: Lucas Wayne]

[Level: 3 (297/300)]

[Characters: ]

My Synchronization Rate with Superman has already reached nearly 90%!

I wanted to test the limits of this power.

No use with the strength test, it’s enough for me to know that I am super strong. With 90% power from the original Superman, it was already very good.

What I want to test is the flight.

I tried to make myself float in the air but was unable to do so.

When I asked Clark how he can fly, he said that he wasn’t able to do so at first. It seems that before, he can only leap really far and wasn’t really able to fly.

I think that’s also the case for me. Until the sync rate reaches 100%, I won’t be able to fly.

So I tried leaping and see how far I can go.

The result?

...I crashed somewhere in the least, I think I landed in the Pacific? Maybe?

The crash was quite big and I was disoriented from the crash. I couldn’t swim and had trouble breathing underwater.

Damn, I thought Superman can breathe underwater since he can breathe in space! Or is this something I can also only get at 100%!?

Ugh, this was a mistake, I should have started small scale!

I began to regret my impulsiveness as I lost consciousness and let the current take me away.

I didn’t know how long I was out, but I gradually felt my bearings as I woke up.

My head seems to be resting on something soft and I can feel the sandy touch on the rest of my body.

The sandy part, I can understand. I was probably swept away and landed on some island with a beach somewhere.

...But what’s this soft part on my head?

I struggled to open my eyes and when I did, I saw another pair of beautiful eyes staring back at me.


Shocked and surprised, I sprung away the moment it sunk into me that I was resting on a lap of a woman.

“You are awake.”

“Uhh yes. That...thank you...”

“You are welcome.”

Somehow, this woman seemed to speak weirdly...she has weird clothes too...I mean, that leather clothing and Greek-like tunics...uhh, wait.

Hold on...this...this place couldn’t be…


Then this chick Amazon!?

As I try to calm down my thoughts, I cleared my throat and introduced myself first.

“I’m Lucas by the way. Lucas Wayne.”

“Diana, Princess of Themyscira, Daughter of Hippolyta”

...Shit! This chick isn’t just an Amazon...she’s the Wonder freaking Woman!?

The first thought I had was to immediately sync her character!

[Acknowledged. Synchronizing character. Detected: Diana, AKA Wonder Woman.]

[Synchronization rate: 3.21%]

I sighed in relief when I saw that.

“Well...Diana? Uhh, you mentioned Princess? Of Themyscira? Is that where I am?”

“Yes, though I am confused about how you got here. There is a magic barrier around this place that would prevent anyone from finding it.”

Diana looked cute tilting her head in wonder like that. Wonder, heh, get it? Cause, Wonder Woman…

I laughed wryly as I keep thinking of nonsense stuff just to distract myself from her...enchanting and godly beauty.

Looking around, I can see there are some stuff littered on the beach.

“Well, it seems some trash occasionally gets washed over here. I got washed away probably the same way...wait, I didn’t mean I’m trash uhh…”

“Fufu, you are indeed not trash. And these are not trash either. They are treasures.”

I was momentarily taken in by her beauty when she smiled and giggled so I can only foolishly ask.

“Uhh, treasures?”

“Yes. I walk here quite often you see. To see what kind of things would wash over from the world outside…”

Diana looked out into the horizon with a longing expression.

I sighed as I knew what she was thinking about.

“You can’t leave?”

“...Yes. As the Princess of the Amazons, I am needed here…”

“But is that what you want?”

“...What I want is of no concern to you.”

Diana sighed and stood up, preparing to walk away.

However, before she did, I took out my smartphone and loaded a video.

There are Wayne satellites all over the globe and with our tech level, we naturally are able to have a super smartphone that would have access to the internet anywhere as long as it’s not inside a cave or underground.

I opened up Youtube and loaded a simple documentary of the world.

Diana looked curious and went to take a look.

I patted on the sand beside me so she can sit there and watch the video.

“What is this?”

“This is called a smartphone. Most people outside have this device. We can use it to talk to someone from as far as the other side of the world. We can also use it to play or watch these videos. Look, this is the world outside.”

Diana held my phone and started to watch intently, seemingly afraid of missing some details.

I’d have her watch Netflix but there’s still no such thing in this world…

Time passed as Diana and I watched numerous cat videos and other stuff. We also played a game and had a few laughs and pictures.

I told her about the world outside and she told me stories of this place.

Without noticing it, the distance between the two of us had become even closer.

Before, our shoulders weren’t even touching. Now, not to mention our shoulders, even our faces were nearly touching.

When we noticed, we were both staring at each other, unmoving. Seemingly waiting for the other person to move first.

Just as it was getting nice and I was about to make a move, my phone rang.

Diana jolted and immediately distanced herself.

“Umm, it seems someone is calling…”

I looked at who it was and it turned out to be Alfred! Dammit Alfred!

Answering the call, I sounded a bit bitter when talking to him.

“Alfred? What is it?”

[[Uhh, it’s nothing young master Lucas. I wanted to know if you will be back by dinner?]]

Dinner? I looked at the sky and saw that it was already dark.

“I don’t think I can make it. I’ll call you again when I head back.”

[[Understood. Please take care then.]]

I sighed. I didn’t notice how much time had already passed.

“Who was that?”

Diana asked.

“Alfred? He’s my butler.”

“What’s a butler?”

“Hmm, you can think of him as a family but not related by blood. He has taken care of me and my big brother ever since we were babies. When our parents died, it was he who stayed to watch over us…”

I smiled, feeling gratitude to this butler of ours.

Alfred. He’s usually just in the sidelines in Batman comics but he could be said to be the core of it as well.

Without Alfred, Bruce may have become a villain instead of a hero.

He is the reason Batman is who he is. The person who made sure that Batman would not forget his parents’ kindness and values.

Diana’s eyes softened when she heard that.

“That sounds lovely. I hope I can meet this Alfred person in the future.”

“Haha, he would love that.”

“But I am sorry to hear about your parents…”

Diana looked sad and her eyes were full of worry as she looked at me.

I just smiled since I was used to it.

“It’s alright. They died when I was just a few months old so I barely knew them. But my brother isn't the same. He was there when they were shot. And now he has left as well, wanting to train and become he won’t be weak anymore…”

“That sounds like a commendable warrior.”

“Heh, of course, he’s my brother! But I just wish he would stop blaming himself. He was only 8 years old when it happened. There was nothing he could do.”

“Perhaps, but that feeling will never disappear.”

“...I know.”

Diana got up and dusted the sand on her feet and stretched her hand to me.

“Come, I think it is time to eat. You should also join us.”

“Uhh, are you sure it’s alright? After all, I kinda entered this place...illegally?”

I knew that this is an all-female island and shouldn’t accept male visitors willingly.

I’m already in plenty of trouble by staying here for so long…

“It’s alright, I will convince them.”

“Well, if you say so, Your Highness.”

I took her hand and bowed slightly.

“Pft- haha! I may be a Princess but I will not allow you to do that! Call me Diana.”

“Well, alright then, Diana.”

Diana beamed a smile and led me to her palace.

When we reached it, I could see beautiful women everywhere wearing greek tunic robes and looked really sexy.

Suddenly, I felt a strong pinch on my waist.

“Do not ogle our warriors.”

“Uhh, I was not ogling!”

“Then do not salivate.”

“Hey! I’m not...I was not salivating!”

I was not okay!? Really!...

Making sure, I wiped my mouth and confirmed I was definitely not salivating.

When I did so, Diana giggled and went forward.

...This damn chick! Learning how to tease now after watching a bunch of movies!

Still...the Amazon warriors around were pointing and talking about me like I’m some kind of animal in a zoo…

When we reached what seemed like a throne room, Diana bowed slightly to the woman sitting on the throne.


“Diana, who and where did this man come from. And why have you brought him here?”

This must be Hippolyta...I must say...she looks strangely hot despite her age...Sigh, this island is really not for healthy young men like me…

I kept quiet and let Diana do her thing.

“I found him washed up on the beach. His name is Lucas Wayne. A man from the outside.”

Hippolyta frowned and looked back at me.

“If I may speak, your Majesty.”

“...At least you know your etiquette. Very well, speak.”

“It is a bit inconvenient for me to return without a boat. If your Majesty can prepare a boat, I can leave right away if I must.”

“Ah? Aren’t you going to stay for dinner?”

Diana asked hurriedly.

“Diana, when you told me stories of this place, I can already feel that this place does not welcome outsiders. Especially men. And uhh, being surrounded by beautiful women is really not something I can also handle. It is best if I leave.

In any case, I do not want to make an enemy out of the Amazons and staying here would only complicate things.

Hippolyta also thought the same and nodded.

“The boy is right. He must leave.”

“Man. Not a boy. Man.”

Grr, curse this young body!

However, Hippolyta seemed amused instead and showed a sly smile.

...Eh? Why does that smile look like that of an S picking on shotas to bully!?

Suddenly, her sword unsheathed and swung towards me!

It was so sudden that I wasn’t able to react! Even with Superman’s 90% speed!

However, I wasn’t cut. Instead, my pants were torn!


Seemingly just realizing what happened, I quickly covered my thing!

“...Fine, I admit that you are indeed a Man.”

OIIIII!!! So you ripped my pants off just for that!? If you wanna see then all you need to do is ask!

Wait, no! That’s not the point here! This is sexual harassment dammit!

Also, Diana, stop trying to take a peek and say something!

However, Diana seemed to have misunderstood what I was trying to say but nodded anyway and spoke.

“Mother, Lucas is a guest. The least we can do is give him something to eat and a place to sleep for the night. We can discuss tomorrow if he can stay or not.”

...I just wanna leave this place and wash away my shame, please?

“Sigh, fine. Someone, give this Man some pants.”

“...Thank you.”

After a while, an Amazon finally got me a pair of leather pants.

When she handed it over to me, she just waited in front of me and watched.

I looked around but was unable to find any cover. I can see Hippolyta grinning slyly and Diana seemingly expecting something.

Hmph! Fine! You wanna see!? Then go ahead and look!

I don’t care anymore!

No longer hiding my thing, I wore my pants slowly and boldly!

The Amazons were looking at it in wonder.

“Oh my.”


“So that’s what it looks like.”

“It’s bigger than what I imagine.”

“Do all men have something like that?”

...Okay, it’s more embarrassing than I thought! I regret my decision!

I quickly wore the pants and sat down.

Hippolyta laughed and announced.

“Well then, let us eat.”

Diana sat beside me and introduced me to different foods.

Amazonian foods are...strangely good...yet exotic...but still good.

While eating, Diana asked to borrow my phone so she can show her mother some videos.

Seeing the two laugh while watching and eating, it felt strange.

That’s weird, Hippolyta seems to be more...flexible in this world...I thought she would be super strict and serious or something.

After a while, we finished our food and Diana showed me where I would sleep.

The room looked nice. It had an elegant design and looked extremely comfy and natural.

I’m surprised they are willing to let me sleep here for a night.

“Not bad, this looks like a room for royalty or something.”

“Because it is. This is my room.”


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