Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

65 What did she ate???


When Hinata saw Kirito giving a beautiful Sweater which she liked a lot but was given to Teuchi to give it to her daughter she started feeling angry at Kirito because he even gave Ayame a beautiful dress but he never gives anything to her.

As Hinata was right beside Kirito she was giving him a dissatisfied look and sighing from time to time which looked like despoilment from her act.

While walking she was also looking with a little bit of anger towards Kirito. Though she didn't want to she was jealous of his treatment toward Ayame and angry at Kirito who didn't remember about her and gave such a beautiful sweater to Ayame and nothing for her is there any justice in this world.

Though everyone saw how Hinata is acting nobody is going to ask the angry Hyuga Princess what happend because nobody wants to get yelled at. While everyone is trying to avoid it Neji couldn't because it is his duty to protect her and also make sure she doesn't get understand but in a situation where she is angry at Kirito and obviously it is the matter between Hinata and Kirito, so he didn't know what he should do so he also ignored and started talking with the others.

As everyone was trying not to anger Hinata they started talking among each other as if they didn't notice anything wrong in the atmosphere and didn't talk with Kirito as much as they can.

Finally, Kirito couldn't take it anymore and asked Hinata with a confused sigh "Do you want to ask me, something Princess???"though he said this he still knew she wanted to ask him something because she started acting weird ever since they left the Ramen shop.

All this time Hinata didn't say anything just looked at Kirito from time to time but now that she said with a serious tone looking at Kirito "Yes I wanted to ask you something alright and that is where is my souvenir Kirito-kun??? "then she looked away from Kirito with a cute pout while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Are you angry that I didn't give you anything and give Big Sister Ayame that dress? " Kirito said with an understanding nod and smiled at her.

When Hinata heard this she got all red but said with a shy tone "No it is not that but I really liked that dress from earlier and wanted something like that but instead, you gave it to her and, and... "

As Kirito heard this he started laughing and then he took out a sealing scroll and said "No need to explain because here is your souvenir. "

"What is it, What is it??? " Hinata asked with excitement because Kirito didn't forget about her and all the graveness is gone now because of her expectations.

"Ok let us go to your house because it is quite cold outside and there I will give you. " Kirito said while storing the sealing scroll inside his shinobi pocket.

"Yes let's go. " Hinata said with a happy face looking at Kirito.

With Hinata leading everyone they started going toward the Hyuga compound.

Hyuga Compound…

After walking for a few minutes, the 6 kids finally arrived in front of the Hyuga compound gates

"Welcome Lady Hinata. " One of the Guards said with a to Hinata.

As Kirito and friends sometimes come to play here so the Guards didn't say anything and they went behind Hinata slowly.

When they arrived at teh entrance of Hinata's house she shouted "I am back mom. "

Hinata you are back honey???Hinata's mother said while coming out of the house through the main door.

"Oh, and you have friends with you as well! " Hinata's mother said with a surprised tone but smiled kindly looking at the kids.

"Hello, aunty. " Naruto, Kirito, Shikamaru, and Neji said with a smile greeting her with a smile.

"Kirito you are back I see. " Hinata's mother said with a smile while looking at Kirito.

"Yes, aunty I was really busy these days. " Kirito said with a nod.

"And here I thought you have forgotten all about me, so you didnt come to visit your aunt anymore??? " Hinata's mother said while cleaning nonexistent tears.

"No aunty I was really busy. " Kirito started explaining hurriedly looking at her fake sad face.

"I am just joking. " Hinata's mother said with a smile then added "Come in kids it's cold outside. "

"Yes~ "6x

While entering the door Hinata's mother looked at Kirito and said "You know Kirito Hinata always ask me when will you be back and what are you. "

Before she could finish Hinata called out shyly "Mom~ "

"Alright, Alright honey mommy will say no more. " Hinata's mother said with a smile.

As they sat on the living room Hinata's mother said with a serious tone "Though I can't stop you from your duty I think you shouldn't go missions like that. "

"Yes, I know aunty. " Kirito replied with a sad sigh.

"Anyway you guys play here meantime, I will be right back with the cookies that I backed today. " Hinata's mother said and went towards the kitchen.

After Hinata's mother was gone Naruto asked with a low voice "Hinata what did Aunty ate her belly is even bigger than Choji!!? "

"She didn't eat anything but her belly is big because my sister is inside of her belly and Father said I will be a big sister soon. " Hinata said with a wide smile.


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