Land of Wind…

Saito vs Urashiki battlefield in the desert…

Forbidden technique: Saikorai  (Saishū-kō no kurai mōsō/Dark Delusion of final light) is the ultimate level of Genjutsu which can only be used by an Otsutsuki only once in their entire lifetime and because he knew he doesn't have any chance of winning against his opponent Urashiki decided to use this forbidden technique of his clan in the hope of surviving and at the same time profiting from this old man who almost has the same level of chakra as a tailed beast.

After activating Saikorai he knew no matter how strong his opponent is he will fall under his illusion as he clearly found his enemy not possessing any kind of dojutsu and even if his opponent had a dojutsu it must be at the same level as the "Tensagan" or the "Rinnegan" level at the least and still there is a strong chance of getting under his illusion and losing all free will and only becoming a puppet controlled by his thoughts.

As he has already done putting Saito under his illusion Urashiki decided to come down from the sky with his new form which is his hands got replaced with black wings and his yellow eyes became completely black as if nothing, not even lights can pass from it finally his mouth which is almost extended to his ears is filled with sharp shark teeth then the while a strong wind pressure started sweeping around him indicating his huge growth in physical powers and the wind pressure around his without his doing anything can prove just how strong he really is.

With this new power and in the hope of getting more power to surpass anyone in the clan he put his hand towards Saito with a distorted smile on his face when a small feague with Konoha Anbu dress and fix mask arrived before him with a serious face and warmed him with a threatening tone while taking his short shinobi chakra blade "Don't move. "

"This is nine tails Chakra. " Urashiki said with an excited smile on his face looking at the small kid before his eyes while began sizing up the kid with little care to his threat and without stopping he continued walking forward to still chakra from the kid.

"Did you not hear my warning? I said don't move a single step forward and introduced yourself first. " Kirito demanded with a serious tone.

"This is one of my luckiest days ever. " Urashiki walked forward slowly with little care of Kirito's warning to continue with a very pleasing face "Without even looking for my target he came before my eyes and the cherry on top is the old man about whom I don't even know about. Now that you are here I a sure after eating both of your chakras I will be the strongest member in my clan. "

"I said don't move. " Kirito finally had enough of Urashiki ignoring his warning and putting a little bit of chakra on his short blade shouted "Atomic Slash. " and the moment his word fall a white sword wave started going towards Urashiki.

Looking at the attack which is launched from not so far from him Urashiki just putting his right hand forward said with a smile "Useless. " and immediately after touching his hand Kirito's attack vanished into nothing and Urashiki asked with a chilling smile "Stop resisting and obediently become my nourishment for chakra and be happy to become part of me who is going to become the next head of the Otsutsuki clan. "

'He blocked my attack so easily without even trying however I still hadn't even started. ' Kirito first got surprised because of how easily Urashiki nullified his attack buy soon he regained his composer while muttering "Tengan" and reopened his eyes after closing them as golden silver chakra clock covered his whole body and he asked with a serious smile "Now it's time to end you. "

Looking at Kirito's sudden transformation and the dojutsu he knew just with a single glance if he was to fight this kind he won't be a match for him but remembering Naruto who should be the host of the nine tail and doesn't have any dojutsu made him surprised as he muttered "Wait a minute it isn't the same half of the nine tails I have read in the records then... " as if coming to a realization he asked with a shocked face "You aren't Naruto Uzumaki… "

Hearing the unknown bird like a man asking about his brother Kirito who was preparing to attack stopped and asked with a cold tone "What do you want with my brother? "

"So you are really not him that means I will need to visit that village of yours. " Urashiki said with a nod as if he understood something then he added with a smile "Even so you are still going to become my chakra Supplement today. "

"You are really bra… " before Kirito can finish his words he felt someone staving him from behind through his heart without warning and as he was always focusing on Urashiki and behind him his all strong Sensei so there wasn't any need for him to guard but trying his bead to find the person who is stabbing him and wishing it isn't Saito but disappointing him it is indeed his Sensei Saito who stabbed him from the back with a blank face and looking at Saito's face he just asked "Why??? "

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