
In the park outside Uchiha compound….

While the others are playing in the park beside the academy Ino is playing with Sakura and girls at the park beside Uchiha compound…

"Do you still play with that two demon brother Ino. " One of the girls asked with a smile.

"Don't say that. Ino only goes to play with her friends from the Nara and Akamichi clan right Ino.  " Sakura said as if she is saving Ino.

"Yes I don't play with them it is just they come to annoy us when we go to the park beside the academy. " Ino lied to not making her friends hate her.

"Then you shouldn't go there. Why dont you stop playing at that park then. " Girl 3 suggested.

"Yes, you should stop playing there and come here in the afternoon to play with us Ino. " Sakura said agreeing with that girl's idea after all she wants to make her friend safe too.

"But they don't want to come here. " Ino said with a helpless tone.

"Then you should tell that to your parents and ask them for help. " Sakura said and added "Do you want me to tell aunty Ino? "

"No, I will do it Sakura. " Ino said hurriedly.

"Fine oh look Sasuke kun came… " Girl 5 said excitedly.


Another day…

"You again went to play with them. " Girl 2 asked annoyedly

"What can I do I don't have a choice. "  Ino said with a helpless sigh.

"Don't be harsh on her girls. I know she is trying. Right, Ino. " Girl 4 said in a low tone.

"Yes, I am. Anyway, I want to tell you something fun. " Ino said as she started to laugh.

"I knew that two brothers are no good and from what you said the little brother that you called Kirito is finally becoming fox and I think Hokage sama will throw them out soon. " Girl 5 said while laughing.

"Yes, I also think that. " Girl 3.

After they were done making fun of Kirito Sakura said "Anyway I think you should stop playing with Shikamaru and Choji as well. I don't see why you will want to play with them as they are causing making you talk with those two. I don't want you to get hurt. "

"Don't worry. I don't think they are that bad. " Ino said with a smile.

"No, I heard they are the worst you know I heard the other day… " Girl 2 started saying some bad things

"Really I also heard they stole…. " Girl 6

"And... " Girl 1

"Also...  " Girl 4

"Yes, Ino listen to ti us they are bad news. You should stay as much as far away as you can from them.   " Sakura also nodded.

"Is that right… " Ino said with a shocked tone and decided to not talk with the twins and ignore them as he got a really bad impression after hearing from her friends.


Later that day afternoon…

When Ino went to the park she saw Kirito running behind the chicken and one-time running over his head which made her laugh.

After that, she forgot about all the bad things and went to play with her friends "Hey Kirito here drink some water. "

"Thanks, Ino you are a good friend. " Kirito said with a big smile as he quickly drank the bottle of water.

"No problem…."


A few K.M away from Konoha besides the great lake…

After 3 weeks of training, Kirito was finally able to catch a single chicken and he got 10 chickens as a target to start his training.

So after very hard work, he found out that instead of trying to catching the chickens like earlier he needs to be patent in his catch and be more focused on the hunt not just randomly run like a dog behind it. So after a month, he became so skilled that he can hunt the chickens effortlessly with a little try.

"Sensei I did it. " Kirito came beside Saito with the 10th chicken. While the 9 chickens were tied beside Saito with rope.

"Good work hid you did well. Now you can catch 20 chickens in a single hour. You improved a lot. " Saito said as he took out a Kunai from his pocket.

[Now don't go thinking that Kirito became very fast  . in Kirito's case he indeed became a little faster and stronger but not that much. Instead, he just learned to move in a way in which he doesn't waste too much of his straight in unnecessary movement]

"What do I do with it Sensei. " Kirito asked as he received the sharp kunai from Saito.

"Dont you want to learn how to cook chicken and want to eat chicken roset. " Saito said with a smile.

"Yes, I want to sensei. "  Kirito replied with a nod with a happy smile.

"Ok Now do exactly what I do. " Saito said as he cut the head of a chicken with his Kunai very quickly and said "Now it's your turn. " with that smile.

"But it will die… " Kirito said as he wasn't able to do what Saito did when he saw his the Headless Chicken jumped and died right in front of his eyes.

"Don't worry too much about it just do it. Don't you want to eat chicken and share it with your friend? " Saito said as he started removing the asking of the chicken that he just killed.

"Yes but… " Kirito still couldn't do it.

"Just do it, kid. It's not like you are killing a man beside after you kill the first one the rest will not be that hard just don't focus that much on it. " Saito said as he throws the internal organs of the fish in the lake for teb fishes to eat. Right in front of Kirito's eyes.

"Ok sensei I will give it a try… " As such Kirito started killed the first chicken and continued to kill the rest very quickly so he doesn't have to hear their sounds.

When everything was done they eat the meat but for Kirito it didn't taste as good as it tasted before and he gave all the meat of the chicken to his friends and brother to eat as he lost appetite to eat any after killing.

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