Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

41 Fire temple part 2 To land of Snow...

Fire Temple…

A few hundred meters away from the temple grounds two shinobis with anbu clothes took a quick stop above a tall tree in the deep forest.

"Time to change clothes kid... " Dog/Kakashi said while taking off his mask.

"Am I still going to call you big brother or... " Kirito asked after taking off his hoodie and mask.

"No this time you will be my uncle's son… " Kakashi while shaking his head with a serious tone.

"You know that is still the same as my brother… " Kirito said with a sigh while not understanding what is the difference.

"You see kid the two of us have different hair color but if I say my uncle's son that means not directly my little brother. In other words, you can be the son of my uncle who is not blood-related but you understand me right...  " Kakashi said with a smile at Kirito.

"Yes I understand why you want to say and from the point of view, we aren't even lying this time after all my parents knew yours when they were alive… " Kirito said and flowed behind.

While talking they finally arrived at the fire temple…

After walking inside Kakashi was called from someone from behind as they were trying to find someone in the temple "Kakashi is that you??? " a pleasant surprising tone.

As the two heard the sudden call they turned to look who is calling for Kakashi and when they turned Kirito thought he might have seen this man somewhere before but couldn't remember where.

On the other hand, Kakashi has a some seeing the man as he said with a smile "Asuma what a pleasant surprise to find you here???? "

"So it is you Kakashi... " Asuma said coming near him with a smile.

"So what are you doing here??? " Kakashi asked with a smile looking at his friend with whom he hadn't met in quite some time.

"Hey, I should be the one asking that not you??? " Asuma said with a surprise hearing that.

"Oh, I really forgot that you were studying here in the fire temple… " Kakashi said with a small laugh.

"So what are you doing here will you tell me. " Asuma asked curiously.

"We are going to be participating in the winter fair in the land of snow with fire temple… " Kakashi said with a smile.

"So you are the village representative and... " after saying till this Asuma finally noticed someone standing beside Kakashi and looked toward the kid surprisingly because he felt he saw him somewhere before.

"Oh, right you have never met with Kirito before right??? " Kakashi asked while holding Kirito's shoulder. (You must note little Kirito is half in size than current Kakashi who is in his early 20s that means Kirito is almost 2.10" tall )

Receiving Kakashi's this kind of treatment Kirito was getting annoyed so he said announcedly "Come on senpai stop treating me like a kid… " while removing Kakashi's hand from his shoulder angrily.

After hearing Kirito's name Asuma asked surprisingly but with a very serious tone "Are you telling me he is the Kirito Uzumaki what is he doing this far away out here from the village. "

It also should be noted that being the Hokage's son, he knows a lot of information from the village

"Yes, he is that Kirito and he is my partner for this mission… " Kakashi said ignoring Asuma's reaction.

"Are you serious Kakashi??? " Asuma asked doubting.

"If you don't believe then you can ask your dad when you return back to the village. " Kakashi said and turned to the left when he saw Kirito suddenly looking at that direction.

"Oi Asuma you still didn't run away keeping your tail behind your legs… " Someone shouted toward Asuma from afar noticing him still there but there was a small boy beside him who was walking with that monk like a bald man with a loud laugh.

"Chiruku you bald bastard when did you return... " Asuma cursed at the monk with a mocking smile and walked toward him with a smile.

As both stood in front of each other they both gave a sudden laugh and gave a light hug which indicated their good friendship.

As they approach Kakashi and Kirito they Asuma started introducing Kakashi and Kirito to his friend "Meet Kakashi the copy ninja and this is Kirito the young genius and they will join the temple shinobies in the next visit to the land of snow. "

"Kakashi-san I have heard a lot about you… " Looking at Kakashi Chiruku said with a smile then he turned toward Kirito and said with a smile "Nice to meet you too kid and this kind beside me is Sora who is a monk in training. "

"You must be Chiruku-San one of the 12 guardian shinobies like Asuma. I have heard a lot about you. " Kakashi said with a smile while shaking his hand.

"You are too polite... Too polite and I am honored to know that someone of your caliber knows about this poor monk… " Chiruku said with a humble smile looking at Kakashi.

"You are also too… "Kakashi and they started talking with each other.

As the adults were talking with each other Kirito was looking at the kid in front of him with anger while thinking 'Why do I feel like I am looking at that stinky rotten fox while looking at this guy… '

While he was thinking that Sora was observing Kirito as well 'What is so special about him I wonder that even Mr. Asuma would call him a genius. '

After they talked a little they went inside the temple where they meet another of the 12 guardian shinobies of the temple. Who will be joining Kakashi and Kirito in their journey, There are also 3 monks in training at the age of 12 to 13 who are almost Genin rank and 2 chunin ranks will be joining them.

After saying their goodbye to Asuma and rest Kakashi and Kirito flowed right behind the Fire temple group.

The fire temple shinobies they joined weren't that friendly with Konoha shinobies as they thought they should be the main force which made them avoid Kakashi and Kirito.

Realizing that the fire temple group don't want to stay with them Kakashi also didn't try to get closer to them as his pride wasn't letting him throw away his pride and Kirito wasn't far off after all he is a kid with anger issue and with his current mindset he also will not try to be nice with someone who looks at him with bad intention after all he is a straight forward kid with anger issues.


Currently in the land of snow…

The current Snow lord Sosetsu Kazahana and his young daughter who is 6 years old are sitting on the castle balcony and looking at the peoples coming to their castle from above.

"Look, father, that boy has weird hair...  " Little Koyuki said with a smile looking at the boy in a black dress who has red hair at the root which turned yellow after growing a little with a smile.

Sosetsu looks at the direction that his daughter is pointing at and found the boy is wearing a Konoha headband who really has a hair color what can't be seen often and the boy is with a shinobi at the age his 20s and he is covering his left eye and has silver white hair from the the looks he thought 'I think I know him and those must be the fire temple monks…' after looking at the group he turned toward his daughter and said with a serious tone"Koyuki you shouldn't make fun of others like that… "

"Come on father look at his hair it's so weird… " Koyuki who is a spoiled child of her father didn't care about the serious tone and keep on smiling.

As she was laughing pointing at Kirito.

At the same time, Kirito was talking with Kakashi about something but suddenly he felt someone is looking at him and he started looking around to find who is looking at him.

"Kid did you found something unusual??? " Kakashi asked looking at Kirito's suddenly.

"No, it's nothing I must have imagined it wrong. " Kirito turned his head after looking at the middle-aged fat man won is sitting on the balcony of the castle and looking at everyone.

As Kirito started walking Koyuki stood up and said with a sigh "That was close… "

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