Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 57: VS Crime Syndicate

Chapter 57: VS Crime Syndicate

After finally managing to convince Morgana to teach him the magic spell, Lucas immediately tried it out.

Lucas’ mouth opened and closed a few times as he spoke an unrecognizable language.

Suddenly, a glowing symbol appeared from behind Lucas.

Morgana saw this symbol and was shocked! After all, she knew what the symbol meant as the wearer of Fate’s was the symbol of Fate!

How could this guy invoke that symbol!?

Before she could ask, Lucas had waved his hand and a warm light engulfed Morgana which lasted a few seconds.

When the light faded, Morgana opened her eyes again and inspected her body.

“ really worked?”

“See, isn’t it easy?”


Morgana’s face twitched. She really wanted to praise him but seeing his smug look, she only felt like turning him into a frog!

Eventually, she controlled her emotions with a sigh and looked back at Lucas with a grateful look.

“Thank you for helping me. However, I am curious as to how you have the power of Fate as well? Not to mention, I’ve never heard of a God like you before...and I’ve lived a very...very long time.”

Lucas simply shrugged.

“I’m new to this God thing. And I’m also from a different world.”

“A different world? In that case, why have you come here? This world is already crumbling to pieces thanks to the Crime Syndicate.”

“A certain baldy told me about this world so I thought I’d go and take a look.”

“...Is it Lex Luthor?”

Morgana fell silent for a while before asking. Sure enough, Lucas nodded.

“Yeah. You know him?”

“He has been helpful in the past. Giving us information regarding the Crime Syndicate from within. However, I heard that an accident occurred and he was left with no choice but to flee this world. The reason why the Crime Syndicate has been hunting me furiously is also because I hold the Multiverse Map. I think Ultraman is hellbent on chasing Lex to the ends of the Multiverse.”

Hearing that, Lucas clicked his tongue.

“Tsk, is Ultraman gay or what? If he really loves Lex, he should know when to let go.”


“Alright! Where’s the Crime Syndicates’ headquarters? Just point me to a direction and I’m gonna go whup their asses.”

Lucas had completely ignored his promise earlier about finding other people to help him. Anyway, it would be faster if he does it.

Morgana looked at the seemingly young God in front of him and thought for a while.

Finally, she nodded and started to float.

“I’ll show you the way. Follow me.”

“ don’t really need to come with me though?”

“This is our world’s problem to begin with. I do not wish to remain idle. Meeting you here must be fate.”


Lucas’ mouth opened and closed a few times.

“Hey! I already did that fate joke earlier!”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Ah! Come back here!”

Seeing Morgana fly off, Lucas scowled and chased after her.

As they flew, Lucas would vanish behind her from time to time. Confused, Morgana turned around and only saw a flash of white lightning trail off somewhere then return back.

When she took a look around, she saw that several other villains had all been knocked out and restrained.

Surprised, she looked back at Lucas again.

“What? I’m telling you now, I already have a lot of pretty wives back home and on another you want to join them?”


Lucas was about to tell her not to fall in love with him but felt that it didn’t feel right. In the end, he asked if she wanted to join instead.

Morgana was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

Since she didn’t know what to say, she simply rolled her eyes and flew off.

After a while, Lucas followed her to a tall tower in Metropolis. There was also a huge statue of a muscular guy wearing a cape, stepping on the planet…

Lucas felt like puking.

Uwaa, this guy had the nerve to make a statue of him. How arrogant.

Naturally, Lucas didn’t bother thinking that he also had a statue of him back in his world…

However, since he was annoyed with this one, he naturally wouldn’t leave it standing like this.

Lucas simply waved his hand and clenched his fist. The next moment, the statue started to crack and exploded!


The loud explosion caused everyone to look at its direction. The people in the buildings all looked out their windows and some ran up to the streets to look at the commotion.

It was then that they saw the huge statue of their now nothing but rubbles!

To the people of this, to the people of this world, that statue was a symbol. It was the symbol of their greatest fear and their worst nightmare.

For as long as that statue stood, it meant that they were never free.

And now...that statue is gone!

“Look, up in the sky!”

“Is that a plane?”

“No, it's a bird!”

“Idiots! This is obviously...a hero!”

Lucas remained calm as he floated on the air where the statue used to stand.

He looked around at the citizens of the city and the rest of the world.

“Crime Syndicate! Come out and face justice!”

His voice resounded throughout all the corners of the world and shook the hearts of many people!

The next moment, a group of figures appeared in the sky as well. The man leading them was the man everyone in the world knew as...Ultraman!

Ultraman looked towards Lucas and Morgana as he frowned.

“Who are you?”

“I am Prime. Tell Hades I said hi in the Underworld!”

Lucas didn’t feel like spouting any more nonsense. His eyes flashed with lightning as he disappeared from his spot.

Ultraman’s eyes quickly followed him and he managed to react in time by crossing both arms to his chest.

Lucas’ fist was clad with energies from the stars as well as Omega energy.

Ultraman could feel his arms giving out as he shot back to the distance under the immense force.

Superwoman, who was right beside Ultraman, finally reacted as she drew her sword in an attempt to slash at Lucas.

Suddenly, multiple arms resembling spider legs appeared from behind Lucas which were formed using white hard light.

One arm blocked Superwoman’s sword while the rest of the arms were pointed to the other members of the Crime Syndicate.

Then, white light gathered at the tips of the arms as they shot towards them!

Johnny Quick snapped out of it and quickly ran away when he saw one beam nearly about to hit him.

But much to his surprise, the beam suddenly...turned and continued to keep up with his speed!

Right, those beams were actually Omega Beams. Lucas had found out that the Omega beams didn’t really need to come out from his eyes. As long as he controlled the Omega Energy, he could have it come out anywhere.

As Johnny Quick tried to shake off the beam, the other members were also having their own predicament.

Power Ring panicked and tried to block with all kinds of shields but to no avail.

Soon, he was hit by the beam and could only watch his chest in stupor as he saw the gaping hole where his heart should be.

As his body fell to the ground, he finally fell at peace and a smile appeared in his face.

“Finally...I am free…”

When he drew his last breath, the ring in his finger fell out and rolled away, seemingly searching for another host to occupy.

But would Lucas let it? Instantly, the Power Ring was captured and brought to him.

When Lucas looked at it, he snorted and poured in a tremendous amount of Omega Energy.

The ring let out a loud sound as if it was afraid of being destroyed. But in the end, it shattered into millions of pieces under Lucas’ power.

Lucas turned to look at the other villains.

Owlman is still holding on, albeit just barely, as he kept dodging the Omega Beam from all directions while throwing his batara- err...owl shurikens at Lucas.

Lucas just phased through all these and basically ignored it.

Deathstorm quickly flew away and tried to shake off the Omega Beam. When he saw how easily it killed Power Ring, he knew he couldn’t take this power head on so he could only flee!

Atomica tried shrinking in size to dodge but the Omega Beam still ended up hitting her, instantly vaporizing her to ashes.

“Rhonda! No!”

When Johnny Quick saw that, he stumbled and the Omega Beam following him soon pierced his chest.

It didn’t take long for the rest to follow them.

Deathstorm...Sea King...the Martian...Owlman…

As he saw the rest of the villains fell, Lucas turned to look at Superwoman.

“You should follow them as well.”

“W-wait, we can talk about this…”

“Shut up, bitch! Fate has come for you!”

Before Lucas could even say anything, Morgana appeared behind Superwoman and unleashed her fate magic, along with a fate pun, on her.

Lucas looked at the dead body of Superwoman, then at Morgana with a raised brow.

Morgana snorted.

“That bitch has always been sending her goons to kill me.”


Sure enough, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…

Looking around, the Crime Syndicate was no more.

All that was left is…

Lucas turned to where Ultraman was thrown earlier and saw him getting back up.

Ultraman flew to the skies and saw the rest of the Crime Syndicate dead on the ground.

His eyes glowed red in anger.


“I don’t think so.”

Lucas didn’t bother letting Ultraman finish his bad guy monologue as he had already heard plenty of it already.

He reappeared behind Ultraman and his hands glowed with energy from the yellow sun.

Unlike Superman who had a weakness in Kryptonite and is empowered by the yellow sun, Ultraman was the reverse.

He is empowered by Kryptonite and is weak to the yellow sun.

Lucas had noticed it when he arrived in this world. The sun wasn’t the same as his world. Rather than the yellow sun, this world had a red sun instead.

This was why Ultraman can still remain powerful during the day while in this world.

 But none of that matters now since he wouldn’t be alive for long.

Ultraman immediately felt weak as he felt the power of the yellow sun coming off from Lucas’ fist.



Lucas gripped his fist and delivered a powerful punch towards Ultraman’s chest.


A loud explosion rang out but this time, Ultraman didn’t get thrown away.

He looked at the hand on his chest which passed through from behind him. Blood continued to flow from the hole.

Ultraman tried to open his mouth as if to say something but no words came out.

Finally...he fell to the ground. No longer moving.

The world fell silent for a moment.

Only after a whole minute had passed did everyone snap out of it.

“He’s gone…”


“ dead!!!”


The whole city erupted in cheers. In no time at all, the news was spread to the various corners of the world and soon, the entire planet celebrated in tears.

Lucas smiled as he saw the people cheering and laughing like there’s no tomorrow.

Then, he looked at the corpses of the Crime Syndicate.

See, I can settle it on my own…

But soon after he thought of that, he sighed.

He had grown powerful in fact.

Was it really okay...for him to be this powerful?

While other heroes tend to feel the weight of the world on their shoulders, Lucas was different.

The weight he could feel was multiple times heavier!

This was especially the case when he saw these people now celebrating and at peace.

No doubt, this isn’t the only world that is being oppressed by evil...but is it still his responsibility to protect them?

Isn’t it fine to only care about the wellbeing of one’s own world?

For a while, Lucas fell silent and didn’t know what to think.

Morgana appeared beside him and took off the Helm of Fate, revealing a beautiful woman with long black hair and enchanting eyes.

She smiled at Lucas and stretched her hand forward.

“Thank you, Lucas...for saving my world.”

“...You're welcome.”

Lucas nodded and shook her hand.

He looked around once more and turned back to Morgana.

“I should be leaving.”

“Aren’t you going to stay some more? At least join in the celebration.”

“No, there is still some trouble back in my world. It’s already being taken care of by others...but I feel uneasy leaving it for a long time.”

“I that case, I won’t hold you back. But I do hope you visit every now and then.”

Morgana nodded and didn’t continue insisting.

Lucas chuckled and opened a portal back home.

Before he left, he turned around and spoke.

“Let’s meet again if fate wills it.”



Plus, there's a lot of work for mee on the weekdays and my MGEX Unicorn Gundam has also arrived so I'm building that most of my time XD

Now, as for this chap, I naturally didn't let Morgana immediately become part of the harem cause...well, that's too much. XD Maybe in the future.

As for the next arc following this, I am still thinking about it...well, I've thought of one but I'm still thinking about the deets.

That's all, see ya next chap!

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