Chapter 58: Ha Ha Ha

Returning to his own world, Lucas felt it was peaceful.

When he returned to the Watchtower, he learned that Batman and the rest had already dealt with the situation.

The evil Lex has been subdued, Vandal Savage was also defeated, and the remaining Injustice League were all either captured or disappeared somewhere.

Frankly, the Justice League was already a powerful group to begin with. Now that Lucas had even given them extra powers, the villains simply stood no chance to fight back.

To be honest, Lucas felt it was very anticlimactic and even felt pity for Savage who had planned for this moment for who knows how many years.

Seeing as there was nothing else for him to do here, Lucas traveled to Mount Justice to check in on the kids.

Arriving in Mount Justice, he could see that the Young Justice seemed more...mature?

Even Kid Flash doesn’t goof off a lot now and acted decent…

It seems that when Lucas and the Justice League left to fight Darkseid, these brats had become more mature as Earth’s remaining heroes at the time.

Looking at them now, Lucas felt that he had already achieved his goal for making this team.

With nothing more to do, Lucas thought for a moment and visited Tamaran...but as they were also pretty busy with rebuilding, there was nothing to do there as well.

For once, Lucas felt empty.

Everything has been settled. There was no need for him to do anything anymore.

Darkseid is gone. The major supervillains in the Injustice League have also been put away. It was very peaceful now.

Lucas smiled.

What’s so bad about being peaceful?

Of course, there seemed to still be some small-time villains but the Justice League and the Young Justice are more than enough to handle those. Lucas doesn’t need to act himself.

Lucas then decided to return to Wayne Manor and rest.

Like this, 5 years have passed.

During this time, Lucas thought of simply enjoying life and relaxing...however, that only lasted for a year.

Because 4 years ago, a few of his women became pregnant...and he is now a father of a big family.

At first, it was only Diana, then Ivy, Barbara, Mera...then there was Karen...Blackfire also produced an heir...simply put, Lucas now had 7 children.

Why 7 and not 6? Because Blackfire actually had twins. A boy and a girl.

Of course, during this time, he wasn’t the only one that got busy being a parent.

Lex had managed to successfully create a child for Clark and Lois using their DNA who is now known as Superboy.

It seems that Lucas’ brother, Bruce had finally patched things up with Selina and they also gave birth to a healthy girl.

But at that time, Thalia suddenly appeared before them together with a kid named Damien and said that he was also Bruce’s child.

Things became really interesting and chaotic at that time but that’s for another story.

Other than them, Barry and Iris also gave birth to a daughter who seemed to have inherited Barry’s speedforce as well.

The Young Justice group naturally grew up after 5 years and they have all been accepted into the Justice League.

Only the young ones and new members were left in the Young Justice group.

During this time, Lucas had also found Jamie Reyes and gave him that blue scarab that he found in the past.

As expected, the scarab latched onto him as it found him as a suitable host.

Afterwards, Jami joined the Young Justice so Lucas could also monitor him in case the Reach were to come for him.

Dick Greyson had grown up in his Robin suit and became Nightwing. Batman also found Jason Todd to be his Robin who also joined the Young Justice.

Damien was still young so he hasn’t become Robin yet. Although, Thalia seemed to be training him to become the Head of the League of Assassins instead.

All in all, it was very peaceful for 5 years and Lucas himself had only ‘Heroed Up’ a few times and he also visited a few other universes for fun.

There was that time when a certain web-slinging hero from another universe accidentally entered their universe but this is a DC fanfic so we won’t talk about that.

Today, Lucas visited Wayne Manor after a long time since he already had a separate house.

The reason he returned here was because of the news that he saw this morning.

Lucas entered the Wayne Manor and saw Alfred waiting for him at the door.

“Where’s he?”

“Where else, sir? He’s down in the basement as usual.”

“Thanks Alfred.”

Lucas pressed on the piano a few times familiarly and the elevator leading the Batcave opened.

Heading down, Lucas noticed there were already a few people inside beside his brother.

There’s Dick, Jason, and Barbara. The whole Bat family is here.

At the moment, Bruce is leaning on the Batcomputer while staring at the monitor with a grave expression. He was very dark and brooding as usual.

On the screen, there were various pictures posted as well as autopsy reports.

In the picture was a dead man that seemed to be brutally murdered. He was leaning on a wall where his blood was used to write 6 letters.


Lucas frowned when he saw this image. It was indeed the same one from the news. What’s more, the man murdered was an executive director of Wayne Corporation.

Looking at it, it seems to be the work of Joker. But Lucas had him locked up in Mount Justice. With Deathstroke keeping watch of those guys, it should be impossible for him to break free.

Unless...Deathstroke broke him out?

No, that shouldn’t be the case. Of course, in order to prevent Deathstroke from doublecrossing him, he had others keeping watch on him.

After seeing the news, Lucas went here first since he knew that Bruce would have already checked Joker’s cell himself.

“Is it Joker? Or someone else?”

Jason shook his head and sighed.

“Joker’s still in his cell. I know since I checked.”

Dick nodded as well.

“I also checked. Joker didn’t escape at all yesterday or any day for that matter.”

At the side, even Barbara nodded.

“Joker didn’t get out. I also checked.”

Lucas smiled wryly.

Although one of them already checked, these three still checked it themselves separately to be sure.

Since they were like that, Bruce was naturally the same.

“I visited his cell the day before yesterday, yesterday, and earlier today. He didn’t escape.”

“...You visit Joker’s cell every day?”

“No. Only recently.”

“Any reason why?”

Lucas frowned.

It can’t be that Bruce just decided to visit Joker everyday without a reason, right?”

Bruce fell silent for a while before sighing and pressing a button on the Batcomputer.

Then, numerous other images appeared on the screen.


Lucas’ eyes widened in surprise.

Bruce sighed and explained.

“This isn’t the first time this happened.”

“What? How come you didn’t tell me anything!?”

“I had it handled.”

“You clearly do!”

Lucas scoffed sarcastically and sighed.

Looking at the images, including the one in the news this morning, there were already 5 previous cases.

All of which are Wayne executives.

Lucas looked at the others in the room and squinted his eyes.

“Did you all know this too?”


Looking at the three of them averting their eyes, Lucas already knew the answer.

Sighing once more, Lucas rubbed his head and no longer bothered to press on it. There were more important things to do.

“And? Do we have any leads?”

Dick sighed and shook his head.

“I’m afraid not. Whoever this guy is...he’s fast, intelligent, and knew our moves very well.”

“We’ve tried watching the remaining executives but this guy is like a ghost! We didn’t see him at all and he still managed to kill the victim!”

Jason added while sounding very frustrated.

Barbara seemed to hesitate on something and was looking over at Bruce.

Lucas noticed her expression and asked.

“What is it?”


Barbara continued to hesitate.

Bruce sighed and spoke up.

“It’s alright Barbara. I’ll say it.”

Lucas turned to look at Bruce and waited for an answer.

“I think it's me.”


“It is as I say. This guy...the way he moves, his tactics, the way he’s very similar to mine. Maybe it’s me from a different world. Or maybe someone managed to clone me somehow. Whatever it is. He has my skills and experience and he’s using it to kill people.”

Lucas contemplated for a while and understood.

“So the reason why he is targeting Wayne executives lure you out?”

“It’s possible.”

“But why? If he is you, wouldn't he know where this place is?”

“I don’t know.”

Everyone sunk into silence as they kept trying to figure out the motive of the murderer.

Suddenly, Lucas received a call.

It was Deathstroke.

Picking it up, Lucas could hear Deathstroke’s heavy breathing. Judging from the way he breathes, he seemed to be injured.

“Slade? What happened?”

“Lucas...where...where is Batman?”


Confused, Lucas turned to look at Bruce who was in front of him.

Before he could say anything, Slade spoke again.

“When you see need to stop him! He’s dangerous! I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but he took Joker with him and left! Me and the other kids tried to stop him but we failed…”

“What!? How is everyone?”

“We’re fine...injured, but still alive...but Beast Boy suffered the most. He is heavily injured at the moment.”

“Understood. I’ll be right there.”

Lucas ended the call and turned to the others.

Bruce quickly nodded.

“Go, we’ll go and find the other Batman.”

“No, you stay here for now brother. It’s too dangerous for you to be out there as Batman.”


Just as Bruce was about to refuse, Lucas shouted.

“Computer! Open container AZ-01”

Then, the container that used to hold Batman’s suit in display suddenly lowered to the floor. The next moment, a new container appeared and showed a different suit.

It was a suit with white hood, red striped cape, and a red cross in the middle of the suit.

Bruce looked visibly shocked.


“Hm? Didn’t Alfred tell you about that bet we had before? When you called this the Batcave? Originally, if I lost the bet and you didn’t call it like that, this would’ve been your suit. Your name would’ve been Azrael as well and not Batman.”


“Anyway, I need to go. I’ll see you later.”

Not minding the looks on the faces of the Bat family, Lucas left in a hurry for Mount Justice.

In the Batcave, Dick and Jason looked at Bruce.

“So the whole Bat theme was because of a bet!?”

“I could’ve been wearing something that looked that cool and not this stupid Robin costume!?”


Bruce’s face went black as he shouted at them.

“What are you all standing around here for!? Get to work! Jason! Don’t touch that! That’s mine!”


Mount Justice.

Lucas had arrived and saw the injured kids. He uttered a few words and a white glowing symbol of Fate appeared and covered the whole mountain.

The next moment, everyone was healed no matter how serious their injury was.

This wasn’t a healing spell. It was a spell that absorbs other people’s injuries and transfers it to someone else.

That someone else, being Lucas.

Lucas frowned.

As a God, this much was nothing. What made him frown were Beast Boy’s injuries.

He had multiple broken bones from all over his body. The only reason why he was still able to remain alive was because he transformed himself into an octopus.

However, he had lost a lot of blood.

Lucas pricked his thumb and let Beast Boy drink a drop.

This was a God’s blood and can’t be considered the same as ordinary human blood. Naturally, a drop was enough to compensate for the blood loss Beast Boy had.

Beast Boy’s eyes slowly opened.

“Hey, you okay there Gar?”

“Lucas? Am I dead?”

“Yes, this is the afterlife. I’ve come to escort your soul to Hades.”

“What!? Nooooooooooo!!!”

“Ah, he fainted…”


Sorry for the very long delay. I was trying to think of a good arc to do next and also researched it a bit...but I didn't actually get to research much since I played and work most of the time XD

Who can guess what arc is next? Though I think it's already obvious.

Fair warning, I'm not gonna copy the comic arc exactly. I am just using the character and making my own version so a lot of things may be different.

So, there's a big time skip here. Cause...well...I'm running out of small arcs to do XD might as well skip them and just summarize it

Lucas now has kids! We will slowly learn more about them later on. Or not. Depends XD.

See ya next chap!

PS: Also, I just recently got an Oculus Quest so I've been having fun in VR, if you see Imbreak in VRChat...well, don't talk to me! I always have mine on mute! I'm shy! XD

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