Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

42 Kirito's explanation...

Land of Snow…

Lords Castle…

After getting escorted by the guards of the Snow lord Kakashi and Kirito were led to a separate room than the people's from fire temple.

As Kirito entered their room he complained "Senpai I thought you told me that we are going to the spring festival in the land of snow and when I look around the whole land is covered in snow and dried up trees where is your spring. "

"Well that was what I also heard you know and that is exactly the reason why I came to this place in the first place. " Kakashi said with a frustrated tone after all who would come to a damned land which is covered by snow all year but no the Hokage told him that there will be spring this year in the land of snow which really made him interested and he came here in the land of Snow.

"Are you trying to tell me that our real mission is to know the secret behind the sudden matter of the spring??? " Kirito asked with confusion after all if that is the case then it could be understandable why Hokage would send them this far away land.

"Now why would you think that??? " Kakashi suddenly had an enlightenment hearing Kirito's question.

"You see the first clue is that we are from Konoha and our village is very far away from the land of snow. Which is very far away from the fire country.…" Kirito said with a thinking position.

"That doesn't prove anything like that… " Kakashi said with a straight face.

"That is what think but if you look closely then you will find the hidden message in the mission details… " After which they started discussing and when Kirito was done explaining he asked "Don't tell me you didn't understand that senpai??? " with an amused face.

"Of course I knew that it is just I wanted to know what you think... " Kakashi said with a serious tone while thinking 'Did lord 3rd really meant to say that he wants me to find the secret… but I still don't understand what this kid wanted to explain and his reasonings… '

After thinking thill then he thought to himself 'Well while we are here we will try to find it and be down with it. '

[Later when Kakashi return back in the village will discover that he wasn't wrong instead Kirito is overthinking things for no reason]

"Anyway senpai will you be going to buy something from the market… " Kirito asked as he wanted to buy something for his friends and especially for his brother.

"We are free to buy anything but it will be with our own money and also when we are not busily guarding the castle. "Kakashi said with a nod while thinking.

"I understand senpai… "Kirito said and went to the corner of the room to meditate and make his mind and body one so that he can feel his surrounding without looking.


The next morning…

Very early in the morning, a guard came outside the room Kakashi and Kirito was in and knocked to call them.

"Do you need us for anything… " Kakashi asked opening the door.

"Lord Sosetsu had called you. " The castle guard and waited for Kakashi to replay.

"Ok let's go… " Kakashi said as Kirito flows right behind.





At present Sosetsu is sitting in his room alone and waiting for Kakashi and Kirito to arrive.

As the guard asked for permission Sosetsu said with a calm tone "Let them in… "

After Kakashi and Kirito entered the room Sosetsu looked at the guard who didn't leave the room and said with a serious face " You should leave us alone…. "

"Yea Lord Sosetsu… "???

As the room only have the 3 of them left behind in the room Sosetsu started taking "I have heard a lot about you Kakashi or the Sharingan but when I asked for help from your village I didn't expect they would send you here. "

"Well you see Lord Sosetsu the fire Lord also asked and our Hokage wanted to make the relationship between Konoha and Land of Snow better he sent me personally. " Kakashi said with a laugh.

"Then you must thank your Hokage for me. " Sosetsu said with a smile then he turned toward the boy behind Kakashi whom her daughter made fun of yesterday and asked with a smile "And who might you be kid??? "

" My name is Kirito Uzumaki sir… " Kirito said without emotion and too much respect.

"Do you think you are up for the job young Kirito??? " Sosetsu didn't mind Kirito's disrespect towards him nd asked with a smile to see what he answers him.

"Though I can't assure you're saving this whole castle on the other hand if you tell me to save a single person I can assure you that I am confident about it. " Kirito answered with a serious tone.

After receiving such an answer it seemed Sosetsu didn't think Kirito's answer was under his calculation and asked looking at Kakashi with a smile " What do you think about it Mr.Kakashi??? "

"Well, you see lord Sosetsu even though the kid us nit that old but I would say he might be able to save anyone from any enemy attack if he only has to save but not fight back at the same time. " Kakashi said with total confidence in his tone.

"If you have such confidence in him then I will also like to see it. " Sosetsu said this looking Kakashi then asked turning his head toward Kirito "Ok kid if you are such confident then I will let you guard my daughter Koyuki Kazahana. "

"What about the castle guarding??? "Kirito asked confused by Sosetsu's sudden declaration.

"There are a lot of people for that. So you don't need to worry about it. "Sosetsu said with a serious tone and turned his head toward  Kakashi " Also Mr. Kakashi please remember the number one priority is my daughter. If we get under attack and I don't make it please remember to flee from here with my daughter to a safe place. "

"Understood. " Kakashi said with a nod. After all, the shinobi does whatever the client asks him to do as long as there is enough pay.

"Good can go now and try to rest till my guards go to call you for your duty to protect my daughter starts. " Sosetsu said as the duo left the room with a nod.

After the duo left a middle-aged man entered the room from the back four and said with a worried tone"Are you sure about letting a little boy guiding the Princess Lord Sosetsu??? "

"I am sure Sandayu and you will also do the same as me when you saw the trust in the eye of that Copy ninja Kakashi has for that Kid… " Sosetsu said with a serious tone.

"If that is your decision, my lord." Sandayu said with a neutral nod then has a serious face and asked "What do you think about the monks that came from the temple??? "

"Lets them guard the castle for now...  "

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