Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

61 The aftermath of the war...

After Kisame secured The body of the masked man he handed it over to Zetsu as he was instructed beforehand while fighting…


As the masked man was fighting alongside Yagura against Kirito he sent a shadow clone behind Kisame while distracting Kirito because he knew he couldn't escape from his dojutsu and also that speed is making everything hard for him.

"I don't need your help to fight against her. " Kisame said making a hand sign to attack Mei.

"No I don't want to attack you but I want you to secure my main body over there after I fake my death because we are in a disadvantage right now. " The masked man's clone said while showing his real body.

"Yes that guy is really a huge problem and the worst part is I have never heard or seen him before in my life. " Kisame said and shouted "Water style: 100 shark missiles jutsu. "

"Remember once the other comes to help Mei dive deep underwater and wait for that Guy to turn off his dojutsu and relax than take my body when I pretend to be dead. " Masked man's clome said and disappeared from the spot.

"I knew we don't have another choice *sigh*," Kisame said and fused with Samehada.

—Flashback end—

After Zetsu came to the secret hideout with the masked man he puts his body on the ground and waited for him to wake up.

After waiting for a few days the masked man opened his eyes finally


After using Izanagi his left eye which had 3 tomoe "Sharingan" that lost its light and he sat upon the ground and said "Zetsu help me replace my left eye with another sharingan. "

While taking out the left eye of the masked man Zetsu asked "What if the plan failed??? "

"My plan never fails??? " The masked man replied with a serious tone while looking at Zetsu.

"Yes, I am glad that it finally worked out but still… " Zetsu said with a simple nod and he was about to argue about the possibility of failing.

"Anyway did you got any information about that man. " The masked man said while fixing his mask again.

"No, it was like he vanished with his sister into the thin air after the fight ended and everyone from Kirigakure started returning to their village. "Zetsu replied while shaking his head then added "Also from the rebels force what I gathered is that he is a member of the Uzumaki clan and he is called Kirito Uzumaki and his sister is called Izumi Uzumaki. "

"I see. " The masked man said with a nod while looking at the side of the cave then asked "I am also curious about that strange dojutsu of his. "

"Yes that dojutsu is new to and lord Madara didn't say anything about it to me. " Black Zetsu said with a serious nod then thought 'Besides that eye seems even stronger then mothers 2nd son after he awakened Tenragan back in the days. I need to find out who he really is if I want to make everything easy for mother. '

"Go to Konoha and make that Bastard Danzo hate Uzumaki more and also make him give him the Izanagi details so that we can start our plan soon." The masked man said while taking Yagura's dead body.

"What about you??? " Black Zetsu asked with confusion when he saw him taking Yagura on his back.

"I will leave the 3 tails in the mainland for now in the Southern lake form land of fire for future uses. " The masked man said and used Kamui to teleport away from there.

"I should also be moving now also, I need to take care of this generation Sage before he finds the next generation successor. "






After everything is settled in the village and Mei was able to calm down the situation a little finally she remembered that she hasn't met someone important this past few days as she called for Ao to come in her room.

"Did you call me Lady Mizukage? " Ao asked while entering the room.

"Yes, do you know where Kirito and his sister is haven't seen them ever after our victory??? " Meu asked while looking at Ao with a serious face.

"Actually what we know he left with his sister right after the battle ended. " Ao said as he clearly remembers that Kirito went to Izumi and used 'Blink' then wasn't able to track his location.

"What do you mean by that Ao??? " Mei asked angrily bu someone interrupted her in the middle.

"Lady Mizukage big problem, big trouble… " A young boy with suddenly barged in and shouted excitedly.

"What is it Chojuro???" Mei asked with an annoyed tone instead of her smiling face.

"The 4th Mizukage his body is nowhere to be found. " Chojuro said with an excited tone.

"What do you mean by nowhere to be found I saw it with my own eyes yesterday???" Ao asked with confusion.

"Let's go it is not only the body of Yagura missing but also 3 tails… " Mei said and they all went out of the room quickly then went toward the guarded room where Yagura was before.



Currently, Hinata and Neji are going toward the park near the academy to play with their friends.

"Big brother Neji fo you think Kirito-kun returned from yet? " Hinata asked a hopeful smile.

"I don't know lady Hinata, after all, it's already 4 months didnt meet him. " Neji replied truthfully with a sigh.

"I really miss him. " Hinata said with a sad sigh.

"I also miss him and I want to try and see if he became any stronger than before. " Neji said looking at the park.

"Look, brother Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji are playing together. It looks like Ino again didn't come. " Hinata said and started running toward the park.

"Lady Hinata wait for me!!! " Neji said and flowed right behind her quickly.

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