Reborn as Naruto's Twin Brother

95 Have a look at them firs


After a long day of arguments, the council couldn't come to a perfect solution and the members finally divided into two groups one against the war while the other is supporting the war.

"What do you think Rasa? " Chico finally asked the Kazikage who's daughter is missing also because in all this time only he didn't open his mouth.

When Chiyo asked the question, everyone, in the room went silent and looked at the Kazikage because no one wants to offend or annoy their leader by disturbing him in the middle of his speech out of fear from him.

"Our Anbu tram is still searching for Temari so I think we should wait for a little while. " Rasa finally opened his closed eyes and replied with a calm tone but the Golden sand which is floating around him made it clear of his speech and also asking everyone if they don't agree with him.

"Yes, I think what lord Kazikage said is absolutely right. "

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"Yes, we should continue from our side before deciding anything. "

"Yes, it is also our duty to look for Lady Temari. "

"Right, Right when Lady Temari went missing there was also our shinobi in that place. "

"Yes, it might be someone other than Konoha or fire nation who kidnapped Lady Temari. "

After Rasa's words, everyone started supporting his word looking at his serious face and no one knows if everyone is afraid of him or they have the exact same thought that remained unknown.

"So everyone thinks that we should wait for a few more days before coming to a conclusion? " Chiyo asked with a regretful sigh while lamenting on the fact that she can't kill the son of white fang to take revenge for the death of her son and daughter-in-law.

"Yes that is my plan and I also think just in case we should contact the mercenary group called Akatsuki from Amegakura just in case. " Rasa said with a nod.

"Yes, that is a good plan for now. " Chiyo agreed with the Kazikage's words with an understanding face because even if it isn't a nice thing but she can't deny that they aren't Konoha's match yet even if both of the villages have the name of a great village.

As the moved on how or who is going to contact the Akatsuki a guard came in and asked for permission and after the news everyone looked at him with a serious face.

"Are you sure it's her? " Rasa asked with a serious face as if what the guard said is right then all the planning till now will go down the drain.

"Yes Lord Kazikage I am sure it was Lady Temari and ahe was brought back here by the Konoha Anbu. " the guard said with a serious face.

"What do you think Lady Chiyo? " Rasa asked with a serious face.

"Before we decide anything we should go and have a look at the Anbu team that brought Temari back. " Chiyo said after a little bit of hesitation.

"Right. " Rasa also nodded at her then turned toward the guard asking "What do you think about the Anbu team? "

"I am not so sure but the team leader doesn't look that much old to me. " G1 replied after thinking about everything that he saw.

"You said the team leader is very young? " Rasa asked with a look of disbelief.

"Yes that is what I think and from the looks, he should be even younger than Lady Temari. " G1 said with a serious nod as he is sure about it.

"If what you said isn't wrong then we don't have to worry about them. " Chiyo said with a smile.

"Are you thinking of capturing the Konoha Anbu team? " Rasa asked with an expressionless face.

"Let's go have a look at them first? " Chiyo said and stood up from her seat.

"Yes, we should first make sure they are as they seem not in disguise or anything. " Rasa said as he went out of the room followed by the rest of the members in the room.

While going out of the meeting room Rasa met with his younger son and elder son.

"Dad? " Gaara who is worried about his elder sister wanted to ask his father about her.

"Not now Gaara. " Rasa didn't let him finish and replied with a cold tone which contains no love then asked "Kankuro take your brother back home? "

After finishing his words he left with others with little care of what his sons are here for.


After a few minutes, Rasa and everyone arrived at the gate of the canyon where they split into 2 groups one following the G1 while one for making the decisions.


After waiting for a long time Kirito and his team started getting suspicious because if they just want to receive Temari they don't need to wait that long just send someone to confirm that they got the right person and that's it.

"Captain I think something is wrong? " Honoka said looking the guard beside Temari.

"Yes, they shouldn't take this long right. " Izumi said with a serious face.

"They are here. " Kirito said looking at the people through the canyon.

"There are only 4 to receive us. " Izumi asked with a confused tone looking at the incoming people with her dojutsu.

"No, they are hiding…"

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