"It's definitely her… " Crow said with a serious tone.

"How do you know they are in our next door… " Monkey asked as he couldn't take the fact they were searching all over the city for Tsunade and she is staying right next door.

"I will explain later first go and find out if she is the same person… " Kirito said as he saw Kakashi's conditions getting worse.

"I will go you guys wait here… " Crow who was already ready to leave said while opening the door.

As he opened the door they saw Tsunade is walking hurriedly while Shizune is running behind her with a huge bag in her hand.

"Lady Tsunade wait… " As Crow confirmed it is indeed Tsunade he called from behind.

After hearing someone calling her name Tsunade turned behind and found out a Konoha anbu was calling her as she asked with a serious tone "What does Konoha Anbu want with me… "

"Looks like you were correct Kid…. " Monkey said to Fox (Kirito again wore his fox mask when Crow went tk the door) while getting out.

"Can you please help us??? " Fox came out and asked pitifully looking at Tsunade after all he doesn't want his comrades to.die in his first mission beside Kakashi isn't just a captain to him.

"What you need??? " Tsunade who easily saw through Fox and his and his small build knew he is a kid and when he pleaded she felt something inside of her hurt looking at those pitiful eyes through the forest and said carelessly.

"Please this way Lady Tsunade… " Monkey invited her inside.

As Tsunade entered the room she saw Kakashi who is sweating heavily while being still conscious and went near him quickly and started inspecting Kakashi after which she said with a serious tone "He is got poisoned by a very strong poison... "

"Yes, it was while he was fighting with Sasori from Sunagakure… " Monkey said with a serious tone.

"I thought he was dead… " Shizune said from the back.

"So it was her grandson… " Tsunade said while looking at Kakashi who is passed out right now then turned towards everyone and said "Though I want to cure him it isn't possible here. We need to move him to the hospital. "

"Ok let's do it right away… " Fox said while picking Kakashi up from the bed.

"o…. Wait there kid we can't just go in the hospital like that after all this isn't our village… " Monkey said while stopping Fox from using his flash steps and go before them.

"It doesn't matter because we are going to use Genjutsu… " Fox said as he disappeared with Kakashi on his back.


Inside the hospital…

After examining Kakashi's condition Tsunade turned toward everyone and said "This is not at the same level of poison that hag used in the past but a level advanced than her… "

"Can you cure him??? " Monkey asked hurriedly as he knows how strong Chio's poison really was.

"Yes I can make the cure but we will need one more plant including the ones we found in the hospital… " Tsunade said with a nod.

"What plant is it… "

"Though the plant isn't that rear and grows a lot the only problem is that the plant only grows in the deserts of wind country only… " Tsunade said while shaking her head.

"That's a long way from here and by the time you return he will not make it… " Shizune said with a serious tone and Monkey and Crew started feeling really bad.

"If that's the case give me the picture and describe the structure of the plant and where I can find it… " Fox said while taking off his body weight.

"Forget it, kid... " Before the sentence was finished it got interrupted by the fox.

"Just give it to me… " Fox said with a. Serious tone.

"Alright kid here it is but before you go remember you will need tk return in 16 hours of time for me to make the drag to cure him. "

"Dont worry I will be back before that… " with that words fox vanished from everyone's sight.

"What do you guys think… " Tsunade asked looking at the Monkey and Crow.

"To be honest I am not sure if he will be able to return before the appointed time but one thing I will say that I will bet on him... " Monkey said looking at the window.

"Yes, he might make it in time… " Crow also agreed.

"Interest… " Tsunade just said that while looking at the window thinking 'Jiraiya didn't tell me Konoha has someone so young and strong. '

While she was Thinking she came out of her thought because if Kakashi's sudden noise and said quickly "Shizune...  "

"I am on it, my Lady… " Shizune started giving some primary doses to lessen the effects of the poison and pain.


Whiek running through the forest fox thought 'Though I am not able to use Flash steps that much times but if I use Gate of healing I might be able to pull it through… '

With that, a silver chakra surrounded around him and he kept on using flash steps to move forward with unimaginable speed.

Within almost 10  hours he finally arrived in the desert and thought "with only this speed I won't be able to return in time… "

After another 30 minutes, he was finally able to find what he was looking for while taking the plant in the storage Tsunade gave him he said to himself "Now the only choice I have is to use that new move… "

"Blink. " This is the word that was heard before he vanished from that spot and appeared more than 2 K.M away from where he was before.

[Flash step is a jutsu in which the person moves in extreme speed. In this jutsu, there is no need for any kind of hand seal but extreme controle over your chakra and to use this just you just need to surround your legs with lightning and wind chakra then mover in extreme speed. For this, you will also need a strong body.

Blink is jutsu which also doesn't need any kind of hand seal but needs to have a level above the chakra controle than Flash steps because the user needs to surround his whole body with this chakra and need to consume a huge amount of chakra to complete it and in this process, the user will teleport from his spot instantly in the targeted place inside the domain of the users sensing. ]

After using Blink for more than 48 minutes finally, Fox arrived at the room Kakashi is in right now.

"You really make it… " Tsunade said while receiving the plant from foxes hand.

"Please cure him… " Fox said while going near a bed and thought "Close… " while falling asleep on an after closing all the gates.

"Ki… " Monkey went near him quickly to see if anything is wrong.

"He is just sleeping... " Monkey said with a laugh and the rest nodded after all they all knew he must have gotten tired.

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