Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

66 Souvenirs part 1...


Hyuga Compound…

Clan Head's house…

After Hinata's mom went to the kitchen the kids started talking among themselves.

After Hinata's mother was gone Naruto looked at everyone and asked with a serious tone "Everyone did you noticed one thing about Aunty?!! "

"What are you talking about brother? " Kirito who is right beside him asked confusedly while thinking 'Is he talking about that!!! '

Upon hearing his brother Naruto looked at Hinata with a very serious face then asked with a low tone "Hinata what did Aunty ate her belly is even bigger than Choji!!? "

"Mom didn't eat anything silly but her belly is big because my sister is inside of her belly and father said I will be a big sister soon. " Hinata said with a happy smile looking at everyone.

"What~??? " Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji said at the same time with a wide eye because they didn't know about it.

'So that is why earlier I felt 2 different chakra signs coming from Aunty and here I was thinking she was like me and brother but from the looks of everything it is just Princesses little sister, not some beast. ' Kirito thought and gave a serious nod then he said with a smile "Congratulation Princess you will be a big sister soon. "

Right after that everyone started congratulating Hinata.

After everyone was finished Hinata said with a happy smile "Thank you, everyone. "

"What are you thanking everyone for honey. " Hinata's mother sais with a smile while bringing the food tray by walking in slowly.

"Oh! We were just talking about Hanabi mom and they are also happy. " Hinata said with a cute smile looking at her mother.

"So you guys noticed huh? " Hinata's mother said with a smile while sitting at the side then added while putting the tray on the tea table "Well if you have already known about Hanabi from Hinata then I will ask you to be nice with her in advance. " with a kind smile.

"Don't worry Aunty she will be our little sister as much as Princess and we will take care of her and make sure that no one bullies her. " Kirito said with a serious tone and the rest also nodded in agreement right behind him.

"Now where did the bullying come from all of a sudden??? " Hinata's mom asked with surprise because there is someone always with the children but after asking if she remembered it is not the same for the Twins and gave a sigh but the next thing really surprised her.

"You see Aunty today when everyone was playing in the park there were 3 village kids bullying Princess…  " As Kirito arrived at this point suddenly a loud roar came in the room from outside.

"Tell me who dared to bully my precious Hinta-chan~??? " with the sound of a quick door opening and a sudden gust of cold air Hiashi entered the room while shouting suddenly.

"Will you stop shouting like that dear? " Hinata's mom said with a gentle smile while activating her dojustsu for a moment though no one among the kid noticed that Kirito and Hiashi didn't miss it.

"Oh! You are here Hinako sorry I didn't notice you. " Hiashi the clan head of Hyuga clan is also afraid of his wife just like everyone else.

[A.N: As I don't know what is Hinata's mother's name I will call her Hinako Hyuga for now but if you find her name please let me know in the comments below. ]

"Anyway Let's hear what happened first because from the looks Hinata is alright from my perspective. " Hinako said with an annoyed tone than added looking at Kirito "You continue son. "

"Yes. " Kirito said and continued with a serious tone "You see when I arrived at the park I heard Princess shouting for help then… "

"So you are telling me Hinata-Chan beat the 3 kids black and blue. " Hiashi said while clapping his hands and added "I knew she wouldn't disappoint me. " while nodding again and again.

"No way~," Hinako said with unbelievable tone looking at her daughter because she didn't believe it she can do it but she knew Kirito wouldn't lie to her but she still asked to make sure "Hinata honey did you really beat those kids??? " with a gentle tone.

"I, I couldn't stop myself they were really rude to Kirito-Kun and when I said them to apologize they didn't listen to me so, so… " Hinata said with hesitation.

"Don't worry Hinata-chan you did great and I am happy that you didn't back down and showed them their right place. " Hiashi said with an encouraging smile.

"Really~?? " Hinata asked with not so sure tone.

"Absolutely. " Hiashi said with a wide smile.

[Remember Hizashi is still alive and her mother also didn't die so Hiashi is a lot kind and better at expressing his feelings now. So he wouldn't be as strict. ]

"No honey don't listen to your father because I don't want you to bully anyone. " Hinako said with a serious tone.

"Don't worry mom I won't bully anyone. " Hinata said assuring her mother.

"Good. " Hinako said with a gentle smile while drinking hot chocolate.

"Why are you here Hinako you know you are??? " Hiashi asked with worry looking at his wife.

"I know don't worry about it besides I want to spend as much time as possible with kids before…  " Hinako said with a sigh.

"But… " Hiashi said with a sad tone.

"No stop talking about that, for now, will you. " Hinako said with an annoyed tone.

"Fine. " Hiashi said with a sigh.

"Oh right, Princess come over here. " Kirito said while putting his hot chocolate mug on the table.

"Are you going to give it to me now Kirito-kun??? " Hinata said with a smile while going near Kirito.

"Yes, here we go. " Kirito said with a nod and puts his hands on the sealing scroll.


As he channels his Chakra through the scroll a white smoke appeared above the scroll and everyone looked at it with curiosity.

"Wow~ So beautiful. "

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