Reborn As Saitama In MHA

Chapter 25 - Sports Festival - Pressure [7]

(A/N: POV is gonna jump all over the place for a moment)

Everyone stared at the scene before of them of Hiroto being completely unscathed no matter the attack he took from Todoroki.

Endeavor, who finally recovered from his 'food poisoning' was glaring at Hiroto's figure intensely, shifting over to Todoroki as well.

From a dark room in an unspecified location, Shigaraki was staring at his computer monitor, wishing he could climb through it and rip Hiroto to shreds.

However, he wasn't the only one that was interested in Hiroto, as many powerful figures around Japan were beginning to take notice of the boy who, no matter what was thrown at him, was never seen to be injured once at all.

A man who had half of his face covered, surrounded by numerous types of machines supporting him grinned, his thoughts currently unknown to outsiders, but he was leaking of nefarious intent.

In an apartment, a woman with dark skin and red eyes practically had her eyes glued on the screen showing Hiroto's figure. He adrenaline seemed to be pumping into overdrive, as she kept a big grin on her face from Hiroto's actions.

Moving back to the arena, Hiroto stood opposite of Todoroki once more, as he looked at the remains of the giant ice pillar that was used to encase him. Bringing his hand up, he 'lightly' tapped the ice pillar with the back of his hand.


From the point where Hiroto tapped, webbed cracks expanded through the pillar, causing it to lose stability as it crumbled into tiny snowflakes, with the remains being turned into a fine powder.

"Although that was good, it still won't be enough," Hiroto said, turning to Todoroki casually.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes, and said, "Are you just treating this as a game? Have you been playing around with me the entire time?"

Hiroto sighed, crossed his arms, and said, "Once you've reached my level of strength, everything that has to do with battling is just a game in the end. Except, I'm a broken character."

Todoroki stayed silent and got into another battle stance, saying, "If you won't take this fight seriously, then I'll have to force you."

Hiroto only said, "If you can do so, I'll be the one thanking you."

With that said, Todoroki flung his flames towards Hiroto, using the blanket of fire once more as a means of cover to get closer. However, when he got closer and the fire died down, Hiroto's figure had already disappeared.

"Using the same tricks twice won't work, you know?" Hiroto's voice rang out from behind Todoroki's ears.

Frowning, Todoroki, without looking back, pushed forward a giant wave of icicles, intent on having one of them at least piercing Hiroto, even if it wasn't possible.

Hiroto jumped up and dodged the icicles, landing on the tip of one of them. Todoroki then grinned and brought his right hand out into a fist, closing them with force.

From the icicles that Hiroto was standing on, more and more icicles suddenly protruded out of them, surrounding Hiroto's position instantly.

"T-This battle is getting crazy…" Present Mic said, with his sunglasses practically falling off of his face.

Aizawa added, "This is a fight between the top students amongst the freshman. Don't expect anything less."

Back in the stands, the students of class 1-A were watching the fight closely, making sure that they didn't miss a single detail. However, they all kept getting blown away after seeing the performance of the two.

"These two are crazy. It's like they're on a whole other level compared to us." Ojiro muttered.

"We're going to have to train like crazy if we want to catch up and not get left behind by those two," Eijiro said with his arms crossed.

Mina and Momo were sat next to each other, not saying a single word and only watching Hiroto.

Back in the arena, the moment more icicles protruded out of the existing ones, Hiroto had jumped up into the sky, with the shockwave left behind his step shattering the hill of ice completely, sending fragments back towards Todoroki who had to summon a wall of ice to block them.

Todoroki then cried out, "Stop playing around! Take this seriously already!!"

"...If that's what you want." Hiroto's voice rang out from above the arena, as his body slowly reached the apex of his jump just before he started falling. Todoroki narrowed his eyes and prepared himself for another attack.

From the sky, Hiroto flipped his body so that he was facing the ground. Without saying a word, he brought his arm back. Tensing his muscles, everyone within the stadium felt their blood boiling, as their inner instincts kept yelling at them to run, run as far away as they can and never return.

Then, Hiroto punched forward. For the audience and everyone watching, they saw an illusion of a giant fist descending down onto not just Hiroto, but everyone in the stadium, as they were all shaking and sweating intensely, too afraid to even breathe.

Present Mic and Aizawa couldn't move from their seats, as both of them, even though they were far away, could feel their body disobeying them, not wanting to get any closer to where Hiroto was.

Endeavor himself, was shaking in position, as he bit his lips with such force that they bled for being humiliated like this.

To Todoroki, that fist that he saw spelled out his own death. He wanted to move from his position, but no matter what, his body wouldn't respond as his brain was on the cusp of having a mental shutdown.

Then, the pressure suddenly retracted, as only a small, but powerful shockwave shot forward and unto Todoroki's position at a speed that no one could comprehend.


The shockwave passed through Todoroki harmlessly, blowing his hair and causing his clothes to flutter like crazy. However, the arena that he stood on completely shattered into a concrete fine sand. The ground beneath of it had numerous of cracks spreading outwards and up the walls of the stadiums to where the stands were, only stopping just before it extended upwards.

Todorki fell onto the ground, as he had nowhere else to stand on. He didn't react, however, as he kept staring up at the sky at Hiroto's figure as he fell onto the ground next to him.

Looking around the stadium, everyone had their jaws wide open, with their faces pale and sweating from the pressure they had all just felt.

Scratching his cheek, Hiroto said, "I may have gone a bit too far there…"

"You damn kid!" Hiroto's mother shouted from the stands as she stood up. Both of his parents were unharmed from the punch earlier. "Look at what you did to these people! Just you wait till we get home, you're going to get punished for going too far!"

Hiroto's father tried to calm down his wife, dragging her to sit back down as she was ready to practically jump onto the ring to discipline Hiroto.

Hiroto's classmate didn't know how to react. Then, Kaminari spoke up, "...I don't think we can ever reach his level…" Everyone else stayed silent, but then all slowly nodded.

From an apartment, the same dark-skinned woman with red eyes was panting heavily, as her ċhėst raised up and down with her adrenaline going into overdrive as her dėsɨrė to fight was getting to her head. Staring at the monitor as she was sweating from having felt the pressure from Hiroto's punch, she quickly fumbled for her phone and dialed for a certain skinny blonde's phone number.

The stadium stayed silent for a few more seconds, with Hiroto looking around and saying, "Uh, so did I win? He did touch the ground before I did." He pointed at Todoroki.

Snapping out of their dumbfounded state, the crowd didn't know how to react but then started to madly cheer and clap, spurred on by a certain overzealous mother.

"That was amazing!!"

"What was that? I practically felt my life flashing before my eyes!!"

"He's going to have a bright future ahead of him! I can't wait to see him debut as a pro Hero!"

Present Mic also snapped out of his state, as he scrambled to pull himself together, falling off his chair, "Argh! Uhm. Ahem. T-The winner is Moriyama, by disqualification from Todoroki for touching the ground… Not that there is an arena left for them to stand on… No matter, that will be a battle people will be talking about for weeks to come! Let's give a round of applause for our U.A. Sports Festival winner!! Hiroto Moriyama!! Plus Ultra!!!"

"Plus Ultra!!" The crowd all shouted out at once and applauded Hiroto crazily.

Hiroto was dumbfounded for a moment, as he thought, 'Well, at least they aren't scared of me. Good thing these people practically worship Heroes.'

Todoroki slowly got up from the ground, as he looked around the stadium and the cracked ground all around them. His hair was still in a mess from the force of Hiroto's shockwave.

He turned to Hiroto's figure, and up to the stands to where his father was, only to see that Endeavor was practically about to fall over unconscious, sweating heavily, causing him to have to lean on the railings to support his own body. Seeing this, a corner of his mouth raised in a smirk.

Even All Might himself felt the pressure from Hiroto's fist. With his keen senses, he knew that still didn't scratch the surface of Hiroto's strength.

Present Mic continued "That concludes the end of the U.A. Sports Festival!! We will begin the awarding ceremony shortly!.... Once the stadium is repaired, of course."

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