

Izumi=Rabbit-??? [Primary Attacker+Defender]



Border of Land of fire and Land of River???

At the very moment, the Konoha anbu tram is standing in the middle of the river which separates the Land of fire and river with a serious face under their mask because of the problem at hand.

"Damn. " Fox cursed as his bad thoughts became real.

"Now what should we do? " Dragon asked with a panicked tone.

"Are there really no clue behind? " Rabbit asked with a careful glance at the other side of the river bank which leads to the land of the river.

"How long do you think they had passed through this place. " Fox finally made his decision after all this isn't much time here for them to waste on chit chat.

"Maybe a few hours prior they were passed by this area. " Wolf replied thinking carefully "Also that is for Lady Shizuka as for Kazikage's daughter, to be honest, I am not so sure could be days. "

"Things are getting more and more out of hand. " Rabbit said absentmindedly.

"That is absolute. " Fox whispered then turned to everyone "Let's just cross the river and try to find some clues for now. "

"But if they used a boat what will we do then. " Wolf suddenly points out a bigger problem.

"Then we separate in from the other side of the river and go two different ways through the river but only if there is no clue on the other side of the river. " Fox said with a serious tone thinking 'I will never take this kind of mission again. So complicated. '

"I really hate this rescue mission. " Wolf complained feeling really angry.

*sigh~* " Well there was only our team at the moment in the village who can do the mission, so???. " Fox said with a forced tone "Well what do you think any clue? "

As the had already crossed the river Fox turned around to ask Wolf/Hana who replied while shaking her head "There is no scent around sorry, captain. " in a defeated tone.

"That is really not a big problem, after all, they have hostages and form what I understand this should not be an easy task to move so freely. " Rabbit advised with a thoughtful tone.

"Alright, we will split here into 4 teams. Dragon will take on air and look from above while we will search through the land. " Fox said with a nod "Also remember to return in about 30 minutes here but if someone finds the enemy don't engage and try to send a message and call everyone for backup. "

"Yes. " with that everyone scattered and went there own way.

Dragon/Honoka summoned an eagle and went up in the sky in order to look out for everybody.

Hana/Wolf with her dogs/three Haimaru brothers went toward Sunagakure.

Izumi/Rabbit went toward Tanigakue for clues.

As for Kirito/ Fox used the "Multi-shadow clone jutsu" to make 2 clones one went toward the sea one back to the fire country if he had missed any clues there and finally his real body headed toward Amegakura using "Flash steps"

???? ???? ???? ???? ????

After 30 minutes???

When Kirito finally arrived from his search he didn't find anyone around but very soon Izumi came from Tanigakue's direction.

"So where are the rest? " Izumi asked looking at Kirito.

"I just arrived and waiting for them. " Kirito replied shaking his head.

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"What if they form something? " Rabbit asked but from her tone, even she isn't confident enough about this face.

"I am not sure after all I went 3 different directions, and still no clue. " Kirito is not going to put much hope either.

"Same with me. I looked through 3 different villages but no??? "?? As soon as Izumi finished her words with a loud bard cry Honoka came down with her Eagle.

"Come on guys hurry Hana found Lady Shizuka and following our target. " Without getting down Honoka shouted at them from the Eagles back.

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