Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

4 Don'st eat without me...


Twin's appointment...

Naruto is sleeping soundly without a care in the world even though he was hungry but still falls asleep after hoping to get something to eat in the morning from his brother who has money. On the other hand at his side, his younger brother Kirito's face is twitching in few ways as he and his facial features are changing in between sadness and anger with time. After this keeps up for an unknown time his eyes started bleeding as he continued his sleeping.

While looking at Nine tails with furious eyes Kirito said "Of course I know who my parents are. They are Minato Namikaze the 4th Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina. The parents who removed you from that masked men illusion and what you did in return you killed them cold-blooded. " while crying with great pain he was remembered his mothers sad mother's sad face with a helpless smile and worry for him and the love she showed him that few minutes in the time of the last breath of her life and while in during extreme pain.

After hearing Kirito shouting and crying like that Nine tails felt bad for the poor kid in front of it but it also didn't accept defeat as it said "What did you accept me to do? They cut me in half and then sealed me the two of you. What did you expect me to do just let them do whatever they want to do with me? " As it spread a little bit of its aura to put pressure on Kirito and make him submit.

"They didn't kill you at that also what would you do even if you were able to go away from here and live alone in the wild. Someone else would have captured you anyway. " Kirito said with great confidence as he shakes his little hands in front of nine tails without baking down even though his body is shaking from the Nine tails aura.

"Why you little? " Nine-Tails said angrily as it slammed at the door of the cage with great anger. As it didn't think that a kid of such small age would be able to handle the pressure from it and even dare to talk back at it like that. It also wanted to apologize for these kids suffering and all but its pride and hatred didn't let it do that.

After arguing with each other for an unknown time Tge nine tails asked Kirito "Hey kid how do you remember everything so clearly. At that time you were just a few hours old. "

"That's… " Before Kirito could finish his sentence he felt something entering his body and someone calling him.


Kakashi also the Anbu with the dog mask is currently shaking Kirito as he channeled his Chakra inside of Kirito who was sleeping on the bed as blood coming out of his eyes.




Last night when Kakashi returned from his Anbu mission he reported to the Hokage about it and when he was preparing to return home he heard Hiruzen calling him "I want to ask you if you can bring some milk and bread to the twin's house. After all, they hadn't eaten anything the whole day today. I would ask you but they are asleep already and also…."

After hearing that Kakashi visited the twins home to see how they are doing and found that they were sleeping soundly then returned home.





Earlier in the morning when Kakashi arrived at the twins home he found both of them sleeping and when he was about to return to his duty he found that Kirito is crying and blood coming out from both of his eyes. When he looked at Kirito closely he found out the kid was also shaking with fear and anger at the same time so he went near him to inspect what was happening to Kirito. Upon thinking a little he thought he might be under some kind of genjutsu or having a really bad dream. So he went near Kirito's bed then channeled chakra in the same way they use to dispel Illusion after falling to waking up Kirito with simple shaking and calling. When he channeled his chakra and shake Kirito while calling his name suddenly Kirito opened the eye as he looked at Kakashi with a dark blood red eye just like "sharingan" but there wasn't any tomoe in it and he felt more fear then he felt when he looks at "sharingan" before he could he take any action he heard Kirito ask him "What are you doing? Unhand me you. " as Kirito's eye turned back to its normal blue color.

"What happened kid? Did you have a bad dream?  " Kakashi asked as he came back to normal when he heard Kirito calling him while walking away from Kirito as he looked at Kirito's eyes as he thought 'Nah I might be still feeling sleepy. '

"Yes I had a really bad dream but there is the even worse thing currently at my hand we don't have food to eat. Say didn't Hokage sent you can you give me and my brother something to eat. " Kirito said as he had better things to worry about after all he was feeling really hungry right now.

"Don't worry kid I brought food for the two of you and they are over there. I will be going now. " Kakashi said as he left the room leaving behind the two sleeping kids.

"Thank you. " Kirito said as he looked at the milk and bread on the table while wiping the dry blood on his face. After that, he went towards the washroom to clean himself.

After freshening up and resting a little the sun finally shone in the sky and the light falls on Naruto's face as he finally woke up from his sleep and looked at his brother who is sitting on his bed while looking at him. Naruto looked at Kirito while rubbing his eyes and said "You are already awake? "

"Yes, good morning brother. " Kirito said with a small smile as he looked at his brother who finally decided to wake up.

"Good morning. " Naruto said as he also sits up on the bed and looked at his brother with a little smile.

"Ok go and wash then we will eat breakfast. " Kirito said as he knows how hungry Naruto might be because of he himself is also feeling very hungry right now after all just like Naruto he also hadn't eaten anything yesterday.

"You brought food. " Naruto said excitedly as he looked at the table and found their breakfast and the portion was more than they eat usually as he said "Good I will be right back don't start eating without me ok. " Naruto went towards the washroom quickly without asking from where Kirito got the food from a she was really too hungry for that to care about. Also, he is just 3 years old kid.

"You fool if I really wanted to eat first, would I wait for you to wake up all this time. " Kirito said angrily at his brother's thoughts.

This is how the breakfast of the twin finished. while the two of them have two different thought in their minds.

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