Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

20 Neji's happy moments...

A few K.M away from Konoha…

In front of the big lake…

It is early morning...

Currently, Kirito is standing beside Saito who brought him personally here from his home after he finished eating his breakfast.

"Do you know how to throw kunai and shuriken? " Saito asked because in every family by this age the kids start learning this kind of things.

(what it mean is 3 years old kids. if you dont believe you can see for yourself for example- Hinata spars with Neji at this age. Sasuke flows his big brother and tries by himself and some more... )

"No, I have never tried it before. The first time I even touched one is the time you made me kill those chickens last week. " Kirito said while shaking his head.

"Then you need to learn target practicing first. Ok, then it's decided. " Saito said as he brought out a scroll. After making some hand sings he put his chakra on it and 10 kunai and 10 shurikens came out of it "Here this are for you to use when you practice. Also, can you catch another chicken and cook it for me? "

Kirito nodded and killed a chicken in less than 5 minutes and started preparing in 15 minutes. As he said " You know sensei at first I was feeling really bad for killing those chickens. "

"Oh~ is that really true then how did you kill this one so quickly? " Saito asked with a smile as after lighting the fire.

"That is because I understood something. " Kirito said after putting the chicken on fire.

"What did you understand? " Saito asked curiously.

"That is simple, isn't it? " Kirito pushed and continued, "I thought and found out a lot of things.

1st it is not bad to kill something because if I want to live I need to eat. Like I saw a chicken eating another living thing. So it is just the food chain what uncle Shikaku said when I asked him about it the other day before he left with Shikamaru.

2nd,  I am killing and eating it because I am stronger than it. Also, like it eats its pray I also do the same. That is why it makes it ok for me to kill.

3rd and most important I am going to become a shinobi so I have to prepare to become strong or someone strong will kill me because of my weakness.

And... "

"That is enough kid. You are too young for thinking of something so deep and also I will tell you something don't kill someone or think of it like it is normal because it is harder to save a life than finishing it. So do not kill something if you dont need to. Do you understand kid? " Saito said stopping Kirito's reasons and advised him and thought 'I need to scold Shikaku for this explanation. Also, I didn't think he would think like this. I thought I need to make him see reality to but it turns out he is a logical one even though he is too young. '

"Yes sensei I understand. " Kirito said with a serious face.

" Now why is that fave kid chair up a little bit and make be patent I am sure when it is right time you will understand everything also… " Saito said with a smile then after a small push he asked "Are you hungry. "

"No!!! " Kirito said attentively.

"Then start practicing already. " Saito said with a loud shout startling Kirito and waking him up with fright from that sudden shout.

"I am going. " Kirito stood up and when he turned around he saw there are marking on the trees around him more Kunai and Shurikens.

This is how he started practicing throwing Kunai and shuriken.

This practice went on for almost 3 months when he could hit his target though it is not 100% but not too far…

After another month of training, he was able to hit all 24 targets perfectly from more than 100 meters away.

"Good now it is time to move on. " Saito immediately came beside him upon noticing him successfully hitting his target.

"What do you mean Sensei? " Kirito thought finally he might learn some jutsus.

"You will now hit some moving targets. " Saito said with a smile.

"What do you mean Sensei? " Kirito asked while collecting his shuriken and kunai from the trees.

"Well, it is another hunting season but this time with weapons. " Saito pointed at a direction where some rabbits are eating.

"Rabbits??? This is too easy. " Kirito said with a smile as he thought for him it won't be that hard.

"Well that is what you think but what will you do now. " upon finishing his word Saito made a weird sound and the rabbits started moving "Now let's start. " with that another training season starts.


While Kirito is practicing let's go and see another place where something interesting will happen near future…


Hyuuga compound…

Sub-branch compound…

In one of the sub-branch house training room, a four-year-old kid who has long black hair is sparing with a man who looks exactly like him but is a lot older than him may be near 30 years old or more.

Anyway, the older man is teaching the kid Gentle fist palm strikes.

The kid jumps and attacks the man in front of him. He just stood there and slapped the kid's attacks like they were nothing.

Upon getting countered the kid falls on the floor.

"Neji!!! " Hizashi said getting worried if he hurt his son.

"I can still continue… " Neji said as he gets up for once again trying.

This time Neji again jumps and kicks his father but instead of guiding Hizashi just deflected Neji on the other direction.

"Neji!!! " Hizashi said worried after all he threw Neji a little too far this time.

But instead of I'm playing Neji stood up and then knocked his head on the floor and said with a smile "Thank you for sparring with me. "


After finishing their sparring they went outside and sat on the floor side by side.

The father and son are looking at the scenery in front of them.

Suddenly Neji turned toward his father and asked with a smile "I have heard your older brother has a child like me??? I wonder what she is like…"

"…. " Hizashi is about to say something but…

"Father it's snowing… " before Hizashi could answer Neji stood up and went outside the stalling and looked at the sky and said with a smile.

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