"Earth style: earth golem… " the new arrived stone Shinobi made an earth golem and send it to fight against fox because of his age he didn't think of him highly.

"Satsuki let me kill the son of White Fang… " Sasori said while removing the iron sand that protected him from Fire earlier.

"Try to finish before I am done with this little monkey… " Satsuki said while approaching Monkey.

On the other hand...

"Good job kid. Now leave him to me… " Dog said while breathing heavily because of his exhaustion from overusing Sharingan even though he isn't a member of the Uchihas. That also caused him using more chakra than Monkey and crow who are using a pair of Sharingan each.

"Are you sure captain??? " Fox asked again to confirm.

"Don' worth I am just tired. Try to help others and stay safe… " Dog said as he went forward with a long jump.

"As you like it, Captain… " Fox went to high the golem with a sigh while thinking 'Does he still understate me even after seeing that jutsu from earlier..'

"Shadow clone jutsu… " Fox said as a clone of his appeared beside him as both of them nodded and after making two different hand signs they said "Water style: Water dragon Jutsu…"

"Water style: Dragon over dragon…"

With that, the second dragon covered the first one making a huge water dragon and destroyed the earth Golem easily in the process of collusion.

After destroying the water Golem he went to assist Monkey.

"It seems you are not as helpless as you seemed kid..."Satsuki said with an evil smile while running toward them while making huge sounds with his every step of heavy foot "Oh well it's even better for me... " then a little push after which a burst of evil laughter he added "Because You will die from this hands of mine... "

As he finished his hands turned that of the earth Golem.

"Kid let me handle him for now and you can act as a backup if needed for everyone… " Monkey said with interest while looking at Satsuki's huge momentum without an ounce of fear instead of fear here is a lot of excitement because of a strong enemy.

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At this time…

Zabuza and Crow prepared for the second round of battle…

"You are ain't a half bad kid but I am done playing games with you... " Zabuza said while pointing his executioner's blade.

"Same goes for you... " Crow said without an ounce of emotion in his voice.

"Such cold world I like your personality too bad I won't be able to get to know your name before I kill you because of that mask…" Zabuza said while swinging his blade and approaching crow.

After a round of clash, they weren't moving anywhere So Zabuza started using ninjutsu "Water style: Water Dragon jutsu… "

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu… " Crow also copies his jutsu with his Sharingan and used it to counter against Zabuza.

"That eye hateful. .. " Zabuza said angrily while looking at the Sharingan and you know what's next yes he got himself trapped into a Genjutsu.

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This time Dog and Sasori are having a life and death battle with each other…

"Iron sand storm… " Saori said as a form made of Iron sand started going toward Dog.

"Waer style: water wall Jutsu... " Dog tried to weaken his enemies attack as much as he can.

"Like that would work… " Sasori sad while using more Chakra to attack dog and tried to bury him under his sand.

Though Dog was trying very hard still he wasn't able to stop the incoming attack and got pushed back a little further away from his spot making himself getting poisoned he wasn't able to understand that at that moment and continued to defend.

"It seems you are still not down… " Sasori said with a surprise then added "I hate wasting time the most so I will finish this soon... Iron Sand: Deep forest strike… "

After this, the Iron Sands started becoming sharp like a particle and moving like tree branches to which is sharp as needles and shaped like a sword.

Though Dog was able to dodge a few of them but still got stubbed by the sand attack of Sasori.

Finally, without any other way, he tried to attack one last time with his full power lighting attack and escapee from Sasori.

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At the other side...

After not being able to defeat Satsuki by himself Monkey finally accepted Fox's help...

"Shadow clone jutsu… " two shadow clone of Fox appeared beside both sides of a fox.

"Water style: Twin water dragon jutsu… " Fox said after finishing his hand sign.

"Lightning style: Lightning wave… "

"Lightning style: Lightning wave… "

Both of the shadow clones helped to strengthen the water jutsu with lightning jutsu…

As Satsuki got pushed by fox's attack Monkey took the chance and appeared behind him with his bloodied body and killed him quickly with a quick strike.

As they were done fox noticed Dog's miserable state and quickly went near him with a flash step and rescued him quickly and then asked: "Captain are you ok???"

Crow also was in a bad shape fighting with Zabuza though he has already killed all the enemies that got injured by Fox's earlier fire while Zabuza was under his Genjutsu when Zabuza got out he got bitten miserably and he was forced to return to his team.

"We are done for now let's retreat for now… " Dog said looking at the result.

"Yes, that will be best for now… " Monkey also nodded seeing they got tired and almost out of breath but they were able to kill almost all the enemy and only two remained while they didn't lose anyone in the team.

On the other hand, the remain g enemy looked like they can put up a good fight even now but on there side only little fox might be able to continue fighting so fleeing seemed the best choice for now.

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A few hours later inside of a small cave Konoha anbu team stopped while breathing heavily…

"Are you ok captain… " Fox said while putting down dog on the ground.

"I think I got poisoned by Sasori… " Dog said while shaking his head.

"So what should we do now… " Fox asked looking at everyone.

"In our team, no one is a medic and it will take more than almost a day to return to the village… " Crow said after thinking for a bit.

"No, it will be too late… " Monkey said while shaking his head.

"Also I don't think anyone in the village will be able to cure Sasori's poison... " Kakashi said while his tone is getting low.

"There must be something we can do… " Fox looked at everyone anxiously.

"How about Lasy Tsunade… " Crow asked with a curious tone as if he remembered something.

"Yes, she should be able to cure the poison… " Dog said in a little audible voice.

"From what I know we should be able to find her in Tanzaku city… " Crow said with a serious tone.

"Then what are we waiting for let's go… " Fix said picking up Dog on his shoulder as he looked at the rest of them.

"Right… " with that the cave once again became silent.…

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