Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

43 Kazahana's problems...

Snow lord's Castle…

Currently, Kakashi and Kirito are leaving the castle to do some shopping after getting permission from the snow lord after all from this noon they will be assigned to their jobs.

After looking all around and buying some of the things which could only be found in the land of Snow they suddenly notice something weird.

"Did you felt something weird from her armor??? " Kirito asked because the girl who just passed from their behind is wearing a weird kind of armor which is naturally collecting Chakra from the area around them.

"Yes, I have never seen anything like that before… " Kakashi also noticed the armor as he was in such close range to her which made him feel even some of his Chakara might have been observed by that armor.

"So what do we do about it??? " Kirito asked with a serious tone.

"Let's focus on the current mission for now and if we get in the bad turn then we can take action after all I have never seen or heard about her before. So she shouldn't be a problem. " Kakashi said with a serious tone while looking at the vanishing back of that girl.

"If you are confident then I won't ask anything for now. " Kirito said and turned toward the food store.

"We will return to the castle for now... " Kakashi us as Kirito flowed right behind him after a sigh.


After returning to the Castle the duo was called by Sosetsu Kazahana…

In the private room of Sosetsu...

Currently, Sosetsu is sitting on his seat while in front of him is his daughter Princess Koyuki Kazahana.

"Why do you want to be an actor Koyuki… " Sosetsu asked with an amused tone looking at his little girl.

"Because if I become an actor then I can be everything at the same time shinobi, Samurai, heroine everything that I can think of not just a princess. " Koyuki said with a smile after thinking a little.

"You every girl has a dream be a princess but here you are a princess who wants to be an actor. " Sosetsu said with a smile looking at his daughter.

While the father and daughter were talking suddenly two people arrived outside of the room and asked for permission.

"You may enter. " Sosetsu gave the permission after knowing who the duo are.

After entering the room for the second time today Kirito and Kakashi found beside the snow lord there is a young girl who looks a little older then Kirito is also in the room.

"Meet my daughter Koyuki Kazahana. " Sosetsu introduced his daughter to the duo and added "Koyuki this is Kakashi a shinobi from Konoha and to his side the kid's name is Kirito and he is also a shinobi from the same village. "

'Isn''t this the kid I saw yesterday. Don't tell father was talking about him earlier??? ' Miyuki thought looking at Kirito surprisingly then she looked at her father and asked "Is he the one who will guard me till the end of the festival??? "

"Yes Kirito will protect you from any unforeseen dangers but in public ge will acting as a common servant of yours. "Sosetsu said with a nod.

"Ok, I understand. " Koyuki said with a nod then she stood up from her seat and said looking at Kirito "What are you looking there for I want to go to the market flow me. "

"Yes, Princess. " Kirito said with a neutral tone but flowed anyway because it is his mission to do so.

After the two kids were gone out of the room Sosetsu looked at Kakashi and said with a smile "Please don't mind my daughter believe me she is not always like this. "

"It is fine lord Sosetsu and you can be assured that Kirito wouldn't do anything against your daughter because he is a kid who always tries to do everything with the best of his ability. " Kakashi said while shaking his head.

"Then I will have to thank you again. " Sosetsu said in a smiling face

"No it's fine but more importantly I want to ask you something if you don't mind. " Kakashi said and stopped in the midway with some hesitation.

"Dont worry Mr.Kakashi you can ask me anything and if it isn't that much of a big secret I will share it. " Sosetsu assured and said that to Kakashi, after all, he also got curious after looking at that face of Kakashi.

"You see lord Sosetsu Me and the kid meet someone suspicious while we were looking around the capital. " Kakashi said and put a pose here.

"Your point is??? " Sosetsu asked with a serious tone after hearing this because he didn't get information about someone suspicious from his guards.

"The thing I want to know is if your castle has the possibility of getting attacked or not??? " Kakashi asked in a very serious tone.

"If you ask me such a question even after putting such guards then I might get the wrong idea that you might be joking with me.  " Sosetsu said with a laugh then suddenly he got serious and said "Of course there is a possibility of the castle getting under attack isn't the reason for all these guards now don't tell me the famous Kakashi of the Sharingan is cowering even before getting attacked. "

"No, I didn't mean that… " Kakashi said with frustration even though he knows there might be some problems and he also has his pride. Also after the fight, he went through last time with Sasori's team he is not that afraid of anything anymore.

"Good, then you can join Shinobi's from the fire temple on the guard duty of the castle also try your best with that kid to protect my daughter and make sure to put as your number one priority. " Sosetsu said with a serious tone looking at Kakashi.

"Understood. " Kakashi vanished water saying that.

After Kakashi vanished Someone entered the room and said with a heavy tone " Where did you put the hex crystal brother I want to see the Treasury of our clan. "

" I don't know what you are talking about Doto. " Sosetsu said with a hostile tone.

"Don't play with me Sosetsu I know you are hiding it from me… " Doto said with rage and anger.

"Think whatever you want Doto. " Sosetsu said with a serious tone.

"You will regret this Sosetsu… " Doto angrily walked out of the room.

"Are you sure he will not do something my Lord." a middle-aged man with two swords and a black dress came down from the ceiling and asked with a serious tone.

"Don't worry about what he said. It is just he acts tough but I know him good and I can assure you he will not do anything stupid... " Sosetsu said with a lot of trust in Doto.

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