Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

88 Rescue mission 4...


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Hokage Tower…

At this moment Itachi is standing in front of Hiruzen in his Anbu dress and reviving his mission.

"So I and my team just need to investigate that small Mountain village and clean up everything? " Itachi asked looking at the scroll which Hiruzen gave him.

"Yes and also bring that body of the Shinobi called Hidan in the report there is a bounty on his head. " Hiruzen said with a nod.

"Ok, then I will go now. " Itachi said and went out with his team outside the village.

Back in the Homage tower after Itachi left Saito entered Hokage's room "Sarutobi I am going to be away from the village for a while. "

"Why? " Hiruzen asked with a surprised face because this is the first time he is hearing Saito asking for a leave from the village by himself in all these years.

"I need to investigate something. " Saito said looking through the windows with a worried face but the seriousness in his voice made Hiruzen feel uneasy for some reason.

"Is there anything big. Should I also come with you? " Hiruzen asked with a serious tone.

"No, you just take care of the village and this time I don't think you will be any help. " Saito just vanished with that word from the Hokage office.

"Call Shisui in my office. " Hiruzen ordered after a sigh because he knows this is the right time for the operation and might be the only way to save the village from a civil war.




"Lord Hokage, you called? " Shisui under his Anbu dress and mask asked with Anbu Salute.

"Yes, I want you to use your Dojutsu on your clan today. " Hiruzen said with a serious tone looking at Shisui on the ground.

"But didn't you tell me he will not allow me to interfere with their free will? " Shisui is also afraid because he is not a fool or ill-informed about the current strongest Shinobi on land and how easily he will stop him.

"He went out of the village and will not come back soon. " Hiruzen said with a reassuring tone while thinking 'I have to do it now or else I will never be able to do it one Saito return back. '

After Shisui left Hiruzen gave a long sigh and went back to his table to continue whatever he was doing.


While Shisui is going towards his clan area inside Root underground base an Anbu arrived before Danzo "Lord Danzo it's Shisui Uchiha he is going to use his "Dojutsu" on his clan. "

"No, I can't let that happen. Call others we are going to stop him those eyes can not be wasted on those Uchiha. " Danzo stood up from his chair with that call with a great face.





Land of River….

At this moment Kirito is flying beside the eagle Honoka summoned and riding with Izumi at fast speed.

"How far are they? " Izumi asked with worry after all Hana is following the enemy by herself.

"We are almost there. " Honoka said pointing at a direction on the ground.

"There behind that bush. " Izumi who was using her "Sharingan," said with a smile when she saw Hana with her fogs hiding.

"Undo the summoning I will carry you guys down. " Kirito said as they went down.

Smelling their scents Hana looked up and found them coming to her "They are inside that cave. "

Hana said pointing a cave a few hundred yards from them "I think Lady Shizuka is safe but there is no sign of Timari in there. "

"That's alright first we will save Lady Shizuka then we can go look for Timari. " Kirito said as he is also active his Dojutsu "Jigan" and looked at the cave "There are a total of 5 enemies but there is one with a huge Chakra and so think he has more than one heart.  "

"More than one heart? " 3x

"Yes and I think it will be really hard for anyone of you to fight him head-on as he is right beside Lady Shizuka if you move carelessly he might kill her or something. " Kirito said as his eyes didn't move from his target.

"So what do we do now? " Hana asked with a careful look at the entrance.

"I will still Lady Shizuka from him first and hand her to Honoka. " Kirito then turned toward Hinoka "Think you can protect her?  "

"I will summon my eagle again and fly far away till you settle you capture them. " Honoka said with a nod.

"Yes, that will do. " Kirito then turned toward Izumi and Hana "I will let you guys hold back the rest of the enemies till I am able to subdue him. "

"We are ready. " Izumi and Hana said together.

"Good here I go. " Kirito said as he again closed his eyes and opened them again under the mask the 4 Tomoe blue dojutsu transformed into a 4 petaled flower and he said  "Tengan" then "Skip" with that he vanished from the spot he was in previously.


Immediately after Kirito teleported away from a big ear crashing noise care from the cave.

"It began. " Honoka said starting making hand seal "Summoning: Bird King. "

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