Land of wind …

Saito vs Urashiki battlefield in the desert…

After getting suddenly stubbed by Saito from behind in the heart Kirito became shocked and confused looking at the expressionless face of his Sensei who has a black Sword which entered his heart and looking properly he saw blood coming out of his heart like a waterfall.

"Why? " With a weak tone, Kirito asked looking at Saito's expressionless face with confusion not knowing the reason for such actions.

"… " without answering his question Saito kicked Kirito in the back right where he just stubbed with little care for his pain and receiving the strong kick Kirito went flying in the desert.

After the second attack from his sensei, Kirito went in a daze because this is the first time for him witnessing Saito's ruthlessness and not to an enemy but him which really made him feel his world getting shattered.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT DOING ANYTHING KID? " suddenly a loud shout came inside his head when he is in a daze and didn't know what to do and a silver chakra stared covering his whole body.

Feeling something warm covering his body Kirito finally cane out of his daze than asked "Why are you? "

"That isn't important, you need to move from here first or else he is going to kill you~ " the woman who warned him before when he was hurrying here to help Saito shouted in his mand.

Hearing her words Kirito turned his head just to find Saito moving towards his at an extremely fast speed with the black sword with an emotionless face.

Using "Blink" and arriving right behind Urashiki Kirito asked with a cold tone trying to cut him using his short sword "Is he under some kind of Illinois? "

"You are quite a fast one. " Urashiki said with a smile avoiding Kirito's attack effortlessly as he can see future using his dojutsu so it wasn't that hard for him to avoid the surprise attack but finding Kirito's wound being healed he got surprised and asked with a confused tone "How did your wound heal so fast kid? "

"That is none of your business… " Saying so Kirito also actived his dojutsu subconsciously because this is the first time for him to face a situation where he can lose his life for real and there is no one to save him or it can also be the reason he is worried if this person who is controlling Saito somehow makes it to the village might kill his brother or something worse there also the possibility that his mind is feeling the extreme danger of death so it is helping him overcome his limits but whatever the reason is Kirito's processing power went on a whole new level.

The moment Kirito actived his dojutsu his body got covered by Golden chakra which has silver markings all over and looking at his dojutsu Urashiki felt an unknown fear as he calls in surprise "Those eyes? "

When Urashiki takes a few steps out of unease Saito, however, started making hand signs and completing the hand signs he shouted "Yin-Yang Style: Death release. a


With the hand slamming of Saito on the ground, the sand under his feet started going up as if a volcano eruption and soon the explosion started happening surrounding him.





After five huge exploding sounds as if the earth is about to explore the explosion finally stopped which made both Kirito and Urashiki get shocked as they did not understand what just happened but both of them felt 5 strong chakra signatures alongside Saito from the sand cloud.



"What happens? " Rasa asked quickly getting out of his room upon hearing the sound of the explosion.

"Did someone attack the village? " Chico asked with worried face coming out of her house along with her brother.

"The sound is coming from the south. So I don't know about the exact location and I don't think it's near our village but one thing for sure there is a fight going on there and some strong people are fighting there. " Rasa said with a serious face look at Chiyo from the sky.

"Then we should go and investigate baby ourselves. "


With the explosion, almost all of the big village gets to know there is a high battle going on in the desert even if some village which is far away from the Battle didn't hear the noise but their spies investigated and reported the whole story afterward.


"What was that explosion? " Boruto asked with fear hearing the huge explosion not very far away from them.

"I think you should stay far away from the place where the battle is taking place. " Sasuke said with a serious fave feeling the sudden appearance of 5 more chakra signatures.

"Yes, you should definitely stay as much far as you can also take me with you kid. " The turtle also agree with Sasuke.

"Is there something wrong? " Boruto asked in an afraid tone looking at Sasuke's serious face.

"I don't know what happens but I think something is wrong and we might be in big trouble this time. " Sasuke said and took off his eyepatch from the Rinnegan eye and without warning started running with his maximum speed towards the location where the battle is taking place leaving a shadow clone behind to protect Boruto.


Back to Kirito…

Looking at Saito's direction from where he can feel 5 more strong chakra signature Urashiki stared feeling worried and asked looking at Kirito "What did you do kid? "

"What are you asking me you are the one controlling him. " Kirito asked with an angry tone while concentrating on his wound which had almost heald thanks to the silver chakra that covered him earlier.

"Did he somehow broke from the illusion… no that is impossible. " Urashiki said shaking his head when a deep voice came from the sand cloud.

"Wood Style: Wooden-Dragon Jutsu… " with that deep shout two wooden dragons came out of the sand cloud and went directly at Kirito without warning.

"Water Style: Twin Water Dragon Jutsu. " another shout and two water dragons came out of the sand cloud and went directly at Kirito without warning.

"Lightning style: Lightning-Dragon Jutsu. "another shout and two lighting dragons came out of the sand cloud and went directly at Kirito but this time it covered the water dragon to enhance its powers.

"Fire style: Majestic Flame Jutsu. " Another voice with strong authority like the first one came out of the sand cloud and a ricer of fire came and covered the wooden dragon to make it stronger.

"Dust Style: Atomic Distortion. " a white beam of light also came from the middle of the 4 attacks and headed towards Kirito but unlike the previous 4 attacks, this one is a lot faster.

When Kirito heard the 5 shouted from the sand clouds he got really surprised looking at the people who attacked him "Those guys I think I know them and among them but should they not be dead? "

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT MOVE FROM THE PATH OF THE ATTACK OR do you want THE BOTH OF US TO DIE HERE KID? " Another formal shout came inside his head.

"Don't worry I think I can handle this attack. " Kirito said with a serious face without moving from where he was standing.

"What they are attacking the kid. " Urashiki said taking a sigh of relief as he wasn't sure if he will be able to survive if the attack was aimed at him who now only have his taijutsu and minor ninjutsu ability but almost lost his ability to use space-time jutsu but which made him more surprised is that Kirito not moving from his place and standing where he is without moving and he commented "Damn I didn't command him to kill the kid but to make him unable to move but if he kills the kid. Also, it looks like the kid is afraid to even open his eyes from fear at the moment of his death. "

"Move you retarded… " the female voice shouted inside Kirito (whose eyes are closed as if he is afraid of death) angry and when she saw the attack coming close which might take their life she let out an afraid shout from fear of death "Damn it we are going to die. "

The moment all five attacks came near Kirito he opened his eyes and simply called out with a calm tone "All counter. "

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