Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

36 New team members...

Tanzaku city…

After a full day, Kirito is still sleeping which made everyone a little bit worried.

"What do you think Lady Tsunade… " Kakashi asked while looking at the kid with a worried tone.

"It looks like he might have used Gates the whole time in his journey to the land of wind to look for the medicinal plant which made his body suffer a lot of stress and caused his cells to get a little burned up. " Tsunade said after inspecting the results.

" He really pushed himself to the limit… " Monkey said with a sigh.

"Yes, I don't think anyone without Teleportation Jutsu could have made it back in that short time… "Crow nodded

"And he used gates for more than half a day with the small body of his. I don't think even Guy could have done it… " Kakashi said with shock and worry about the kid after all without him he might have been dead a long time ago.

"Don't worry he will wake up after a day of rest… " Tsunade said while going out of the door but before she vanished she said "Take care and don't disturb me anymore he will be fine after a little rest. "

As Shizune was going out Kakashi said "Then we will be returning to the village… "

With that word finished Kakashi took Kirito's mask and put it on his face and he takes the little kid on his shoulder and started moving while not awakening Kirito.

They started moving because they had to return as soon as possible after all they have completed there mission and also there is the call Kakashi received last night from the village.


While the Anbu team was about 3 hours away from the village Fox woke up above Dog's shoulder…

"Where am I…," Fox asked as he felt someone is holding him tightly while moving in a fast speed.

"You finally woke up kid??? " Kakashi asked while stopping on a tree branch.

"You really took your time sleeping… " Monkey joked as he also stood beside Fox.

"You did good kid… " Crow said with a smile while Patting his head.

While removing Crow's hand Fox asked "So how long was I out… "

"If you slept almost for 2 days… " Monkey answered from the side.

'It really took a lot out of me…but it wasn't for nothing… ' Fox thought with a nod while looking at Dog and asked "Are we returning to the village right now… "

"Yes, we got called back in the collar just after a few hours I recovered. Also thanks, Kid… " Kakashi said with a nod.

"Oh… " Fox nodded and added "Ok let's go… " while putting a food pill in his mouth because of feeling hungry.

With that, they started moving back to the village.

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After returning back in the village Kirito went to their apartment to see how his brother is doing while except Kakashi the rest returned back in their house.

Kakashi didn't go because he was the team captain of this mission.

[Unlike in normal mission in anbu mission the Captain is the only one who goes to talk with the head]

After Dog was done reporting Hiruzen gave a slight nod and asked "So you're telling me the one who killed the 3rd Kazekage is Sasori... "

"Yes... " Dog just gave a nod.

"Ok, I will send the news to the sand and let them take care of everything… "Hiruzen said while blowing his pipe.

"What about the new team… " Dog asked as he was told his team will be changing a little bit.

"We will be adding Izumi Uchiha in your team with Hana Inuzuka…" Hiruzen said while passing Dog two pieces of the document then added "About the current Uchiha in your team Shisui will get his own team while Itachi will be joining him till we find stronger shinobies to fill in the Gaps for Itachi to get his own team… "

[Remember currently Kakashi so the strongest Jonin level shinobi from Anbu and the current head directly under Hiruzen

Now don't ask why because it is how it is

Remember the 3ed war and Nine tail's attack. Yes, I am just going to say a lot of Shinobies died at the at time.]

"Will I go on the next mission with the Kid only… " Dog asked surprised by what he was ordered just now.

"We the thing is the lord of the land of snow asked the fire lord to send some visitors at the same time not to disturb the people's whoever will join the fair… " Hiruzen said with a nod.

"So we need to start our journey in a week… " Dog said with a nod.

"Also remember to look after the kid and be careful of the Fire temples shinobi… " Hiruzen warned him with a serious tone.

"Understood… " with that dog disappeared from that spot.

After getting out of the Hokage tower Kakashi looked at the sky while thinking 'I need to train a little… '

As he was going towards his house he noticed Saito who is standing in front of the book shop and thought 'I should ask Saito sensei to let me train will Kirito… '

As Kakashi approached Saito from behind he turned around while picking up the last copy if Ichi-Ichi Paradise and said "Sorry kid I am not going to give you... "

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Meanwhile in Twins apartment…

As Kirito returned home with a happy face after completing his mission and returning safely back in the house.

'I really missed the village…' He thought while moving from one rooftop to another.

'I wonder what brother is doing right now… ' Kirito thought while arriving in front of his house.

As he opened the door rage took over him because of the seen that came in front of him after opening the door as he shouted "Naruto~"

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