
After Kazekage left with the members of the shinobi council of the village Gaara looked at his back with a depressed face and didn't know what he should do while water threatened to come out of his eyes.

"I can't cry or they will say I am just a baby. " Gary said to himself with a low voice and stopped himself from crying.

"Gaara let's return back home. " Kankuro said with a sigh looking at his brother even though he is afraid of Gaara who is a Jinchuriki of one tail but in front of his father's anger he had no other choice but to do so.

"Let's return. " Gaara said with a nod looking at Kankuro then he remembered something "Where is Yashamaru? "

"He might have gone to do some work. " Kankuro replied without thinking as that is a common answer.

"Oh. " with a nod Gaara followed behind Kankuro.

After coming back home nothing special,happend and Gaara went to his room with a sad face as he is feeling lonely because no one wants to be around him.

Very soon it became evening and the moon finally came up in the sky and to have a better look Gaara went up on the rooftop of their house to have a better look.

As he is looking at the moon he started thinking "Why does nobody like me? "

"I don't want to be alone. "

As he is looking at the moon with a lonely face sitting on the roof suddenly the sands automatically floated behind him to protect him and made a sand shield behind him.

Feeling the movement behind Gaara jumped up to stand while looking at the person who is attacking him from behind. As he turned he found a Sunagakure shinobi who has covered his face with a white cloth is looking at him with a killing intent while some kunai is floating in the air around him.

Looking at Gaara's confused face the assassin's face didn't change and keeping the cold expression he attacked Gaara without any care.

With a single motion of his hand, all the Kunai went toward Gaara to take his small life.

"What? " Getting attached again Gaara got startled but still protected himself using his sand to form a shield and using it to block all the flying Kunai which is coming towards him.

"Aaaaaaah~" with fear and anger after protecting himself for the attack Gaara motioned his hands to send the same around the assassin and surrounded him with sand when his assassin got trapped in sand Gaara cleansed his opened hand and all the sand squished his enemy and after few seconds Gaara let his enemy go.

After the sand stopped its grip on the assassin the fall on the ground motionlessly with no power.

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After making sure his enemy is not moving anymore Gaara went near him.

"Who are you? " Even if Gaara felt scared of his assassin he went near him to know who wants to kill him and upon taking the cloth on his face Gaara's face lost color as he looked at the bloodied face of his assassin with disbelief and asked with a shaky tone "Yashamaru why? "

Hearing Gaara's question turning his head toward Gaara Yashamaru looked at Gaara and said with a weak tone "You are strong, as I expected… " then after a small push he said "Gaara-Sama…"

Looking at the only person who he thought likes him tried to kill him and now lying in front of him weakly tears of sadness and hopelessness started flowing from his eyes like a waterfall as he knelt on the ground while asking "Why? Why? Why Yashamaru did you? Why did you try to kill me? Why? "

After crying, a little more Gaara started wiping out the tears in his eyes but they won't stop coming out and Yashamaru is also silent so he decided to ask again "I thought you were… "

Yashamaru who is weakly looking at the moon turned toward Gaara without letting him finish his words and replied with a sad expression "It was an order. "

"Huh? " Gaara stopped crying to know what he meant by order.

Yashamaru again proceeded "It was an order from Lord Kazekage. "

"Father did…? " Gaara asked with a disbelief face looking at Yashamaru on the ground.

Gaara who lost all hope went on his four while crying and looking at Yashamaru who is explaining everything.

"You were born with the Shukaku of the sand, and then observed like a guinea pig, Gaara-Sama,  " Yashamaru continued to explain.

After he saw Gaara looking at him with tears he continued"But since you could not control the power of the living soul, Shukaku. "

Looking at Gaara who has sat on his legs listening to his explanation while not shouting anymore but the water still falling he continued "your experience was deemed a danger to the village.Before that happened…"

"Then you did this unwillingly because father ordered you to… " after hearing till now Gaara stopped crying and asked with a hopeful smile without cleaning the water in his eyes.

Looking at Gaara's hopeful face Yashamaru felt bad but still contained with his cruel explanation "It is true I received the order from Kazekage-sama… " push sigh~"but I could have refused It if I wished to. "

Hearing these words Gaara wanted him to stop but he continued "I hate you. "

"You took the life of my beloved sister when you were born. My sister's memento…  "

"My sister didn't wish for your birth. " Looking at the moon Yashamaru continued "She became this village's sacrifice, and she died cursing this village. "

"An Asura that loves himself. Love only yourself and fight for only yourself by doing so, you can continue to exist… " telling till now Yashamaru moved his and toward his shirt then continued "But my sister did not give you the name because she cared for you or loved you. She gave you that name so you could continue to exist… "

After this Yashamaru's face started showing deep hatred and said with a cold tone "because she hated and cursed this village as she died, and she wanted her deep hatred... To let another know of it...  "

The more Yashamaru said the more hopeless Gaara felt as he heard "You were not loved. " with one last time Yashamaru removed his him in coat and a lot of paper bomb cane in the view which has started burning.

As the paper bomb exploded around sand shield covered Gaara and protected him from the explosion.

After the explosion, Gaara stood up with a shout and started remembering Yashamaru's words "Love only yourself and fight only for yourself. "

At this moment all the Sand around him started floating and with that Gaara looked toward the village with hatred while saying with a cold tone "I finally understand I am alone."

Remembering Temari, Kankuro and finally Rasa all of his family "I won't believe in anyone or love anyone. I am alone. " with that he lost his consciousness.


At the same time somewhere in the village Kirito and his Anbu team are getting interrogated by Sunagakure shinobi's when a loud sound of an explosion startled everyone.

"What was that? "

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