Reborn As Saitama In MHA
Chapter 24 - Sports Festival - Final Round [6]
After the fight ended, Katsuki needed to be pried out of the wall and sent to Recovery Girl, who mentioned that surprisingly, the boy wasn't that injured, and only his face needed to be mended the most.
Going back to the stands, Hiroto saw that Mina and Todoroki had already left and headed down to the arena. Hiroto turned to Momo and asked, "How was she feeling before going up?"
Momo gave a thoughtful look and said, "Nervous I would say, but also a bit excited? It's quite hard to tell with her since she's always so cheerful."
Hiroto sighed and said, "A bit too cheerful."
While the rest were preparing for Mina and Todoroki to get ready, Izuku was in the infirmary when Katsuki was brought in, causing his eyes to widen.'Kachan… the person who I always saw as incredibly strong… was beaten just like that? H-Hiroto really is strong… I need to go watch the playback later. Maybe… I might be able to learn something from watching Hiroto…'
Recovery Girl then muttered to herself, "This boy, he's so reckless and so loud. But at least this will get him to shut up for a while." She then extended her lips towards Katsuki's face and @#%$...
Back at the stands, Hiroto then finally remembered a small detail that he almost forgot. 'I totally forgot about that purple-haired kid, where is he? If he didn't make it into class 1-A, then he should be in 1-B? But I haven't seen him at all?" Hiroto thought, looking around the arena while squinting his eyes, failing to spot the little shi- *cough* Mineta.
Meanwhile, back in heaven's domain, God was currently laying over a couch and watching a display with popcorn on his ŀȧp. If you paid close attention, around the domain of the entire heavens were posters of various animes, as well as figures dotted all around the place.
On the display was Hiroto, who was currently pondering to himself. When he heard about the matter of Mineta, God clicked on a buŧŧon next to him and the display changed to that of a purple-haired boy laying down on a bed.
Opposite of him, was a tall blond man approaching him, whose hair was covering his eyes, almost as though they never existed. Before anything could happen, God switched the display once more, going back to Hiroto and saying, "Well, at least he seems to be having fun over in that world."
Ignoring Mineta's fate, he continued munching on his popcorn and watching Hiroto. The minor detail that he forgot to mention, was that on the buŧŧon that he clicked was the title of the world that Mineta was in.
Boku no Pico
Back to Hiroto, the countdown to the battle finally reached 0, allowing both sides to begin their attacks. With a swipe of his hand, Todoroki froze the ground below him towards Mina, taking away her ability to slide around the area with her acid.
However, since it was just ice all she had to do was melt them with her acid and she was good to go once more, but not until a blanket of fire was launched at her from behind a wall of ice, causing hot steam to rise out all around the arena, blocking her view and the audiences.
Taking this chance, he sprung forward and froze Mina, immobilizing her before chucking her out of the arena in one go, letting him obtain the win.
Present Mic then announced Todoroki's victory, praising him along with it. Mina on the ground only sighed but didn't let the defeat faze her since she managed to get this far already.
From the arena, Todoroki then turned to the stands towards where Hiroto was and thought, 'Finally, I will be able to face you. I know I don't stand a chance against you as I am currently, however… I will not falter in the face of a challenge, and use it as an opportunity instead!'
Hiroto only shook his head and muttered under his breath, "Is he going through some sort of inner monologue? He's practically glaring at me."
Momo glanced at Hiroto, then towards Todoroki, but didn't say anything, and only watched the fight.
"Well, it's my turn so I might as well head down," Hiroto said, standing up and jumping down directly from the stands and onto the arena. However, Midnight then came forward and said,
"Ah wait! Look, I like that you kids got spunk, but you need to at least let your opponent recover first from exhaustion." Midnight said, slightly ŀɨċkɨnġ her lips when staring at Hiroto, observing him from top to bottom.
Hiroto shivered, and Todoroki said, "It's fine. I do not need to rest, I'm already in my best condition and resting will only dull my senses."
Midnight only sighed, but then smiled and said, "Good! You kids got spirit, I like that!!" She then cut her whop into the air, signaling for Present Mic to continue.
"Well well well!! It seems we're just in for another surprise! Both contestants for the final round seemed to be raring to tear each other apart! I can practically feel their battle intent from up here! Hahaha! So, without further ado!!
Let the battle… BEGIN!!!"
With that shout, Todoroki and Hiroto rushed at each other, slugging it out with one another, knocking each other all over the arena… Is what the audience thought would happen, but all they saw were the two standing opposite of one another, staring at each other.
Hiroto looked confused and said, "You do know that the battle started, right?"
Todoroki nodded and said, "I know, but before that, I have something to tell you."
Hiroto's eyes widened, but before he could interrupt him, Todorki started talking in a voice low enough so the others from the stand wouldn't be able to hear him.
"You know my old man? He's Endeavor. He's the No. 2 Pro Hero, and his long time rival is All Might, the No. 1 Pro Hero. My old man will do anything to advance his position. He made a name for himself during his Hero career firing on all cylinders… but it was never enough to outpace a legend like All Might, who was an unremovable mite in his eyes. And because he knew he could never hack it by his own power he devised a plan. You obviously know about "Quirk Marriage", so I will spare you the details. However, my father, being the disgust of a human being that he is, chose to undergo this sort of marriage. All for the purpose of getting my mother's quirk to be passed down onto his children. All he wanted was to slake his own thirst and raise a Hero to rise above All Might. Fuck him! I'll never, never be that piece of shit's tool!! In my memories, my mom is always crying… she told me that my left side is ugly. And she dumped boiling water on me."
From the announcement room, Present Mic looked like he was about to throw a chair through a window as he kept grinding his teeth, as the two kids just wouldn't start the fight yet.
Hiroto's eyes started twitching, as Todoroki kept going on and on until he finally spoke up, "Wait!! That's way too long! Sum it all up in 20 words or less!"
Todoroki paused for a moment, nodded then continued, "My father, that disgrace, used my mother just so that he can create a child that can surpass All Might."
Hiroto blinked for a moment, not thinking he would actually sum it all up in 20 words, but then shook himself out of his stupor state and said, "I already know, I overheard your father talking to All Might."
Todoroki stood stunned for a moment, but then Hiroto cupped his hands as though he was trying to tell a secret and said, "Don't worry, he caught some sort of food poisoning and was knocked out."
Todoroki didn't know how to react, but smiled slightly and said, "Is that so… However, none of that matters, for the battle between the two of us is all that we should focus on currently."
Todoroki got into his battle stance, with Hiroto still standing there casually. Without saying anything, Todoroki then used his right hand to push forth a wave of ice towards Hiroto, encompassing the entire arena as though it was an avalanche.
Without wasting a single moment, he then used the ice to build up his momentum and slid up a ramp and over to where Hiroto's position was, using his left hand and spewing out a torrent of flames to where Hiroto stood.
"Holy!! How will Moriyama recover from that attack?!" Present Mic exclaimed as he stood up from his seat.
All Might who was watching the match only stayed silent, still pondering over the events that happened between Endeavor and Hirot= *cough* the food poisoning, as he watched the fight closely.
From the stands, Mina and Momo were a bit worried, but they had to reason to be once they saw what happened.
Landing back down on the ground, as the hot steam slowly evaporated from the area, Hiroto's figure appeared again as he still stood there in the exact same position, completely unharmed, if not a bit drenched from the steam.
"It's like being in a sauna…" Hiroto said.
Todoroki grinned and then brought his hand down to the ground, focusing his entire energy into the ground, he slowly brought it up, and with it was a long icicle that was formed.
Grabbing it, he broke it off of the ground and wielded it as a weapon. He then charged towards Hiroto and used his left side to spew fire over at Hiroto first, with Hiroto still being completely unfazed by it.
As the flames died down, Todoroki appeared from behind the flames and stabbed the icicle forward. Hiroto only sidestepped out of the way with ease at the very last moment.
Narrowing his eyes, Todoroki then shattered the icicle in his hands, causing the sharp fragments to launch towards Hiroto's eyes. However, in a blur, Hiroto moved his head out of the way of each individual little fragment, leaving numerous afterimages of his head.
Taking this moment, Todoroki brought both of his hands down onto the ground as a gigantic ice pillar rose up out of the ground, glistening in the sunlight, and engulfed Hiroto as it kept building and rising out of the ground and into the sky, causing everyone in the arena to have their jaws left wide open from the sight.
"From the stands, a couple were muttering to each other, with the man saying, "This might be it for that boy, Moriyama…"
Hiroto's mother swung her head around and glared at the couple, saying, "Huh?! What da hell did ya say, punk?! Ya think my boy can lose that easily?!"
Hiroto's father panicked and grabbed his wife before she climbed over the stands and confronted the couple, saying, "No need to get so worked up honey, we both know that Hiroto will be absolutely fine from this."
Landing on the ground completely unscathed, Hiroto patted the remains of the ice off his body and said, "Hey, that's pretty good."
Going back to the stands, Hiroto saw that Mina and Todoroki had already left and headed down to the arena. Hiroto turned to Momo and asked, "How was she feeling before going up?"
Momo gave a thoughtful look and said, "Nervous I would say, but also a bit excited? It's quite hard to tell with her since she's always so cheerful."
Hiroto sighed and said, "A bit too cheerful."
While the rest were preparing for Mina and Todoroki to get ready, Izuku was in the infirmary when Katsuki was brought in, causing his eyes to widen.'Kachan… the person who I always saw as incredibly strong… was beaten just like that? H-Hiroto really is strong… I need to go watch the playback later. Maybe… I might be able to learn something from watching Hiroto…'
Recovery Girl then muttered to herself, "This boy, he's so reckless and so loud. But at least this will get him to shut up for a while." She then extended her lips towards Katsuki's face and @#%$...
Back at the stands, Hiroto then finally remembered a small detail that he almost forgot. 'I totally forgot about that purple-haired kid, where is he? If he didn't make it into class 1-A, then he should be in 1-B? But I haven't seen him at all?" Hiroto thought, looking around the arena while squinting his eyes, failing to spot the little shi- *cough* Mineta.
Meanwhile, back in heaven's domain, God was currently laying over a couch and watching a display with popcorn on his ŀȧp. If you paid close attention, around the domain of the entire heavens were posters of various animes, as well as figures dotted all around the place.
On the display was Hiroto, who was currently pondering to himself. When he heard about the matter of Mineta, God clicked on a buŧŧon next to him and the display changed to that of a purple-haired boy laying down on a bed.
Opposite of him, was a tall blond man approaching him, whose hair was covering his eyes, almost as though they never existed. Before anything could happen, God switched the display once more, going back to Hiroto and saying, "Well, at least he seems to be having fun over in that world."
Ignoring Mineta's fate, he continued munching on his popcorn and watching Hiroto. The minor detail that he forgot to mention, was that on the buŧŧon that he clicked was the title of the world that Mineta was in.
Boku no Pico
Back to Hiroto, the countdown to the battle finally reached 0, allowing both sides to begin their attacks. With a swipe of his hand, Todoroki froze the ground below him towards Mina, taking away her ability to slide around the area with her acid.
However, since it was just ice all she had to do was melt them with her acid and she was good to go once more, but not until a blanket of fire was launched at her from behind a wall of ice, causing hot steam to rise out all around the arena, blocking her view and the audiences.
Taking this chance, he sprung forward and froze Mina, immobilizing her before chucking her out of the arena in one go, letting him obtain the win.
Present Mic then announced Todoroki's victory, praising him along with it. Mina on the ground only sighed but didn't let the defeat faze her since she managed to get this far already.
From the arena, Todoroki then turned to the stands towards where Hiroto was and thought, 'Finally, I will be able to face you. I know I don't stand a chance against you as I am currently, however… I will not falter in the face of a challenge, and use it as an opportunity instead!'
Hiroto only shook his head and muttered under his breath, "Is he going through some sort of inner monologue? He's practically glaring at me."
Momo glanced at Hiroto, then towards Todoroki, but didn't say anything, and only watched the fight.
"Well, it's my turn so I might as well head down," Hiroto said, standing up and jumping down directly from the stands and onto the arena. However, Midnight then came forward and said,
"Ah wait! Look, I like that you kids got spunk, but you need to at least let your opponent recover first from exhaustion." Midnight said, slightly ŀɨċkɨnġ her lips when staring at Hiroto, observing him from top to bottom.
Hiroto shivered, and Todoroki said, "It's fine. I do not need to rest, I'm already in my best condition and resting will only dull my senses."
Midnight only sighed, but then smiled and said, "Good! You kids got spirit, I like that!!" She then cut her whop into the air, signaling for Present Mic to continue.
"Well well well!! It seems we're just in for another surprise! Both contestants for the final round seemed to be raring to tear each other apart! I can practically feel their battle intent from up here! Hahaha! So, without further ado!!
Let the battle… BEGIN!!!"
With that shout, Todoroki and Hiroto rushed at each other, slugging it out with one another, knocking each other all over the arena… Is what the audience thought would happen, but all they saw were the two standing opposite of one another, staring at each other.
Hiroto looked confused and said, "You do know that the battle started, right?"
Todoroki nodded and said, "I know, but before that, I have something to tell you."
Hiroto's eyes widened, but before he could interrupt him, Todorki started talking in a voice low enough so the others from the stand wouldn't be able to hear him.
"You know my old man? He's Endeavor. He's the No. 2 Pro Hero, and his long time rival is All Might, the No. 1 Pro Hero. My old man will do anything to advance his position. He made a name for himself during his Hero career firing on all cylinders… but it was never enough to outpace a legend like All Might, who was an unremovable mite in his eyes. And because he knew he could never hack it by his own power he devised a plan. You obviously know about "Quirk Marriage", so I will spare you the details. However, my father, being the disgust of a human being that he is, chose to undergo this sort of marriage. All for the purpose of getting my mother's quirk to be passed down onto his children. All he wanted was to slake his own thirst and raise a Hero to rise above All Might. Fuck him! I'll never, never be that piece of shit's tool!! In my memories, my mom is always crying… she told me that my left side is ugly. And she dumped boiling water on me."
From the announcement room, Present Mic looked like he was about to throw a chair through a window as he kept grinding his teeth, as the two kids just wouldn't start the fight yet.
Hiroto's eyes started twitching, as Todoroki kept going on and on until he finally spoke up, "Wait!! That's way too long! Sum it all up in 20 words or less!"
Todoroki paused for a moment, nodded then continued, "My father, that disgrace, used my mother just so that he can create a child that can surpass All Might."
Hiroto blinked for a moment, not thinking he would actually sum it all up in 20 words, but then shook himself out of his stupor state and said, "I already know, I overheard your father talking to All Might."
Todoroki stood stunned for a moment, but then Hiroto cupped his hands as though he was trying to tell a secret and said, "Don't worry, he caught some sort of food poisoning and was knocked out."
Todoroki didn't know how to react, but smiled slightly and said, "Is that so… However, none of that matters, for the battle between the two of us is all that we should focus on currently."
Todoroki got into his battle stance, with Hiroto still standing there casually. Without saying anything, Todoroki then used his right hand to push forth a wave of ice towards Hiroto, encompassing the entire arena as though it was an avalanche.
Without wasting a single moment, he then used the ice to build up his momentum and slid up a ramp and over to where Hiroto's position was, using his left hand and spewing out a torrent of flames to where Hiroto stood.
"Holy!! How will Moriyama recover from that attack?!" Present Mic exclaimed as he stood up from his seat.
All Might who was watching the match only stayed silent, still pondering over the events that happened between Endeavor and Hirot= *cough* the food poisoning, as he watched the fight closely.
From the stands, Mina and Momo were a bit worried, but they had to reason to be once they saw what happened.
Landing back down on the ground, as the hot steam slowly evaporated from the area, Hiroto's figure appeared again as he still stood there in the exact same position, completely unharmed, if not a bit drenched from the steam.
"It's like being in a sauna…" Hiroto said.
Todoroki grinned and then brought his hand down to the ground, focusing his entire energy into the ground, he slowly brought it up, and with it was a long icicle that was formed.
Grabbing it, he broke it off of the ground and wielded it as a weapon. He then charged towards Hiroto and used his left side to spew fire over at Hiroto first, with Hiroto still being completely unfazed by it.
As the flames died down, Todoroki appeared from behind the flames and stabbed the icicle forward. Hiroto only sidestepped out of the way with ease at the very last moment.
Narrowing his eyes, Todoroki then shattered the icicle in his hands, causing the sharp fragments to launch towards Hiroto's eyes. However, in a blur, Hiroto moved his head out of the way of each individual little fragment, leaving numerous afterimages of his head.
Taking this moment, Todoroki brought both of his hands down onto the ground as a gigantic ice pillar rose up out of the ground, glistening in the sunlight, and engulfed Hiroto as it kept building and rising out of the ground and into the sky, causing everyone in the arena to have their jaws left wide open from the sight.
"From the stands, a couple were muttering to each other, with the man saying, "This might be it for that boy, Moriyama…"
Hiroto's mother swung her head around and glared at the couple, saying, "Huh?! What da hell did ya say, punk?! Ya think my boy can lose that easily?!"
Hiroto's father panicked and grabbed his wife before she climbed over the stands and confronted the couple, saying, "No need to get so worked up honey, we both know that Hiroto will be absolutely fine from this."
Landing on the ground completely unscathed, Hiroto patted the remains of the ice off his body and said, "Hey, that's pretty good."
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