Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

62 Uzukagure Mission...

Somewhere in the sea…

Currently, Kirito is in his 25 years old form and he is training with Dog in lightning style ninjutsu.

"Captain did you created this jutsu??? " Kirito asked with a smile after watching this jutsu.

"Yes when I first became a Jonin I created this but at that time I wasn't able to use it properly for some of my limitations. " Dog said with a nod.

"I also created ninjutsu like this want to compare the two??? " Kirito asked with a happy smile looking at Dog/Kakashi.

"Did you created it after watching mine right now??? " Dog asked with surprise.

"Yes look??? " Kirito who replied with a smile and make some hand signs and purple lightning covered him a hand just like Dog's "Chidori"

"Let's see which one is stronger when we return? " Dog said as he dismissed the lightning on his hand.

"Anyway what should we say to the Hokage when we return back??? " Rabbit said as she came beside Kirito. (Izumi returned to her Anbu outfit. )

"I will transform into my original form until the effect of the pill is over. " Kirito said with a serious tone.

"No, what she is talking about is our mission. " Wolf said from behind while shaling her head.

"For now we will say it was a failure, after all, it is now certain he was the masked man from all those years ago. " Dog said while shaking his head and gave a sigh.

"But… "


After 20 days the Anbu team finally returned back to the village and this time Kirito used transmission jutsu and wore his anbu dress to reenter the village…

As they reported about the mission truthfully only Hokage and Saito sensei is in the room.

"I told you not to use the pill. " Saito said with a serious tone.

"But he was really out of hand he might have escaped from our hand if I didn't use that pill at that time. " Fox replied with a calm tone.

"Anyway you did well *sigh*," Horizon said with a sigh and called Dog and said "Join the 4th squad quickly they need your assistance as soon as possible. "

"What about my team??? " Dog asked with surprise.

"They will go on their separate mission. "Hiruzen replied with a calm tone.

"Understood. " Dog disappeared from the room.

"Now that you have used the pill I think this is the best time for you to go and get your inheritance from Uzu. " Saito said with a serious tone.

"You two will accompany him in this mission. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone.

"Though there are some basic sealing Jutsu in the village left behind by Mito Uzumaki I want you to salvage whatever you can from Uzukagura because only an Uzumaki clan member is able to enter in the forbidden sealing area and we didn't have anyone in the village after Uzu was destroyed by the enemy forces. " Saito said with a serious tone and thought 'Though we had Kushina at that time she was off limit and also I didn't want for her to return and suffer watching the destruction of her previous home but for Kirito's improvement he needs to go there. '

(Note: Kushina was like a daughter for Saito.)

"So when do we go there??? " Fox asked with a nod.

"Usually I would have said to go immediately but you can go first thing in the morning before because you will become weak after even from your previous self. " Hiruzen said with a sigh.

"Understood. " With that Fox, Wolf, and  Rabbit disappeared from the room.

After a little silent, they again started taking…

"Are you sure he can enter that seal. " Hiruzen said when he felt no one is around them.

"Well if he can't I don't think anyone can. " Saito said with a serious tone.

"What about the ancient beast ??? " Hiruzen asked with an even more serious tone than before.

"You mean the beast which Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara and Uzumaki Ichizoku fought together with their respective clan and finally sealed by Uzumaki Ichizoku. " Saito replied as if that was nothing.

"Yes, that beast which almost destroyed the shinobi's and for the first time the big 3 joined forces to suppress it. " Hiruzen said with a serious toen and while talking about it there was a tiny present of fear in his eyes.

"What about it??? " Saito said with a rear smile talking about the beast but still his eyes told he was also afraid of the beast a little.

"Dont joke around you know if that beast comes out what will happen besides that kid isn't able to handle it. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone while shaking his head.

"What is the use of fearing it when you and Danzo are the ones who stopped me from going to their help that time by sending me on some unimportant mission which could have been done by Sakomo or even a normal jounin team. " Saito said with an angry face remembering about it and thought how much wanted to beat the other 4 elders but because of some issues he wasn't and even Kushina stopped talking to him after that.

"You know that is one of the things I still regret till this very day. " Hiruzen said with an ugly face.

"Yes sure don't think that I don't know why you did that. " Saito said with a mocking tone then added "Back then you feared that they might use that beast and create a Jinchuriki and rise as the 6th big hidden village which made you guys take that action.  "

"If you are just going to argue like that I am going to call back Kirito and stop his mission. After all, I didn't even agree to send him on this mission in the first place it is just you forced me to and said you have a safe plan for him. " Hiruzen said while standing up from his seat.

"Fine, I will tell you… "


After taking the pay for his mission Kirito went toward the park beside Academy where Naruto plays at this time.

As Kirito entered the park he saw Naruto is sitting on a swing and Neji is helping him with the speed.

"Hey, brother why are you playing in the snow and you Neji why aren't you stopping him and even helping him. " Suddenly Kirito appeared beside them and asked with a sigh looking at their happy face.

"You are back? " Naruto asked with a happy tone ignoring his shout.

Neji, on the other hand, said "Well you see there was nothing to do right now and also no one came to play at the park so we thought of doing this. "

"That is not a good idea you know what if you get cold. " Kirito said with worry tone.

"Don't worry you didn't get cold so we also will be fine believe it~," Naruto said while showing all his tooth.

"Alright, Naruto it is my turn now get down. " Neji said while pushing Naruto a little.

"Not fare a little more. " Naruto said while trying his best to not going down from the swing.

"Anyway, where is Hinata??? " Kirito asked with a smile looking at their action and thought he should take a break sometime but never got the chance because of how busy he got just after entering the Anbu.

"Oh, she was right here just a moment ago. " Neji said looking around "Shit, where did she go??? " with a panicking tone.

While Neji is looking around they heard a shout "Kirito-kun help me??? "

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