Eventually, the participants in this trip were going to me, Cortina and Finia, with Lyell, Maria and Fina, plus six plus one with Ka.

I can't help but worry about this one, even though Maria is getting pretty close to completeness.

Sprinkle with Yuji here, you won't be punished.

Besides, this time Fina is also making her debut in the hot springs.

As a sister, you'll never have to fit in the museum of your heart. Absolutely.

That's why I was renting a transcriber from Maxwell. Now I was breathing trying to shoot him as long as the magic lasted.

"There was a time when I thought so, too"

"Sir, we do not allow you to bring transcribers into the bathroom."

"... right"

Come to think of it, there was no way I could have brought a transcriber or anything like that to a place where a woman would expose her skin indefensibly.

The clerk politely, but firmly refused to bring it in, and I leave the crying transcriptor as a valuable item.

Maria is coming with me this time, so I was headed to the bathhouse for the average person.

Baths for beasts were to be bathed almost rented out, which is good for having few guests, because Cortina's purpose was to do so.

Even so, only the sauna was rented out because the innkeeper just didn't look good floating fleas.

This hot spring in the mist sauna will allow you to steam and grill fleas sufficiently.

"Look, you come too. You miss me alone."


"I live with you, so you might have fleas too."

"Cu, cu..."

That's what they said, and Ka couldn't turn it off, either, or he was roughly captured by Cortina.

The danger is ample because it is so fussy that it is comparable to Cortina in terms of the amount of hair it has.

Even if you drop Cortina fleas, it's Ami the original tree even if Ka still has fleas.

Let's have Cortina wash this place thoroughly.

"Maria is about Finna and Finia going in together, and should Nicole go in with her dad"

"Oh, no."

"Why, Daddy, you're lonely alone!

"I wish you could have taken me in the cloud"

"He said he burned his groin somehow, and this time he was dropping it off."

"It's Thai Hen"

Without a heart, looking away, I answered. Yes, everyone can make mistakes adding and subtracting.

Cloud walked away, hectically opposed to me in a rush to embrace me.

The adventurers around them watched, as if to see it even in horrible things.

Some of the people who looked envious decided not to see it.

"But look, I have people in Fina's bath, and I need to help"

"Ugh, Nicole's a good kid"

I get a nostalgic bear hug and I slam a lever blow into Lyell's flank silently.

But my punch couldn't do any damage to the stubborn, extreme guy's body.

When I can cuddle with a cucumber, I have meat on my chest to the extent that it crumbles. It's time for this guy to be separated, he's not in good shape.

I was hitting Dosdos and Body in a row enduring the heat and bitterness that seemed to suffocate, and Maria just put out a helpship for me.

"You, it's time to go. You'll be ready for dinner first, won't you?

"Oh, I did. You asked me to take you to your room."

Lyell letting go of his hand when Maria points me out. But by its side, Cortina was excited to spread her hands.

You can't even hold me if you want to. That's how it is.

This is, of course, about being alert to fleas that have nested in your own body. I'm no less than Cortina, and I have a lot of hair. Though limited to the head. Not yet from the neck down - no, it's nothing.

"Shit, I can't hold you right now, so Finia can moff you instead, okay?

"Then don't hesitate"


I was suddenly hugged from behind and I screamed oddly.

Cortina, I didn't know you were going to moff in the first place. I'm not that hairy. My hair is long though.

"Hmm, I've been getting better meaty lately, so I feel comfortable holding you"

"When you get out of the bath, it's my turn next!

"Yes, fully."

"What about my approval?

"What, you need it?

I overheard Cortina's words with my dead fishy eyes.

Height growth is slowing down, but the feeling of punippiness is increasing, so I am treated like this all the time.

I mean, what if we could just say that it's just women doing chest rubbing?

"Look, both of you, let's go, shall we? Mom can't wait either."

Maria heads to the stripper with her fina in her arms, without even trying to hide a rarely floating tone.

I guess I can't help but enjoy traveling with my family.

"See you later, then. 'Cause I think I'm gonna be a little long."

"Ha, my dad's gonna be soaking up lonely all by himself."

I'm just getting pathetic when I see Lyell heading to Bomb and Man Yu.

I felt sad about that back, and I accidentally spoke to Lyell.

"Well, if that's how it goes -"

"Is that true!?

"You can't, Master Nicole. It's okay to be nice, but I'm not old enough to put it in men's water anymore."

"Ugh, that's true"

"Grunt...... Finia has gotten a little too firm. Someone a little more defenseless would be hotter on a guy, huh?


Finia with Lyell without vegetarian care, but when she does go into male water with her current body, her gaze is going to get tough. Even though I'm still young, I'm in shape to make a woman feel good enough right now.

Besides, if you go to Man Yu, you won't be able to visit Fina's first hot spring.

We have to burn it to memory more raw than without a transcriber.

"That's not the only way. See you later, Dad."

"Ugh, Nicole, don't abandon me"

"I won't tell you anything sloppy"

"And ho, is this the sadness of a man's parents..."

I dropped my shoulder disappointingly, Lyell, and I decided to head to Woman's Water, too.

If you continue to hold on to your shin father, there are no boundaries. It may seem cold, but it's quicker to ignore it here.

When you think about it, it is also familiar to go into women's water. If I got in by mistake when I got back to the guy, I'd treat him like a criminal.

You have to be careful so that you don't accidentally make mistakes in the future.

Finia came to the stripper with me.

Phineas say I'm comfortable touching her, but even if it's me being held, she's comfortable being held these days.

Being an elf, she still seemed to grow a little bit.

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