Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

32 Hunting mission part 3...

As if pre-decided Crow went for Zabuza and Monkey went for Sho while Dog went in front of Sasori to confront his papers.

After approaching the enemies all three opened their Sharingan to not let the enemies get away.

"Looks like they have decided Zabuza I am getting the monkey and boy will you look at that all of them has Sharingan if it isn't our lucky day… " Sho said with a smile while pointing his kunai at the 3 approaching Konoha anbu.

"I knew it was you copy cat… " Sasori said with a cold smile looking at the Sharingan in one eye of Dog then added "Now I will hear my revenge on you for your dad killing my parents… "

"I didn't think a coward as you will get the curse to face me directly… " Zabuza said with a smile while crashing his executioner Blade.


Crow(Itachi)vs Zabuza…

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu…  " Crow said as a huge fireball went toward Zabuza trying to langlauf him.

"Water Style: Water wall jutsu… " Zabuza countered the fireball with water wall and the area got covered by fog from the collision of the two jutsus.

Taking this chance Zabuza used hidden in the mist jutsu and covered the whole area with his jutsu and tried to sneak inform behind to attack Crow.

"Checkmate. " Zabuza said while placing his sword on Itachi's neck.

"Did you really think a party trick like that would work against me… " Crow said while pointing his short sword from behind Zabuza's neck and continued "You might not know but this eyes can see through everything… " as the Crow in front of Zabuza disappeared with a puff of smoke the Sharingan gave a light red glow for a moment when he opened his eyes to look at Zabuza.

"That Sharingan… " Zabuza said with a hateful tone looking at Crow's hateful eyes as he vanished underwater suddenly.

On the other side Monkey and Sho was having a defensive battle well, to be honest, the monkey was having the upper hand in this...

"Water Styl: Shockwave Jutsu. " Who said as huge water spread from under his legs and grounded the whole area.

'Man really... ' Monkey said as he jumped backward to avoids the water from the Jutsu then he took advantage of his quick speed to go behind Sho and kicked very hard causing him flying and landing on the river and caused the water shock jutsu to get undone.

"When did y… " While standing up Sho looked at Monkeys eyes causing him to fall in Genjutsu (Demonic illusion) of Monkeys Sharingan instantaneously.

"And that's checkmate… " Monkey said as he went near Sho.

As soon as Monkey was finished binding Sho he became water and disappeared in the river water startling Monkey.

Dog vs Sasori…

For the first half Dog just used his kunai infused with chakra to cut the threads of Sasori's puppet's but soon he realized that isn't working anymore and the puppets that lost control had already said control because Sasori had connected the chakra threads again with a very fast speed which got him into a very disadvantageous point.

"It seems I got no other choice but to attack with full force… Lightning style: one thousand Charping birds… " after coating his hand with lighting he started destroying all the puppets using the full visual ability of the Sharingan which was making helping him pre-receive all the puppets movement but soon he was in a big problem

As Sasori saw his puppets are getting smashed one after another getting smashed by Dog he still didn't lose his calm because he has more then he needs to kill a dog. As Dog came closer to him and tried to hit him with lightning he used one of his puppets to guard himself against incoming attack to protect himself from getting hurt and said "Well done son of white fang but now it's my turn and believe me I will kill every last one of you and take my revenge… "

With these words, he started to take back all of his puppets and brought out a new one.

When Dog saw his attack failed referred and put a hand on his Sharingan eye to stop bleeding and close it at the same time because of the pain he was feeling from overusing it.

After he calmed himself he found out that the whole area was empty of puppets and there stood only one puppet with black dress unlike all others which had red in front of him and he said "You are the one who killed the 3rd Kazekage… "

"It seems you knew him but today you won't be leaving alive from here… " Sasori said with an evil smile as he made his puppet move forward.

All this time fox was watching everything from afar without entafearing with anyone as he saw Dog in great danger he jumped in front an said "Fire style: Great fire annihilation… " and two more foxes appeared both sides and together they threw a huge fire toward the enemy while Dog saw this from behind.

Without finding any other way to protect himself from the surprise attack Sasori quickly used 3rd Kazekage's sand to protect himself.

On the other said Sho got burned and fall in the water before he could strike Monkey from behind and fall in the water.

Seeing the incoming fire Monkey also dived in the water.

The same thing happened with Crow and Zabuza as both of them dived under the water to save themselves from fire.

Re rest of the enemy wasn't that much luck as they got burned up pretty badly and some of them even burned to ashes because of the huge amount of fire.

[The ones died are a mostly normal human and Genin level while some that just got burned are Chunin leveled ones and the one that is not injured is also a jonin level who was enjoying all along ]

"There was another one and he burned my meat... " A big muscular man said while coming from the middle of the enemy group who has an X-stone shinobi headband with covering himself with mud that turned black from the fire.

"You only has a big mouth... " while saying that he crashed Sho's head cold-blooded.

"Hey, he was your comrade… " Monkey complained from afar.

"I don't have a use for a comrade like him anymore… " The muscular man said with a cold tone looking at the direction of Dog to find out there is a fox masked Anbu standing beside the crow masked one as he asked, "I didn't know that Konoha also has a short scam like our old man Onoki…"

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