Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

40 Fire Temple part 1...


Anbu headquarters…

After arriving at the headquarters Kirito changed to his Anbu dress and went to where Dog (Kakashi) should be as he was told to come earlier than usual to report because they are going on a new mission today.

"Will only the two of us are going on this mission… " Fox asked with a serious tone not finding other team members around.

"Yes, this is a special kind of mission, where we are going to join the fire temple shinobies. " Dog said with a nod.

"What about others… " Fox asked with a nod.

"Dog and Monkey got their own team and we will get two new teammates after we finished this mission of ours… " Dog said while leading the way.

"So they got promote well good for them… " Fox said while flowing right behind.

"Anyway, how is your brother's training going did he learned anything… " Dog asked while jumping over a rooftop.

"Well, he is only able to move a little faster than before... " Fox said with a sigh after all the jutsu is pretty hard even he might need a lot of time to master it completely.

"You know if he works hard enough he might be able to complete the jutsu before joining the academy. " Dog said while trying to encourage fox.

"Well I can't say he will be after all it is a strong Jutsu and I doubt he will be able to master it before becoming a Chunin level shinobi. " Fox said while landing beside Fog on the ground.

"… " after giving the guards a nod of Fog and doc went outside the village with quick speed.

"Now that you say that I can't argue with that, after all, I didn't hear a lot of people in history mastering Swift release... " Dog said with a nod as he knew the jutsu is one of the strongest jutsus in the history because of how useful it is.

"Enough about that already can you tell me anything about Itachi's little brother… " Fox asked while remembering about Ino's sad face from the other day.

"Itachi's little brother you ask??? " Dog asked with an uncertain tone.

"Yes tell me if you know anything about him. " Fox asked quickly after all he wanted to help his friend and wanted to make her happy.

"You see I didn't meet him personally but I know he is older than you and your brother a few months but nothing special to look at… " Fog said plainly.

"What but I heard he is a young genius. " Fox asked uncertain and in a confused tone.

"If you say that then I will say he indeed is a genius but that would be compared to others but if you compare him with you, Itachi and I would be shameless but still say myself then he is nothing. " Dog said with disdain in his tone, after all, all the people he mentioned super geniuses if Sasuke is a genius.

"Oh, you mean that way… " Fox said with a sigh after all he understood what Dog wants to tell him.

"Anyway remember to take off your mask before we arrived at the fire temple after all this was specially instructed by the Hokage because of the way we must handle our mission. " Dog said with a serious tone.

"Can't we just hide and complete the mission captain… " Fox suggested with a curious tone.

"You see the mission we are going in not just a guiding mission but also a participating mission in disguise... " Dog said with a sigh thinking how problematic everything really is.

"So we will pretend to be just ordinary visitor shinobies from Konoha and if there is really enemy attack on the family of Snow lord we are to protect them… " Fox said with an understanding nod.

"Yes something like that now let's speed up, after all, they must be waiting for us also remember what I said earlier about the shinobies from teb temple. " Dog said while jumping on a high tree branch.

"Yes I remember and I will be careful of them... " Fox said as he joined Dog.

"Good… " with that, they started moving twice as fast as before and stopped talking on their way toward the fire temple.


Back at the village...


The park outside Uchiha clan…

After saying good-bye to her mother Ino arrived at the playground to meet with her friends.

"Ino you are late again… " Sakura said angrily looking at Ino who joined after everyone.

"Sorry Sakura, I needed to help my mom with flower shop a little bit… " Ino apologized with her explanation.

"If that is how it is then we can't do anything about it, can we… " Sakura stopped suddenly after noticing something on Ino's head which looked beautiful to her.

"Hey what are you looking at with such shining eyes… " Ino asked surprised by her friend's sudden change of look.

"Ino where did you get such a beautiful hairpin… " Sakura asked with surprising tone after all she has never seen this kind of hairpin before in the village.

"Oh, this… " Ino said as she removed the Golden Phoenix hairpin from her head which was given to her by Kirito the last time meet him but after that incident, she wasn't able to meet him again.

"Yes, this hairpin. It looks so beautiful did your dad got it for you from outside the village??? " Sakura asked snatching the hairpin from Ino's hand.

"Hey give it back… " Ino took it back quickly from Sakura's hand like some precious treasure.

"Hey I was just looking…. " Sakura said annoyedly but then asked "So… "

"Well, a friend good of mine gave it to me... " Ino said with a sad sigh remembering about the competition she got herself into.

She also can't say that she got the gift from Kirito because of all the girls here dispises Kirito and his brother even though they never meet them. Now if she says the boy everyone hates then they might also do the same with her. Which is the reason she won't say Kirito gave the hairpin to her.

"Ah, a good friend I wonder who could that be... " Sakura said with a teasing tone and a playful smile on her face.

"Ok, that is enough talking about it. " Ino sais while putting the hairpin back on her head and asked, "So what are we doing today… "

"Ah, you came too late because of Sasuke-kun already left with his mother just before you arrived here. " Sakura said with sympathy in her tone.

"Is that so…" Ino said with a dried up tone listening to everyone about Sasuke this Sasuke that.

While listening to them she thought 'I wonder what he is doing right now??? '

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