As I walked into the bathroom with Finia, Maria and Fina were already immersed in the bathroom.

I finished hanging the water, too, and I'm going to come next to it.

Maria is soaking in the water holding Fina as she feels comfortable, but Fina looked like she couldn't hide her excitement in the wide bath she saw for the first time.

"Ahhh, right!

I'm bumming my little leg, bouncing off the water, laughing.

Hi. This kid seems to have a pretty good liver. I don't know why, because I know people.

Are you tired of your feet, now beat the basha basha surface with your hands, and make a water splash.


"Ah! Wow."

The water splash hits me as I move next door, and if it's funny how to prevent it, add more momentum and slap the surface.

"No, because Fina is a thug!

"Is Nicole going to say that?

"I was a bigger man, wasn't I?

"It was like he was an adult or just sleeping"

"Don't tell me that"

Pressing Fina's hand, she kicked the water out with her feet this time.

You're still a baby, but the driving works.


Take Fina from Maria and hug her all the time.

Um, don't be a habit of this puni feeling.

But it wasn't sweet enough to just cuddle with Fina. This neighborhood is just Lyell's daughter.

When she was sealed, she now sucked on this chest with her mouth.

Unlike every training field, it is a direct hit. The stimulus is just as intense.

"I said, hold on, Fina, it hurts straight. Because it hurts!"

"Finna preferred Nicole's breasts to mine."

"I'm glad to hear that, but the attack is too intense."

I've been studying a lot myself lately. This attack is a little too irritating.

Finia came there and called out to me.

"Dear Nicole, this time I'll rub it all together!

"With that said, we used to massage Finia."

"Yes, since then, I've been paying you back one day - but I didn't think I'd return the favor."

"Did I just say revenge or something?

"No, nothing"

That said, I'm pretty rattled in the fight against Goblin Road, too.

I can't tell you that I took away that stupid power, but I took it, so I'm burdened everywhere.

As I lay down on a bench set in the corner of the washroom, Finia and, for some reason, Maria were coming with me.

"That, too, Mom?

"Yeah, I'll massage you too this time. And of course Fina."


And Fina? s? and when I lay down with a question mark, I got a small feel around my hips.

After a while, the feeling starts hitting Becchibe and hips.

"Oh, this -"

"Fina's first massage."

Looking back, Maria was riding Fina over her hips, and Fina, happy with it, was bumming her legs.

There's hardly any massage effect, but this makes me feel warmer.

At the same time Finia stretched me from shoulder to arm.

"Oh, dear Nicole... aren't you strangely elaborate?

"My chest has been heavy lately."

"You're lying, it's not as elaborate as that. I need to be at least as good as Finia."

"Guru, is this the weight of an experienced person's words"

Needless to say, Maria has a frivolous chest.

That means I've experienced shoulder stiffness in that relationship before.

I guess I know exactly how much it starts to stir up.

Nothing. I'm a man, so I'm not... I don't have that kind of emotion.

While doing so, Finia's massage moves from shoulder to hip.

I feel comfortable with the occasional tight chest feel.

But there, I felt goosebumps chills.


"What's up?

Finia raises her question to me when she wakes up abruptly, but ignores it for now.

According to my ability to perceive, things need to be urgent.

I quickly saw what was likely to be a weapon, took the handkerchief that was by my side, and threw it over the partition of the open-air bath.

At that time, the handkerchief hits someone who tried to show his face, and someone falls.


I heard screams, along with the rattling and the sound of something breaking down.

The voice was one I was so used to hearing that I didn't like it.

"Oh. That's Lyell."

"I knew you were my dad."

"Oh, no way, Master Lyell did that -"

"'Cause that guy's been doing all the Yancha stuff for a long time, too"

Maria grins with a smile and a gentle smile. But the overflowing intent to kill isn't hidden.

I saw this as more anger from crushing Finia's ideals than from the act of trying to peek.

"As you can see, all men are wolves, so be careful, Finia"

"I didn't think Nicole would tell me that."

"I'm not so defenseless! I'd rather be on guard than people!

"I thought Nicole's vigilance was only working on life threatening issues."

"Hideous to my mom!?

But now Lyell's safety is more disturbing.

Maria, specialist in healing the human body. And he is also a specialist in human destruction.

What awaits you after this must be the magic of a painful healing to death.



I was a little happy that my palm voice and Fina's matched oddly.

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