Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

19 it's on the house kids...


Twins house…

After finishing the first task given by Saito Sensei Kirito went through a change that night but he didn't know of it.

Currently, Kirito is going to the park with Naruto like he always goes.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat any meat?  " Naruto asked as they arrived the park.

"Yes, I am. Anyway, I promised to give Choji some meat. Remember. " Kirito said as he gave a sigh because of not feeling that good.

"Yes, but it is a really good meat brother. Anyway, can't do anything about it right. " Naruto said as they entered the park.

"Well, they are here. " Kirito said when he saw Shikamaru and Choji entering the park smiling.

"Shikamaru I smell something good. " Chili said right after entering the park as a big smile could be seen on his face.

"Is it some kind of food? " Shikamaru asked with a smile because he knows his friend very well.

"Yes, it is roster chicken. " Chili said nodding again and again excitedly.

"Look Naruto and Kirito are there. " Shikamaru said spotting the twins as he found out Kirito signaling at him.

"Do you think Kirito brought it for me? " Choji said and run excitedly to the twin.

"Wait for me Choji… " Shikamaru shouted and flowed right behind him.

"Here Choji as I promised, you can have this 4 chickens. " Upon Choji's arrival, Kirito gave him the bag with a smile.

"It really is you guys. " Choji said and started eating happily.

"So you finished your first challenge? " Shikamaru asked after he saw choji eating Chicken.

"Yes thank you, guys. Here thank you, guys. " Kirito said as he also fave Shikamaru a bag.

"Hey, it is too much. " Shikamaru said when he saw 2 Chicken in the bag.

"No, it's alright after all you helped me a lot with your Shadow position Jutsu. " Kirito said while shaking his head "Also can you give this bag to Ino. "

"No problem I can do that much. " Shikamaru said after taking the bag.

After that, they played a little and returned home earlier because the food might get wasted.

[Now those who are thinking when did Shikamaru use Shadow position then I will say it is for the first 2 weeks after Shikamaru's dad helped them catching Chicken with his Jutsu. So whenever they wanted to stop Shikamaru would help them. Although he can't make a large range of Shadow position with enough try he is able to use the shadow of his normal shadow to catch the chicken ]

After they went there separate way Naruto and Kirito arrived in front of Ichiraku Ramen somehow.

"Hey, Kirito do you think it is ok for us to eat ramen here today? " Naruto asked with a hopeful tone.

"Well let's eat here for once we will manage it I think. " As he also feeling quiet down Kirito also didn't think of saying no to his brother and joined him, after all, he also didn't feel that good and there is also that savings that he did after all these months so it will be ok for them to eat once outside.

"Ok let's go in... " Naruto said as he goes in the shop.

"Welcome. " upon entering they were greeted by a warm welcome from the old man Taichi himself.

"Give is your best Ramen old man. " Naruto said with a laugh looking at Taichi.

"Yes, uncle we will like to have your ramen again if you don't mind. " Kirito said as he didn't want the want get angry at them for Naruto's disrespect and getting thrown out of the shop again.

"No problem kid just sit and wait there. " Tai chi said and started prepare cooking.

After some time they got their ramen in two large bowls…

"Isn't it the best ever Kirito? " Naruto said while eating with bless.

"Yes, brother it is. " Kirito said while eating silently.

"Glad you like it, kids. " Taichi said with a laugh upon seeing the smile on the face of kids while eating his cooking and felt very warm.

"Hey, Kirito can I have a little more? " Naruto asked when he was done eating half of his bawl.

"Yes go ahead. shuish~" Kirito said while drinking soup from his.

"You heard him old man give me one more. " Naruto said as he continued eating.

When Naruto finish his first bawl Taichi immediately give the second "Here you go, kid. "

"I am full. " Naruto said after he finished his 2nd bawl and turned toward Kirito as he asked "You are too slow Kirito, look I have finished two bawl and you haven't even finished your 1st bawl. "

"I am not slow. It is just I am enjoying my food unlike you who ate as fast as he can without enjoying. " Kirito said as he received a good impression from Taichi for appreciating his food so much and added "Also I don't want to eat my food without properly biting my food. "

"Well it was too testy so I couldn't do it you know. " Naruto said as he also felt a reasonable fact.

After finishing the meal Kirito stood up and said " Thanks for the meal uncle. "

Naruto said "Thanks for your Ramen you know your ramen is my favorite food. "

After that Kirito asked "So how much is it, uncle. "

"It's ok, kids. You dont have to pay. " Taichi said with a smile.

"No how could it be. We can't do that. " Kirito said while shaking his head.

"Dont worth kid just thinks of it on the house and I am not going to change my mind.kid. " Taichi said with a smile but in a serious tone.

"Ok uncle see you next time take care. " And they went out with some argument.

"Take care kids…"

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