Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

5 Meeting Ino-Shika-Cho...


Twin's appointment...

While Naruto is thinking about where they are going to play as he is quite satisfied with his breakfast. On the other hand, beside him is sitting his brother who is thinking about their lunch and dinner after all he knew it will be almost near impossible to buy food for them. Kirito wants to play as well just like his brother and he also wants to want to learn shinobi technic but first, he needs to stay alive then comes other things. Anyway, after eating breakfast, the twin went outside of the house with a happy face. One with a genuinely happy face while the other one is hiding his worry with his happy face. Although he knew that worrying will bring him nothing but still he can not stop himself from worrying after all at his current age he needs food to stay strong and grow with a healthy body.

"kirito let's go to that park near the academy. " Naruto said as he runs while shouting.

"You know we will have to play alone again right. " Kirito said as he flowed right behind Naruto.

"Don't worry I meet this weird kid who acts lazy all the time and there is also this fat kid who always eats but both of them are nice. " Naruto said as Kirito caught up to him.

"When did you meet them? " Kirito asked surprised because when he returned back to their apartment Naruto didn't mention anything to him.

"I meet them yesterday after you went looking for food. " Naruto said he acted as though he was remembering something.

"Why didn't you tell me about them then also I don't think they will play with us today? After all, you know what happens all the time. " Kirito first asked with a curious face then ended his statement with a sad look.

"Don't worry about it I think they are different and the reason for why I didn't tell you about them is because that fat boy I mentioned earlier gave me a packet of chips before he left but I ate it  immediately as I was hungry but when I remembered about you it was too late because I had finished eating by then. Please don't get angry at me ok. " Naruto apologized as he felt really sorry for what he did yesterday after all his brother went to look for food for him and he found some food for the both of them but he didn't share any with him.

"Don't worry about it. What's done is done, we can't change it or do anything about it anyway let's meet that new friend of yours. " Kirito said with a sigh though he felt bad for his brother not sharing any with him while he was worried about the both of them. He also knew he couldn't do anything about what happened but he also felt good that his brother found something to eat and didn't at least starve like him yesterday. Kirito was also thinking in his mind 'I hope they are the two people I am thinking they are. '

"Really you are not angry? " Naruto asked looking at his brother feeling not sure because if it was him he would really get mad at his brother.

"Yes. Now let's go I want to meet those friends of yours. " Kirito said with a small smile.

"Ok then let's go because they promised to meet me at the park in the morning. " Naruto while dragging kirito with him as he is feeling satisfied from everything that happened till now.

"Well let's go. " Kirito also run with Naruto at teb same speed.

After some time they finally reached the park and found it empty.

"Wow, the park is empty. Did they also think of not playing with me? " Naruto said with a satisfaction tone as he looks at the park.

"No, you idiot look at the sky. The sun is still not that high, so we might have come too early. " Kirito said while pointing at the direction of the sun.

"You are an idiot. " Naruto said with a small bit of anger when he shouted then he also notices that they really came too early in the morning and said with a smile "You are right about that as well. Anyway, let's play tag among ourself till anyone comes. "

With that, they started playing and after another half hour later finally kids started coming in the park to play. Though a lot of kids came to play none of them played with the twins and avoided them as well. After another 30 minutes of resting finally, two boys and a blonde haired girl entered the park.

"Hey, Shikamaru,  Choji over hair come this way. " Naruto said after standing excitedly when he saw the two boys.

'So it was them who I thought then that must the Ino with them. ' Kirito thought as he also stood up to and walked behind Naruto who was running towards Shikamaru and Choji.

"Naruto I see you came early.  " Shikamaru said with a smile.

"No, I am not early but you came late. " Naruto said as he pointed towards the other children in the park "Look the park is full and you say we are early. "

"My bad actually we got late because our parents asked us to bring Ino along with us. " Shikamaru said as he pointed at Ino.

"She is a girl. " Naruto asked surprisingly while shouting.

"Yes I am a girl do you have a problem. " I no asked angrily.

"Don't get agree at my brother he didn't want to make you angry. It's just he had never met with a girl before so he is a little shy. " Kirito who was behind Naruto said in a calm tone to help Naruto.

Finally, everyone saw Kirito who is standing beside his brother with a smile

As soon as Choji saw Kirito he stopped eating his chips with a surprise as he asked "There ate two Naruto's here. "

"Owo Naruto you can do clone jutsu. " Ino said obviously as she knew about it after all she is a member of a powerful clan of the village.

"No, he is not a clone look he has red hair at the bottom of the head and then it transformed into yellow gold. " Shikamaru pointed at Kirito's hair which had red root in this hair then it started to turn yellow after just a little further and at the tip of the hair it became golden. That almost gave his 3 color hair but the yellow park it big enough to cover the other two color that made others unable to notice that he has more different colors. After everyone noticed that difference Shikamaru father added "He is Naruto's twin brother, not a clone. "

'I haven't even noticed it till now that I have a different hair color. The red must be because of my Uzumaki bloodline but is it normal to have this kind of mixed hair color. ' Kirito thought as he shook his head as he remembered that he didn't have time to notice that because of his never-ending problems. So how will he care about something so simple as hair.

"You are right. He is my younger brother Kirito Uzumaki. " Naruto said with a smile as he introduces his brother.

"Hello, nice to meet you hope we can be friends. I am again going to introduce myself then. My name is Kirito Uzumaki. " Kirito said as he extended his hand.

"My name is Shikamaru Nara. Nice to meet you. " Shikamaru said with a smile as he shakes Kirito's hand.

"My name is Choji Akimichi. Nice to meet you. " Choji said with a smile as he shakes Kirito's hand then he takes out some chocolates and gives them to Kirito "You can have them as our friendship."

"Thank you. " Kirito said politely as he receives them and then he turned around then gives half to Naruto who receives them happily.

"My name is Ino Yamanaka. I am not going to shake your hand. " Ino said rudely while looking at Kirito's hand though she didn't want to say it her friend Sakura and some other kids told her not to near the twins and some more bad things about them. So she just did that subconsciously.

"It's fine I am sorry if I offended you. Please forgive me. " Kirito said with a small bow and moved back.

Though Ino wanted to say something she stopped when she saw Kirito receiving and felt bad for an unknown reason.

"So what are we going to play today. " Kirito asked as he went beside his brother.

"Of course we are going to play ninja. " Naruto said with a smile.

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